LONDON (AP) — A key test for catching drug cheats in sports should be
scrapped because it fails to take into account vital ethnic variations,
according to a study by a leading Olympic anti-doping lab.
study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, claims the
testosterone test is "not fit for purpose" and should be replaced by a
system that tracks a competitor's biological patterns.
The study,
funded by football's world governing body FIFA, was conducted by
scientists at the anti-doping laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland.
is a naturally occurring hormone but is believed to be widely used as a
steroid in synthetic form to enhance performance among athletes.
Swiss researchers examined the testosterone levels of 171 football
players in six different countries after steroids were deliberately
added to their urine samples. The scientists studied the steroid
profiles of 57 Africans, 32 Asians, 50 Caucasians and 32 Hispanics using
a chemical analysis.
The researchers reported "significant differences" among the groups.
study found levels were naturally highest among Hispanic players, who
on average produced marginally more testosterone than Africans and
Caucasians and significantly more than Asians.
"These results
demonstrate that a unique and nonspecific threshold to evidence
testosterone misuse is not fit for purpose," the study said.
current WADA rules, any ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone
greater than 4-to-1 is considered evidence of possible doping. Such a
finding leads to further tests to look for synthetic testosterone.
on the genetic variations, the Swiss said the testosterone thresholds
were actually 5.8-to-1 for Hispanics, 5.7 for Caucasians, 5.6 for
Africans and 3.8 for Asians.
The World Anti-Doping Agency, which
accredits drug-testing labs around the world, said it was "well aware"
of the issue of ethnic variations. It said suspicious T/E results are
"just one of several warning signals" and are followed up by
carbon-isotope tests that are not affected by genetic factors.
spokesman Frederic Donze also said the agency has been working with the
Lausanne lab for more than three years on developing an athlete
passport program.
"This approach ... will allow anti-doping
organizations to monitor variations in the athlete's biological profile
and subsequently target-test or sanction based on abnormal variations,"
he said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "This detection strategy
is not affected by genetic variations."
There have been a number of high profile cases in sports involving testosterone:
American cyclist Floyd Landis tested positive with a
testosterone/epitestosterone ratio of 11:1 at the 2006 Tour de France.
He was later stripped of the Tour title and banned from cycling for two
_ New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez admitted using
banned substances from 2001-2003 after Sports Illustrated reported that
he tested positive for Primobolan and testosterone during baseball's
anonymous survey in 2003.
_ Two Belorussian hammer throwers were
stripped of silver and bronze medals from the Beijing Olympics after
testing positive for testosterone.
The ethnic variations, the
Swiss study said, make it impossible to apply a universal benchmark for
testosterone doping. The scientist instead called for the introduction
of a passport system, which measures variations in individual athletes.
if we apply different thresholds we will not be sensitive enough in
detection of testosterone and we have to use another system," Christophe
Saudan, a researcher with the Lausanne lab, said in a telephone
interview. "Now we have to turn to the biological passport which takes
into account the individual range of the athlete.
"The athlete is his own reference. We have to look at the athlete's reference rather than a population reference."
passport system would measure an athlete's baseline blood and urine
profiles against numbers gleaned from later tests. Such "longitudinal"
tests wouldn't necessarily look for specific substances, but could
detect changes in body chemistry that would indicate use.
Dvorak, FIFA's chief medical officer, said of more than 25,000 doping
controls carried out each year from 2004-08 in world football, just 51
tested positive for anabolic steroids.
"In our experience over
the past five years we have not found any single one T/E ratio between 4
and 6 which has proven to be a positive case," Dvorak said. "We see
that there are ethnical differences."
Dvorak, a member of WADA's
health, medical and research committee, said he would submit the study
to the panel's next meeting in Montreal in September.
chairman of the International Olympic Committee's medical commission,
Arne Ljungqvist, said the research confirmed what was already known by
anti-doping experts and did not cast fresh doubt on previous positive
"Using T/E ratios is fairly accurate and useful as a screening method but it is never the final proof," Ljungqvist said.
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