No one said it was easy being a woman. But it does have some
advantages — for example, women outlive men by five years on average.
Research indicates that women also have a lower risk than men of
developing several medical conditions. Here's a look at five of them:
5.Parkinson's disease
Based on an analysis of seven studies, University of Virginia School
of Medicine researchers reported that men are 1.5 times more likely than
women to develop Parkinson's disease.
One reason for the difference, the researchers said in their 2004
study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, may be
that estrogen protects women against the neurodegenerative disorder. The
effect, however, was not well understood.
Among those who have Parkinson's, some symptoms may be more
pronounced in women. For example, female patients suffered more chronic
fatigue than male patients did in a study conducted by researchers at
Akershus University Hospital in Norway and published last year in the
journal Movement Disorders.
4.Liver cancer
Women are less likely than men to develop hepatocellular carcinoma,
the most common type of liver cancer. The incidence rate for men is
approximately three times higher, according to a 2010 report by the CDC.
Researchers at the University of Bologna in Italy reached a similar
conclusion in 2001 after studying 417 Italian patients, 313 of them with
liver cirrhosis (a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma) and the
rest with hepatocellular carcinoma. The study appeared in the journal
And women with fatal cases of liver cancer may live months longer
than men with the disease. University of Pittsburgh researchers
discovered that women whose tumors could not be surgically removed lived
five months longer, on average, according to a 2008 study published in
Hepatology International.
Of the estimated 68,000 people in the United States who were
diagnosed with melanoma in 2010, nearly 39,000 — or 57 percent —were
men, according to the National Cancer Institute.
One reason for the lower incidence rate among women could be that
they take more preventive steps in protecting their skin. In a survey of
31,428 Americans by Centracare Clinic researchers in Minnesota last
year, 11.2 percent of women said they stay in the shade, compared with
6.2 percent of men. The study appeared in the American Journal of
(Beyond gender, University of Texas Medical Branch researchers found
an association between melanoma rates and people's income. Melanoma was
more common among Americans with higher incomes, who perhaps more
commonly exposed themselves to the sun. However, those who were less
well off were more likely to be diagnosed at later stages of the disease
and had worse survival rates, according to a 2005 review published in
Medical Science Monitor.)
2.Barrett's esophagus
Women seem less likely than men to develop Barrett's
esophagus, a condition in which the lining of the esophagus is damaged
by stomach acid. The condition was half as common in women as men among
Mayo Clinic patients being treated for esophageal problems, according to
a 2006 study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch also found that
Barrett’s esophagus was more common among men. Their 2009 study was
published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences.
And in examining hospitalizations linked with gastroesophageal reflux
disease last year, researchers at the Portland VA Medical Center in
Oregon said they found both Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer to
be more common in male than female patients. The study appeared in
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Female sex hormones may protect women from developing Barrett's
esophagus, but further work is needed to understand the differences,
researchers at University of Regensburg in Germany wrote in a 2009
review in the journal Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie.
1.Head and neck cancers
Women are about one-third as likely as men to develop squamous
cancers of the head and neck, according to a 2005 study published in the
cancer journal CA. (Squamous cancers arise from thin, flat cells found
in the skin's surface and the lining of the body's organs and passages.)
And National Cancer Institute researchers found that male smokers had
higher incidence rates of head and neck cancer than female smokers,
according to a 2007 study in the journal Cancer.
In a study published in Cancer last year, researchers suggested that
higher estrogen and progesterone levels may lower women's risk for head
and neck cancers and cancers of the upper gastrointestinal tract,
including the stomach and esophagus.
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