Origin of photosynthesis revealed by a ‘living fossil’
A schematic image of the
"living fossil" Cyanophora paradoxa that is a member of the algal phylum
Glaucophyta. (Bhattacharya Laboratory)
Recently, the complete genome
of a glaucophyte alga (Cyanophora paradoxa) has been unraveled by an
international consortium led by Dr. Debashish Bhattacharya from Rutgers
A schematic image of the "living fossil" Cyanophora paradoxa that is a
member of the algal phylum Glaucophyta. (Bhattacharya Laboratory)
From the University of Freiburg, Dr. Stefan Rensing and Aikaterini
Symeonidi (Faculty of Biology), contributed to the analysis of the
genome by performing classification and phylogenomic analyses of the
encoded transcription factors as well as by checking for and removing
genomic contaminations.
The results are published in the current issue of the journal Science.
Today's plants and algae, which form the base of many food chains,
contain little green reactors (plastids) that transform gaseous carbon
dioxide to sugar by means of photosynthesis. The genome of the early
diverging alga C. paradoxa provides conclusive evidence for the fact
that more than one billion years ago plastids were acquired in a single
evolutionary event, through so-called primary endosymbiosis. The present
day plastids we find in land plants, red and green algae and in the
glaucophyte algae, such a C. paradoxa, can all be traced back to that
single crucial event, enabling eukaryotes to gain energy from sunlight.
The relatively small (~70Mbp) genome was sequenced and analysed by a
team of 30 scientists from six countries. Since it represents the
earliest lineage to branch off from what became today's land plants, it
is expected to be of high value for many future comparative genomics
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