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Saturday, October 1, 2011

European people originated from around current Iran

Indo-European languages originated somewhere North or South of the Black Sea and spread from there. It is highly unlikely the initial "Aryan" invaders ever had ancestors who live along the Mediterranean coast on the European or African side, and it is most likely (due to similar customs and religious features) they came strait from modern day Iran through Afghanistan into Northern India.

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Most research points to somewhere around the Black Sea, some think North, some think South, it just depends, somewhere between Ukraine and modern Turkey.

My guess it is likely the Ukrainian steppe.

However we do not know what "color" of skin or hair these people had, that is speculation. We are talking about 6,000 years ago.

Since very light skin and hair originated around the Baltic, likely in non-Indo-European (aboriginal European) populations, it is unlikely these Indo-Europeans were very "fair" in complexion, eye color, or hair color.

Even today in Europe you can see the epicenter of light eyes and hair is still the Baltic region.

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The genes for light hair, blondism, did not occur until 11-12,000 years ago. There were no Indo-European speaking people who lived in Europe at a time when no Indo-European speaking peoples are believed to have lived in modern Europe (well, at least not in the Baltic area, maybe in Southeast Ukraine). Indo-Europeans seemed to have migrated into Europe much later and brought is believed they mixed with locals, but also there was population replacement at least in the Balkin and the Eastern Alps, but by that time the aboriginal Europeans started farming themselves and adopting Indo-European languages (like proto-Celtic/Italic).

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My point is, it is not clear what the earliest Indo-European speakers (Indo-Iranians to be specific) looked like. We know they lived in Iran and Afghanistan (as Indo-Iranian speaking people have since recorded history) but we don't know where they came from before that or who they mixed

We definitely don't know they lived on the Mediterranean or had light hair. LOL

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