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Monday, November 7, 2011

Comet Elanin (Nibiru) Predicted to hit earth in 1999


Many Scholars of Nostradamus believed the "Great, King of Terror from the sky" was a "Doomsday" Comet.

This is because Nostradamus has several predictions of a Comet that will Impact or near pass earth and trigger global destruction.

"During the appearance of
The Bearded Star, the three
great princes will be made
enemies. The shaky peace on
earth will be struck by fire
from the skies. Po, The
winding Tiber, a serpent placed
on the shore." C2 Q4

MABUS will soon die,
Then will come a horrible
slaughter of people and animals
At once vengance revealed coming
from a hundred hands
"Thirst and Famine when
The Comet shall pass
C2 Q72



A Doomsday Comet did not near pass earth in The Year "1999 and Seven Months? (be it July or Sept).

Actually Nostradamus never said the Comet would pass earth in the year 1999 and seven months.

"After a great misery for
mankind, an ever greater approaches
The great cycle of the centuries
renewed, it will rain blood, milk,
famine, war disease
In the sky will be seen a great fire
dragging a trail of sparks."
C2 Q 46

The great "cycle of the centuries renewed" was the year 2000 AD, The New Millennium.

I believe the "Great, King of "Terror from the sky", that Nostradamus predicts, is the Coming of NIBIRU, The Comet Planet.

Nostradamus sees NIBURU, The Comet Planet near passing Earth (or Impact) sometime AFTER the year "1999 and seven months" and causing great destruction that triggers W.W.III.

Nostradamus studied ancient History and the occult including the beliefs and religions of anceint Sumer and Babylon. I am sure that Nostradamus was aware of the Comet Planet, its 3600 year passing of the earth and the cataclysmic damage that Nibiru can cause.

"In the Year 1999 and seven months
The Great, King of Terror shall
come from the sky. He will bring to
life the King of The Mongols. Before
and after, Mars reigns happily."
C10 Q 72.

I believe Nostradamus predicted that NASA would first see NIBIRU, The Comet Planet, approaching earth in JULY 1999.

In July 1999, a small Comet, Comet Lee 1, caused mass attention as this Comet was seen by earth- based observatories. Many Nostradamus scholars mistakenly believed Comet Lee 1 was The "Doomsday" Comet that Nos' wrote of.

Nostradamus spoke of the coming of The Comet Planet, that would near earth and cause great destruction, soon after The Year "1999 and seven months".

Part Two of Quatrain C10 Q72

"In the year 1999 and seven months
The Great, King of Terror shall
come from the sky. He will bring to
life the King of The Mongols. Before
and after, Mars reigns happily."
C10 Q 72

In terms of Astronomy, the planet MARS is closer to earth today, then it has been in the last 60,000 years as of 27 AUG 2003 AD.

In terms of Astrology, MARS is the ancient god and planet that influences War and since JULY 1999, "Mars reigns happily" as WAR EXPLODES ACROSS THE WORLD!


SEPT 1999: Palestinians launch "Intifada", non stop terror attacks against Israel.

SEPT 11 2001: Terrorists Planes Hit World Trade Center.

NOV 2001: USA Goes To War in Afghanistan.

MARCH 2003: USA & Britain go to war against Saddam In Iraq: JAN 1 2005: Terror Attacks and War Rages Across IRAQ, No End In Sight.

JAN 1 2005: Iran and N Korea pursue nuclear weapons programs: Terror Attacks in Iraq threaten JAN 30 elections.


Part Three of Quatrain C10 Q72

"He (Comet) shall bring to life
the king of the Mongols.

The resulting destruction (famine) caused by the Comet Planet will cause CHINA to go to war (King of Mongols). After An Asteroid Crashes Into The Ocean.

Nostradamus tells us two more facts about the passing of NIBIRU, The Comet Planet.

There will appear towards the
seven stars of Ursa Minor and Polaris
Not far from Cancer,
The Bearded Star
Susa, Siena,Boeotia, Great Rome
will die, the night having vanished
C6 Q 6.

Nostradamus sees NIBIRU, The Comet Planet coming toards Earth from Cancer, from the south, passing thru the Big Dipper to North Star.

The Great Star will blaze for
Seven days, The Cloud will cause two
suns to appear.
The Huge dog will howl at night
When the great pontiff will
Change lands." C2 Q41

Nostradamus sees the Comet Planet visible to earth for seven days. It will bring destruction upon BRITAIN (great dog) Rome and The Vatican (pontiff).

The Following Cataclysm Happens After The Tribulation Is Underway and Not Before It Starts.


The Comet Planet will pass thru the Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars as it nears earth. Its trajectory will either be Direct Impact or it will near pass earth and send a Large Asteroid hurtling towards us.

12 Jan 2005, NASA launched "Deep Impact", a satellite that will smash Comet Temple 1 on JULY 4 2005, as it passes between Jupiter and Mars. This does seem to be "Target Practice" for the real and coming threat from The Comet Planet.

In a future, Doomsday Scenario, NASA and possibly Russia will launch specially equipped, nuclear weapons that shatter this Comet or Asteroid as it targets earth. However it rains burning fragments {meteors} upon The World.

This is virtually the exact scenario we read of in Revelation, chapter 8.

"The first angel sounded: and
hail and fire, mingled with
blood, and they were thrown
to the Earth; and a third of the
trees were burnt up, and all
green grass was burned up."

One Third of The Earth Will
Be Lit On Fire

Then A Worse Horror

One large fragment, an Asteroid, approximately a mile in diameter, Will then crash into the sea and the result is catastrophic.

"Then the second angel sounded;
and something like a great
mountain burning with fire was
thrown into the sea, and a third
of the sea became as blood;
and a third of the living creatures
in the sea died and a third of the
ships were destroyed."

Nostradamus saw this Asteroid crash into the sea, sometime in the new Millennium of 2000 AD.

"The great mountain, one mile
in circumference, After peace,
war, famine flooding...
It will spread far, drowning
antiquities and their mighty
C1 Q69

Nostradamus goes on to tell us where this Asteroid will splash down
"At the place where Jason built
his ships, there will be such a
great sudden flood that no
on the land will have a place to
fall on. The waters mount the
Olympus Festulan."
C8 Q16

Many interpret Olympus Festulan to mean Mt. Olympus, near Greece. As this mountain is close to 10,000 ft high, we are looking at a massive tidal wave.

Nostadamus has more predictions about this Asteroid Impact to the sea.

1}. "heat upon the water like that of the Sun, around Negrepont, the fish will become half cooked". C2 Q3

2}."Seven times it {tidal wave} approaches the sea shore of Monaco", C3 Q10

3} "very near the Tiber hurries the
Angel of Death. A short while before
a great flood.' C2 Q93

All of this indicates the Asteroid will initially hit the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean Ocean {the island of Negrepont/modern day Evvoia}.

The impact/heat blast upon the water would be equal to the force of 1000-megaton nuclear missile.

Massive Tidal Waves will flood Monaca, Mt. Olympus, Athens and major parts of Italy {Tiber River} including Florence.

The Book of Revelation places this Asteroid Impact in REV:8:10, during the Great Tribulation, when Antichrist is on the world scene as the Messiah and Avatar (world teacher).

Many will question Antichrist and his claim to control "The Forces Of Nature. In light of this destruction from space, millions will realize he is The False Messiah

Next in The Book of Revelation, we see another burning object impact Earth from the sky.

"Then the third angel sounded;
And a great star fell from Heaven,
burning like a torch, and it fell
upon a third of the rivers and
on the springs of water,

"and the name of the star is
called Wormwood; and a third
of the waters became as worm-
wood; and many men died from
the water because it was made

This star "Wormwood" is either an ICBM Nuclear Missile or a massive chunk of The COMET PLANET. The destruction caused by the first two cataclysms will trigger mass plague and famine leading to W.W.III. When China the "King of The Mongols" is "brought to life" (C10 Q72) and Wages War.

This burning star "Wormwood hits the waters of America, The N.East Coast.

Nostradamus also seems to describe "Wormwood" and his vision/quatrains.

The sky will burn at 45 degrees
latitude, fire approaches the new
city. Suddenly a huge, scattered
flame leaps up, when they want
to have verification from the
Normans {France}.
C6 Q 97

New York City sits at 45 degrees latitude. Normans represents France, NATO. This makes complete sense. The USA Military would contact Nato for "verification" if this object was a Nuclear Missile or a Comet? (for if Wormwood is a nuclear missile, The USA would launch a nuclear response).


Nostradamus sees a Comet, which I believe is NIBIRU, The Comet Planet, causing great destruction and WW III. Nostradamus sets a time frame around 2012 AD.

The Book of Revelation (chapter 8) also speaks of A Comet that brings Great Destruction upon the world and trigger WW III. Revelation gives no date as to when this event will happen.

THE BIBLE CODE does seem to give A Date when "Wormwood" will impact the Atlantic Ocean and Flood NYC: between 2010 and 2012 AD.

What will happen when Nibiru, The Comet Planet passes earth again? Will It's Powerful Gravitational Pull Cause Polar Shift? Mass Flooding? A Chain Reaction of Major Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions world wide? or be blown apart by NASA and shower the earth with flaming meteors?

Imagine the horror of The Dec 26 Tsunami happening simultaneously around the world and we get an idea of the magnitude of what is to come.

This is exactly what JESUS spoke of in Matt 24 which parallels Revelation;

"For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there shall be earthquakes in many places, plagues and famines".(Matt:24:7).

It does seem JESUS is speaking of Cataclysmic destruction caused by the passing of NIBIRU, The Comet Planet. When The Great Tribulation is well underway, as the First seal is broken in Rev:6:2, The Judgments upon the world.

If the Comet Planet will pass earth around 2012 AD then earth based observatories should start to see NIBIRU sometime between 2006 and 2011 AD.


The Destruction brought by The Doomsday Comet happens DURING The Great Tribulation to come and not before.

This Time of Tribulation, lasting seven years, is the Last Chance for Humanity (Sinful Christians and the world) to make Heaven. Millions will Repent, Accept JESUS as Savior and Follow Him as Lord during the Darkest time in human history, When Satan rules the world thru Antichrist 666

The Good News is

JESUS Is Coming For His Faithful Followers, His "Faithful Remnant", The Church of Philadelphia Believers, in The FIRST OF TWO RAPTURE EVENTS!

The Lord will take His True Followers to Heaven before the Start of The Great Tribulation and The Destruction caused by The Comet Planet (Rev:3:10).

I will leave you with JESUS Warning in The Gospel. Never have His Words been more revelevant than for today.

"Watch therefore and pray always
That you may be "accounted worthy"
To ESCAPE all of this things that
shall come upon the earth and
Stand before The Son of Man."

God Bless You In These End Times
Pastor Harry
Church of Philadelphia- Internet.

fn: I have been following Nostradamus" Predictions with this site since SEPT 1997. I remember back in FEB 1999, many Nostradamus sites were convinced that Comet Lee 1 would smash earth in "1999 and seven months". I sent a letter to NASA, asking them about COMET LEE and if it had the possibility of impact with Earth.

NASA wrote me back from the JPL and told me there was zero chance that Comet Lee `1 could hit earth as it would pass at least 900 million miles from earth.

NASA was correct about Comet Lee and 1999. I wonder what they will write me about 2012 AD and The Comet Planet?

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