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Friday, February 28, 2014
때와 관련해여 재밌는 일제시대 일화를 소개하겠다...
동양의 때미는 문화
때는 조센만 미는줄 안다.
때미는 문화는 중국이 원조이며
지금도 중국 대중목욕탕 가면 때민다.
일본또한 우리처럼 전신 때를 밀지는 않으나
등만 미는 문화는 있었다 예전부터
마치 때미는 문화는 조센만의 문화인것처럼
생각하는 조센징들이
재미있는 이야기
잠깐 앉아서 기다리고 있는데....
저쪽에서.. 한사람이... 조깅을 하고 있었습니다..
"부지런한 사람이네.."
그런데... "허거덕...."
말이 안나오는 광경이 펼쳐졌습니다.
한마리의 고양이가..... 방울소리를 일으키며......
"뭐야..... 개가 뛰듯.. 뭐야.. 진동이.. 저게 어떻게..."
같이 뛰고 있는 것이었습니다!~
어떻게.. 고양이가 뛰는데.. 무게가 느껴지고... 진동이 느껴지고... 이게 말이 안나왔습니다.
"참으로 신비한 세회에 신기한 생명체다. 어떻게...."
문제가.... 그 사람이 조깅하듯 몇바퀴 도는거 같았습니다.. 다시 내 눈앞이었는데... 잠시 쉬면서...... 힐끗.... 내가 고양이를 신기하게 보니..... 대충 한마디 하더군요.
"씨발... 개처럼 충성 잘하면 뭘해..... 쥐도 못잡는 놈인데...."
아.. 맙소사.... 알고 봤더니...
"고양이가 무거워지면 원래 못잡어! 쥐를!"
느려져서.... 아.. 맙소사!
쥐못잡는 고양이의 조깅.. 이라 이름붙여아 하나 싶었습니다...
Thursday, February 27, 2014
후백제는 백제와 관계 없다
후백제는 일본에 참전을 요청했으나 거절당했다. 후당에도 조공했지만, 이름뿐인 관직밖에 얻지 못하고, 실질적 원조는 없었다.
후백제는 고려와 신라를 침공하기 위해 일본에게 전쟁 참여를 요청했지만 거절 당했다.
중국의 후당에도 조공을 했지만 이름 뿐인 관직만 얻었다. 또한 전쟁 참여를 안했다.
후백제는 역시 천하디 천한 천민 출신이서 당시의 일본과 중국의 후당에게 거절 당함.
변한인의 머리는 납작하다
兒生, 便以石厭 其頭, 欲其褊. 今辰韓人皆褊頭
어린 아이가 출생하면 곧 돌로 그 머리를 눌러서 납작하게 만들려 하기 때문에, 지금 진한 사람의 머리는 모두 납작하다.
이 말은 진한 사람 즉 신라 사람의 해골은 납작머리다 라고 하는 것이다.
백제인과 왜인은 어월족이다
문헌에서 왜인이라는 명칭은 일본 열도가 발견되기 이전부터도 쓰이고 있었는데 해상 무역과 어업에 종사하던 오월족을 가리킨 것이다 이들이 후일 백제를 만들었고 언어는 신라와 달랐다 신라측 기록을 보면 왜인이 쳐들어왔다는 언급이 수십 차례 있는데 바다 건너 왔다는 말은 두어 번밖에 없고 전부 육로로 쳐들어왔다 이 왜인은 백제인을 말한 것이다 왜인은 백제인과 일본섬으로 망명해 간 백제인을 아울러 의미한 것이다 이후 백제가 멸망하고 신라와 당나라가 섬나라에 전쟁 배상을 받는 과정에서 왜는 대륙에의 권리를 포기하면서 일본으로 국호를 바꾼다
한국인은 중앙아시아.서역에서 건너온 알타이계 유목 민족이 정착해 여러 씨족을 하나로 통합시킨 신라인의 후손이고 백제, 고구려는 중국 대륙 쪽에서 건너온 한국인과 일본인의 공통 조상인 셈이다 한국어는 신라어에 가깝고 일본어는 고구려, 백제의 언어에 가깝다
한국의 벼와 쌀은 인도 중동에서 온 것이다
일본 중국과 달리 신라의 농경 문화는 서역에서 전파된 것이다 "미"가 한국어에서는 "벼" "쌀"로 불린다 이런 발음은 한국 주변국에는 없고 인도나 중동쪽에서 발견된다
일본은 백제의 후예이다
- nani****
신라인은 중앙아시아.서역에서 건너온 알타이계 유목 민족의 후손으로 한국인의 직접 뿌리다 이들의 신화는 하늘에 뜬 10개의 태양 중 9개를 화살로 쏴서 격추시킨 것이 유명하다 반면 중국 대륙 계열에 가까운 고조선의 천손설은 고구려와 백제를 거쳐 오히려 일본이 물려 받았다 한국인은 여러 씨족을 하나로 통합시킨 신라인의 후손이며 고구려와 백제를 더 잘 물려 받은 것은 일본이다 까마귀길조, 무사정신, 갑옷과 도검의 착용법과 관복과 언어까지 더 잘 간직하고 있다 일본 천황은 백제 계열로 천손설을 표방
2014.02.28 오전 12:00 모바일에서 작성 | 신고
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
can human live on drinking seawater?
Drinking seawater can be deadly to humans

One of the instruments scientists can use to measure salinity is a CTD rosette, which measures the Conductivity (salinity), Temperature, and Depth of the water column.
Seawater contains salt. When humans drink seawater, their cells are thus taking in water and salt. While humans can safely ingest small amounts of salt, the salt content in seawater is much higher than what can be processed by the human body. Additionally, when we consume salt as part of our daily diets, we also drink liquids, which help to dilute the salt and keep it at a healthy level. Living cells do depend on sodium chloride (salt) to maintain the body’s chemical balances and reactions; however, too much sodium can be deadly.
Human kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water. Therefore, to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking seawater, you have to urinate more water than you drank. Eventually, you die of dehydration even as you become thirstier.
유럽나라들의 음악은 우월하다
blacks are not hametic comment
AhaYAH Bepraised
1 week ago · Shared publiclyRomans settled in iberia
Romans didn't like germans
Roman historian Tacitus described germans have blue eyes and red or blonde hair
The Germania begins with a description of the lands, laws, and customs of the Germanic people (Chapters 1–27); it then segues into descriptions of individual tribes, beginning with those dwelling closest to Roman lands and ending on the uttermost shores of the Baltic, among the amber-gathering Aesti, theFenni, and the unknown tribes beyond them.
Tacitus says (Ch. 2) that physically, the Germanic peoples appear to be a distinct nation, not an admixture of their neighbors, as nobody would desire to migrate to a climate as horrid as that of Germania. They are divided into three large branches, theIngaevones, the Herminones and theIstaevones, deriving their ancestry from three sons of Mannus, son of Tuisto, their common forefather. In Chapter 4, he mentions that they all have common physical characteristics, blue eyes (truces et caerulei oculi = "sky-coloured, azure, dark blue, dark green), reddish hair ( rutilae comae = "red, golden-red, reddish yellow") and large bodies, vigorous at the first onset but not tolerant of exhausting labour, tolerant of hunger and cold but not of heat.[2]
the most handsome people live in eastern europe
I speak romanian and I can asure you that there are more similarities between romanian and germanic languages than between italian or spanish and germanic languages. BTW I speak spanish and russian as well.
friend = prieten
dad = tata
The problem of western europens is that you don't know much about East Europe and their languages. Most of easterners visited at least once the West Europe and they can compare better who is who, besides this they know some english, some german, some french and so on, so they can compare western languages with their eastern ones. How much of you know russian, ukranian, romanian and so on? Russian have a lot of common words with all germanic languages, especially with northern brench, it seems like russians are slavonized germanic people. I also visited Spain, France, Italy, Germany and I can say that the most handsome people live in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus.
Europeans had dark hair and dark eyes
It is partly correct. The ancestors of Germanic people belonged to haplogroup I1, and a bit to I2b as well, but not I2a.Interesting to read about haplogroup I. This is the root of all the ancestors of the Germanic tribes. It means that it has arrived about
4000 BC in Scandinavia. In those times there was no agriculture in Sweden, so members of haplogroup I descend from the Mesolithic hunters who lived in Western Europe (Germany and France).
Furthermore, they did not become "Germanic" until they blended with the Indo-European R1a people (from the Corded-Ware culture) and the latter arrival of R1b from Central Europe (date unknown, but probably between 2000 and 1000 BCE). The R1b brought the centum branch of Indo-European languages that would, after fusion with the existing language, become ancient Germanic.I believe that the various IE languages that developed in Western Europe are all dialects of the Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic, that have partially absorbed the local languages of the region where they settled. In other words, Germanic and Italo-Celtic (now Romance) languages are all IE languages hybridised with pre-existing Neolithic tongues.It has been discovered that one third of the Germanic words is not
Indo-European. Perhaps these bearers of Haplogroup I spoke a language
with words which were not Indo-European.
The question is, did these Neolithic languages originated in the native European hunter-gatherers, in the Near-Eastern languages of the early farmers, or hybrids of both ? I prefer to favour the hybrid theory whenever in doubt. I just cannot believe that two groups of people merging into one would choose to speak only the language of one group without taking any loan words at all from the other. Naturally, one must have been dominant, at least for the grammatical structure.We will know more about this soon. The Y-DNA, mtDNA and autosomal DNA for hair and eye colour of 250 individuals from the Funnelbeaker culture (aka TRB, 4000-2700 BCE) is currently being tested in Germany. I am really looking forward to see the results. This could confirm or disprove my whole theory about the Indo-Europeans bringing haplogroups R1a and R1b to Europe, and native Europeans belonging to haplogroup I. After all, the Genographic Project of National Geographic still insist that Paleolithic Western Europeans belonged to haplogroup R1b. I have clearly explained that this didn't make sense. I hope that ancient DNA tests will prove me right.What is known about the hair and eyes colours of haplogroup I?
Because I read that R1a had genes for fair hair.
In 1943/1944 some skeletons were discoverd in Skane (south Sweden)
from 4 a 5000 BC. I read that they looked like the modern Swedes
and had a nordic appearance.
I expect the Y-DNA results to belong primarily to haplogroup I1 or pre-I1 (a few defining mutations missing because they had not yet appeared in 3000 BCE), and possibly a bit of E1b1b, J2b and T, as Scandinavia was already a farming society.
I also think that the Indo-Europeans brought blond and red hair and blue eyes to Europe, based on the fact that all of them can be found in Central and South Asia, where haplogroup I is absent. But it is not impossible that fair hair and eyes existed in Europe before the IE migrations, if the mutations date from the Ice Age. It could very well be linked to mtDNA haplogroups U5, H1, H3 and/or V, which are found throughout Europe, including the IE homeland. But the very low incidence of fair hair and eyes among the Basques and Saami rather suggests that Europeans had dark hair and eyes before the Indo-European invasions.
The DNA evolution of northen europeans I1 (fair air and eyes color) was similar to R1a the refuge was near the black sea for those 2 haplogroups the spread of R1a to South Asia was long time after that period . "indo europeans" (there is not yet evidences about the origin of this langage or culture) was first europeans on the Black Sea area like I1c or R1a etc ...It is partly correct. The ancestors of Germanic people belonged to haplogroup I1, and a bit to I2b as well, but not I2a.
Furthermore, they did not become "Germanic" until they blended with the Indo-European R1a people (from the Corded-Ware culture) and the latter arrival of R1b from Central Europe (date unknown, but probably between 2000 and 1000 BCE). The R1b brought the centum branch of Indo-European languages that would, after fusion with the existing language, become ancient Germanic.
I believe that the various IE languages that developed in Western Europe are all dialects of the Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic, that have partially absorbed the local languages of the region where they settled. In other words, Germanic and Italo-Celtic (now Romance) languages are all IE languages hybridised with pre-existing Neolithic tongues.
The question is, did these Neolithic languages originated in the native European hunter-gatherers, in the Near-Eastern languages of the early farmers, or hybrids of both ? I prefer to favour the hybrid theory whenever in doubt. I just cannot believe that two groups of people merging into one would choose to speak only the language of one group without taking any loan words at all from the other. Naturally, one must have been dominant, at least for the grammatical structure.
We will know more about this soon. The Y-DNA, mtDNA and autosomal DNA for hair and eye colour of 250 individuals from the Funnelbeaker culture (aka TRB, 4000-2700 BCE) iscurrently being tested in Germany. I am really looking forward to see the results. This could confirm or disprove my whole theory about the Indo-Europeans bringing haplogroups R1a and R1b to Europe, and native Europeans belonging to haplogroup I. After all, the Genographic Project of National Geographic still insist that Paleolithic Western Europeans belonged to haplogroup R1b. I have clearly explained that this didn't make sense. I hope that ancient DNA tests will prove me right.
I expect the Y-DNA results to belong primarily to haplogroup I1 or pre-I1 (a few defining mutations missing because they had not yet appeared in 3000 BCE), and possibly a bit of E1b1b, J2b and T, as Scandinavia was already a farming society.
I also think that the Indo-Europeans brought blond and red hair and blue eyes to Europe, based on the fact that all of them can be found in Central and South Asia, where haplogroup I is absent. But it is not impossible that fair hair and eyes existed in Europe before the IE migrations, if the mutations date from the Ice Age. It could very well be linked to mtDNA haplogroups U5, H1, H3 and/or V, which are found throughout Europe, including the IE homeland. But the very low incidence of fair hair and eyes among the Basques and Saami rather suggests that Europeans had dark hair and eyes before the Indo-European invasions.
''The mutations responsible for blue eye colour most likely originate from the north-west part of the Black Sea region, where the great agricultural migration of the northern part of Europe took place in theNeolithic periods about 6,000 to 10,000 years ago,'' the researchers report in the journal Human Genetics.Nico
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- can human live on drinking seawater?
- 유럽나라들의 음악은 우월하다
- blacks are not hametic comment
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- 이온 리튬 배터리는 완전 방전 완전 충전 시키지마라
- 리튬 배터리는 자주자주 충전하고 완전방전 시키 거나 완전 충전 시키는 것 은 좋지않다
- 신라는 백제의 속국
- 백제 왜 남조와의 관계
- 아신왕은 응신천황이다
- 신라는 뒷통수 중상모략의 달인
- 백제 야마토 중국남조의 대화 연호
- 태화는 백제 연호가 아니다 대화
- 일본의 북방계 유물
- 백제는 남조송나라의 후예
- 이명 메니에르병
- 탈수와 뇌손상
- 물과 소금을 많이 먹어라
- 만성탈수 증상은 피곤하고 잠이 오지 않는다