Hamitic History from Hamitics and by Hamitics
This site is done by E-M35 E-V13 Hamitic Roman and Latino Dark Knights
In honor of our Forefathers Adham, Noah, Ham, Cush, Nimrod, Dardanus, Ilus, Latinus, and Romulos.
HABEMUS PAPAM Latino Americano
A site Dedicated to all Hamitics of Haplogroup E and D, a place where you belong!
Hamitics coming out and rising out of the Sea of Nations, Tribes and Tongues
We The E-V13s Are the Mighty Hunters Before the Lord.
(LatinuX RomanoX) PaX Romana
The rise of the E-V13 Dark Knights! Going forth Conquering and to Conquer.
Welcome to the Resurrection of the Global Roman Empire
The Hamitic New World Order
Novus Ordo Seclorum – Annuit Cœptis – MMXII XII XII
2012 12 12 Marks the day when the Gate of Elohim was opened again
To resurrect the great king of the Angolmois. Before that Mars reigns for happiness. (Nostradamus C.10:72)
Of all Torrent and field of Athens
They will be surprised by light cavalry,
By Albanois Mars, Leo, Saturn in Urn. (Nostradamus C.5:91)
They will be surprised by light cavalry,
By Albanois Mars, Leo, Saturn in Urn. (Nostradamus C.5:91)
This is what we started to do, Now nothing we purpose to do will be impossible for us!
Since the Fall of our Hamitic Roman Empire
in 500 AD our Identity was stolen and hidden, 2012 12 12 Marks the
beginning of the restoration of our Hamitic E-V13 Roman Identity.
“I though ‘Who I am?’ and I could not recognize myself. Not to know oneself, not to know one’s destiny, that is the real Hell” [5]For this is the Beginning, We’ve dreamt this moment, So Overdue! We will stand tall together! When it Crumbles we will stand tall, face it all together!
In human genetics, Haplogroup E, is a major Y
chromosome haplogroup found in North Africa, the Horn of Africa,
Western Asia, Latin Europe, Latin America and North America.
What Hamitic means?
Hamitic means to be descendant of Ham, son of Noah (Genesis 5:32) [1] Born after 2470 BCE before the Flood.Hamitic are all the Male descendants of Biblical Ham Son of Noah (similar to the usage of the Semitic people descendants of Shem, or Japhetic now called Caucasians-Aryans or descendants of Japhet)
Ham is our root Ancestor, our Father, He is the founder of Haplogroup DE. The name Ham seems to be a contraction of Adham’s (Adam) name (The first man created) it seems that Ham showed some of the physical characteristics of Adham (As we can see with people that belongs in Biblical Adam’s Haplogroup A or people who belong to Biblical Noah’s Haplogroup B).
Adham in Hewbrew means Swarthy, dusky, dark-skinned, like a shadow. Adham’s name said a lot about them (Gn 1:27). When scientists or genealogists say we all come from Africa in a way it is true because it is the equivalent to say we all come from Adam or all Humanity are descendants of the founder of Haplogroup A. Please Note Haplogroup A are not Hamitic they are Adamic, Neither Haplogroup B are Hamitic they have Noah’s Ancestral genetic markers.
Map of the Origin of the Hamitic Nations of Haplogroup E and D
The big question of all is: how all the nations and races began and what was the origin of all civilization? Well this can be answered with DNA, The Bible (Genesis 10) and Mythologoy. The Bible reveals that every race upon the earth originated with the three sons of Noah; Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Genesis 10 lists a total of 70 original founders of the nations of the world or racial groups. They are all divided into 3 primary classifications: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Although the subject of the classification of the nations and the origin of languages is highly controversial, ethnologists agree on one key point: that all of mankind can be divided into three basic groups.
Historical Background
Noah and the Flood
According to the Bible, around 4600 years ago the entire world was destroyed by a flood except for Noah and his family. The flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights and after 150 days Noah’s Ark rested upon Mount Ararat.
Ham Son of Noah in the Table of nations, has an extensive list of Ham’s descendants appearing in Genesis 10 [2]of the Hebrew and Christian Bible, representing a traditional ethnology. The significance of Noah and Ham, according to Genesis, is that the population of the Earth was completely destroyed during the Flood because of the wickedness of the inhabitants, and Noah and Ham and his family were the sole eight survivors to continue and repopulate the human race.
For nearly 100 years Noah’s family increased in numbers and prospered. They soon began to migrate and be fruitful and fill the earth.
The basic structure of descent from the common Adamic, Noehtic, and Hamitic male-line ancestor is as follows:
(Haplogroup A and Haplogroup BT includes individuals with the “ancestral state” of Biblical Adam Haplogroup A Y-DNA and Biblical Noah Haplogroup B Y-DNA respectively. When scientists or genealogists say we all come from Africa in a way it is true because it is the equivalent to say we all come from Adam or all Humanity are descendants of the founder of Haplogroup A. Please Note Haplogroup A are not Hamitic they are Adamic, Neither Haplogroup B are Hamitic they have Noah’s Ancestral genetic markers)
Ancestral state, refers to the state of a SNP that has mutated and is shared by most people. Example: A negative result on a SNP means it is ancestral, a positive result means it is derived.
![Biblical Adam Haplogroup A - Biblical Noah Haplogroup B - Biblical Ham Haplogroup DE - Biblical Sem Haplogroup CF - Biblical Japher Haplogroup K](http://hamitic.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/biblical-adam-haplogroup-a-biblical-noah-haplogroup-b-biblical-ham-haplogroup-de-biblical-sem-haplogroup-cf-biblical-japher-haplogroup-k.gif?w=640)
Adam Haplogroup A – Biblical Noah Haplogroup B – Biblical Ham
Haplogroup DE – Biblical Sem Haplogroup CF – Biblical Japher Haplogroup K
All of mankind at that time gathered in the Persian Gulf region at a place called Babel, and it was here that they followed a leader named Nimrod and built a tower to reach to heaven. It was there that mankind was scattered and the origin of the languages began (changing their languages (confusion of tongues)) and races in order to forcibly distribute them over the face of the earth (Genesis 11:1-9).
Dispersion of Humanity After the Tower of BabelNow the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there… Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech…. So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:1-9 [4]
Genesis 5:32 indicates that Noah begat Ham, Shem and Japhet
Hamitic Haplogroup DE
The Book of Jasher gives a possible explanation for the separate
reference to Nimrod: that he was the favoured son of Cush’s old age
(similar to Abraham’s son Isaac).Y-Chromosomal Ham (Hamitic people) is the name given to the hypothesized most recent common ancestor of the patrilineal Ham. In the Bible and the Torah, this ancestor is identified as Ham, the brother of Shem and Japhet. The hypothetical most recent common ancestor was therefore jocularly dubbed “Y-chromosomal Ham”, in analogy to Y-chromosomal Adam.
Males who share a common patrilineal ancestor also share a Y chromosome, diverging only with respect to accumulated mutations. Since Y-chromosomes are passed from father to son, all Hamitic men should theoretically have almost identical Y chromosomes (the E Halopgroup).
The basic structure of descent from the common male-line ancestor is as follows:
The Y-DNA determines the lineage or pedigree (family tree) of an individual (Haplogroup E (and its parallel Haplogroup D) Determines we are Hamitics). The Hamitic Hypothesis Its Origin and Functions.
The Nimrod E-M35 and E-V13 Gentetic groups must note the mutation of haplogroups is so slow that no one coming from the family of Ham could have another common Ancestor than E.
In human genetics, Haplogroup D-M174 is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. Both D-M174 and E lineages also exhibit the single-nucleotide polymorphism M168 which is present in all Y-chromosome haplogroups except A and B, as well as the YAP unique-event polymorphism, which is unique to Haplogroup DE. E is a clade of Haplogroup DE, with the other major clade, haplogroup D, being East Asian. Haplogroup D is believed to have originated in Asia some 60,000 years before present. While haplogroup D along with haplogroup E contains the distinctive YAP polymorphism (which indicates their common ancestry), no haplogroup D chromosomes have been found anywhere outside of Asia. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_D-M174_(Y-DNA)
YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand)
YCC 2010r (Longhand)
ISOGG 2006
ISOGG 2010
ISOGG 2011
ISOGG 2012
E-P29 | E | E | E | E | E |
E-M33 | E1a | E1 | E1a | E1a | E1a |
E-M44 | E1a1 | E1a | E1a1 | E1a1 | E1a1 |
E-M75 | E2 | E2 | E2 | E2 | E2 |
E-M54 | E2b1 | - | - | - | - |
E-P2 | E1b1 | E3 | E1b1 | E1b1 | E1b1 |
E-M2 | E1b1a | E3a | E1b1a | E1b1a1 | E1b1a1 |
E-M58 | E1b1a1 | E3a1 | E1b1a1 | E1b1a1a1a | E1b1a1a1a |
E-M116.2 | E1b1a2 | E3a2 | E1ba12 | removed | removed |
E-M149 | E1b1a3 | E3a3 | E1b1a3 | E1b1a1a1c | E1b1a1a1c |
E-M154 | E1b1a4 | E3a4 | E1b1a4 | E1b1a1a1g1c | E1b1a1a1g1c |
E-M155 | E1b1a5 | E3a5 | E1b1a5 | E1b1a1a1d | E1b1a1a1d |
E-M10 | E1b1a6 | E3a6 | E1b1a6 | E1b1a1a1e | E1b1a1a1e |
E-M35 | E1b1b1 | E3b1 | E1b1b1 | removed | removed |
E-M78 | E1b1b1a1 | E3b1a | E1b1b1a | E1b1b1a1 | E1b1b1a1 |
E-M148 | E1b1b1a1c1 | E3b1a3a | E1b1b1a3a | E1b1b1a1c1 | E1b1b1a1c1 |
E-M81 | E1b1b1b1 | E3b1b | E1b1b1b | E1b1b1b1 | E1b1b1b1a |
E-M107 | E1b1b1b1a | E3b1b1 | E1b1b1b1a | E1b1b1b1a1 | |
E-M165 | E1b1b1b1b1 | E3b1b2 | E1b1b1b2a | E1b1b1b2a | E1b1b1b1a2a |
E-M123 | E1b1b1c | E3b1c | E1b1b1c | E1b1b1c | E1b1b1b2a |
E-M34 | E1b1b1c1 | E3b1c1 | E1b1b1c1 | E1b1b1c1 | E1b1b1b2a1 |
E-M136 | E1b1b1c1a1 | E3b1c1a | E1b1b1c1a1 | E1b1b1c1a1 | E1b1b1b2a1a1 |
YCC 2002/2008 (Shorthand)
YCC 2010r (Longhand)
ISOGG 2006
ISOGG 2010
ISOGG 2011
ISOGG 2012
D-M174 | D | D | D | D | D |
D-M15 | D1 | D1 | D1 | D1 | D1 |
D-M55 | D2 | D2 | D2 | D2 | D2 |
D-P12 | D2a1a1 | D2 | D2a1a1 | removed | removed |
D-M116.1 | D2a | D2a | D2a | removed | removed |
D-M125 | D2a1 | D2a1 | D2a1 | D2a1 | D2a1 |
D-M151 | D2a2 | D2a2 | D2a2 | D2a2 | D2a2 |
The evidence is that haplogroup E1b1a the current population matches exactly Upper and Lower Egypt
Sinite -Sino – Chinese son of Canaan is the evidence that points Haplogroup D to the Biblical Canaan
Semitic Halopgroups CF
The basic structure of descent from the common Semitic male-line ancestor is as follows:J (Haplogroup J is called the Abrahamic Haplogroup, 40% of Jews belong to this Haplogroup and 70% Ismaelites or Saudi Arabs belong to it, and 60% of the People of Ammon or Jordanians belong to it) Note that 40% of Jews belong to the Hamitic Haplogroup E, the other 40% belong to the Abrahamic Haplogroup J and the remaining 20% to other Haplogroups.
Japhetic Halopgroup K and its Descendants
The basic structure of descent from the common Japhetic male-line ancestor is as follows According to Genesis 10 and DNA:Ezekiel 38:6
Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.
Ezekiel 38:1
Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.
P (Note Haplogroup P is the common Ancestor for Q and R)
Q Typical of Native Americans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas
What would be the Genealogy of the Latin Roman Hamitic people?R Typical of populations of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia, with a moderate distribution throughout Western Europe, Southwest Asia, and southern Siberia
Ham would be the root Ancestor of Halopgroup E one of his sons is => Cush (Also called Cronus genetically E-M35) His son is => Nimrod (Zeus, Saturn or Jupiter getically the E-V13 gene) His son is => Dardanus (Dardania Today Kosovo) his son is => Tros ( Troy (Trojans) ) his son is => Ilus = ((Illum) Illyria (Albania)) his son is => Latinus (Latin (the Roman form of the Greek Lateinos) Lateo “to lie hid” or the hidden one)) His son is ==> Romulos (The Founder of the Roman Empire) His children are => All the Males carrying the E-V13 gene.
Why 2012 12 12 12:12 am and 2012 12 12 12:12 pm are so significant for the Hamitic People?
Because it Marks the The Awakening, The Revival of the Hamitic Roman Latinus term for all the Males that Carry the E-M35 and E-V13 Genetic Markers. in Honor of all Roman inhabitants before the fall in 500 AD when the Western Empire was taken over by the Germanic King Odacer, starting the Dark Ages of our own history.
2012 12 12 Marks the day when the Gate of Elohim was opened again.
It is our rebirth as Hamitic people is it our Annus mirabilis a Latin phrase meaning “year of wonders” (or “year of miracles”).
It has always been assumed by anti-hamitics that Ham’s descendants are all black in color. Some are, but not all, look at the white Hamitics on the Balkans or Latin Europeans and Latin Americans, or look at the brown Hamitics or Northern Africans and Middle Easteners and Latin Americans as well. The Canaanites were white skin or yellow skin as we see modern day Sino (Chinese) Canaanites.
It was and still is the Hamitic branch that paved the path of our civilized world.
Many think that the Canaanites or Hamitic that spoke a Semitic language were a mixture of Hamitic and Semitic, however all Noah’s descendants spoke the same language, “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech…. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. “[Genesis 11:1-6]
Kush (Cush) son of Ham
The Kushites are Divided in 4 major branches: The Latin Kushites (Roman Kushites E-V13, Latin Europeans and Latin Americans) , the Ethiopian Kushites, the Arabian Kushites, and the Indian Kushites or Asiatic Kushites.
The Hamitic Latin or Roman Kushites (E-V13)
Compare the Roman Senatorial Provinces and the E-V13 DNA both match perfectly!! It is like a circle on top of a circle on top of a circle, all the evidence shows the E-V13 as the founders of the Roman Empire!
Hamitic Roman Legions 80 to 125 AD:
Aegyptus (Egypt)
Africa (Tunisia/Western Libya)
Aquitania (SW France)
Arabia Petraea (Jordan/Sinai)
Britannia (England/Wales)
Cappadocia (Central/Eastern Turkey)
Dacia (Romania/Serbia)
Dalmatia (Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia)
Galatia (Central Turkey)
Germania Inferior (Netherlands/Rhineland)
Germania Superior (Alsace-Lorraine/Rhineland)
Hispania Tarraconensis (Central Spain)
Italia (Italy)
Judaea (Palestine)
Mauretania (Western Maghreb)
Macedonia (Southern Balkans)
Moesia Inferior (Romania/Bulgaria)
Moesia Superior (Albania, Kosovo-Dardania, Serbia)
Noricum (Austria)
Pannonia (Croatia/Slovenia)
Raetia (Switzerland)
Syria (Syria/Lebanon)
![Revival of the Hamitic Roman Empire 2012 Haplogroup E (green) and Haplogroup D (red) children of HAM son of Noah](http://hamitic.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/revival-of-the-hamitic-roman-empire-2012-haplogroup-e-and-haplogroup-d-children-of-ham-son-of-noah.png?w=640&h=360)
Revival of the Hamitic Roman Empire 2012 Haplogroup E (green) and Haplogroup D (red) children of HAM son of Noah
Latin America Natural Ally is Latin Europe
Pater noster, qui es in caelis:sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;
adveniat Regnum Tuum; Thy kingdom come.
fiat voluntas Tua, Thy will be done
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a Malo
FamilyTree DNA E-V13 Group Project
This project attempts to link E-V13 individuals from three regions – Balkans (specifically high E-V13 concentration areas such as Kosovo & Macedonia) – England – German/Swiss border area (Hegau, Thurgau) The project attempts to collect genetic evidence, that all three regions are linked by means of Roman auxiliary troop movements between 15 AD and 260 AD. The hypothesis is based on the fact that Roman legions systematically recruited Balkan populations for expeditions into Western Europe. Some hard archaeological hard facts suggest that after 250 AD up to 50% of all Roman auxiliary troops were from the Balkans. [6]
Roman soldiers in Britain
Significant frequencies of E-V13 have also been observed in towns in Wales, Chester ancient Deva in England and Scotland. The old trading town of Abergele on the northern coast of Wales in particular showed 7 out of 18 local people tested were in this lineage (approximately 40%), as reported in Weale et al. (2002). Bird (2007) attributes the overall presence of E-V13 in Great Britain, especially in areas of high frequency, to settlement during the 1st through 4th centuries CE by Roman soldiers of Thracian and Dacian ancestry from the Balkan peninsula. Bird proposes a connection to the modern region encompassing Kosovo, southern Serbia, northern Republic of Macedonia, and extreme northwestern Bulgaria (a region corresponding to the Roman province of Moesia Superior), which was identified by Peričic et al. (2005) as harboring the highest frequency worldwide of this sub-clade.
However, according to data published so far, E-V13 appears to be notably absent in Central England, a fact which Bird (2007) suggests reflects a genuine population replacement of Romano-British people with Anglo-Saxons:
The “E-V13 hole” suggests that either (a) a massive displacement of the native Romano-British population by invasion or, (b) the substantial genetic replacement of Romano-British Y-DNA through an elite dominance (“apartheid”) model [ Thomas et al. (2006) ], has occurred in Central England. Regardless of the mechanism, the Central England region of Britain, with its lack of E-V13 haplotypes, is the area having the most “striking similarity in the distribution of Y-chromosomes” with Friesland.
—Bird (2007)
The invasion of Britain by the Roman military in CE 43, and the subsequent occupation of Britain for nearly four centuries, brought thousands of soldiers from the Balkan peninsula to Britain as part of auxiliary units and as regular legionnaires. The presence of Haplogroup E among the male populations of present-day Wales, England and Scotland, and its nearly complete absence among the modern male population of Ireland, provide a potential genetic indicator of settlement during the 1st through 4th Centuries CE by Roman soldiers from the Balkan peninsula and their male Romano-British descendants. Haplotype data from several major genetic surveys of Britain and Ireland are examined, analyzed and correlated with historical, epigraphic and archaeological information, with the goal of identifying any significant phylogeographic associations between E3b1a-M78 and those known Romano-British settlements and military posts that were associated specifically with Roman soldiers of Balkan origin. Studies by Cruciani et al. (2007), Perečić et al. (2005), and Marjanovic et al. (2005), examining the distribution of E3b1a-M78 and E3b1a2-EV13 in the Balkans, are analyzed further to provide evidence of phylogeographic associations between the E3b1a2 haplotypes identified within the Balkans by these studies and those regions of the Balkans occupied first by the Roman army in antiquity. E3b1a2 is found to be at its highest frequency worldwide in the geographic region corresponding closely to the ancient Roman province of Moesia Superior, a region that today encompasses Kosovo, southern Serbia, northern Macedonia and extreme northwestern Bulgaria. The Balkan studies also provide evidence to support the use of E3b1a-M78 (in the present study) as a close proxy for the presence of E3b1a2-V13 (representing 85% of the parent E3b1a-M78 clade) in both the Balkans and in Britain. [7]
In short the E-V13 gene pool is associated with 50% of the Roman Army, The E-V13 males are found in high frequency in the Roman settlement during the 1st through 4th centuries CE by Roman soldiers; and Bird (2007) suggests reflects a genuine population replacement of Romano-British people with Anglo-Saxons, therefore we can conclude that the evidence points to our Roman Ancestry!!!!!!
Greek soldiers in Pakistan
E-V13 have also been used in studies seeking to find evidence of a remaining Greek presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, going back to the time of Alexander the Great.
An extensive analysis of Y diversity within Greeks and three Pakistani populations – the Burusho, Kalash and Pathan – who claim descent from Greek soldiers allowed us to compare Y lineages within these populations and re-evaluate their suggested Greek origins. This study as a whole seems to exclude a large Greek contribution to any Pakistani population, confirming previous observations. However, it provides strong evidence in support of the Greek origins for a small proportion of Pathans, as demonstrated by the clade E network and the low pairwise genetic distances between these two populations.
—Firasat et al. (2006)
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. [3]
When Nimrod fled from his pursuers, he hid himself in the Mountains of Nembrod (Nimrod) which are today called the “Apennine Mountains” in Italy.
It was to Rome that Nimrod fled from his pursuers. The ancient name of Rome was “Saturnia,” recorded Pliny in his “Natural History”, bk. 111. But what does “Saturnia” mean? It means the dwelling place of “Saturn.” And the inhabitants of ancient Italy called NIMROD “Saturn,” meaning “the hiding one” which is just another name of Latinus, or Latino, Latin or basically Roman– because he “lay hid” from his pursuers at Rome (Jackson’s “Chronological Antiquities”, p. 233). Nimrod was discovered hiding at Rome. There he was executed. Later Latinus one of it descendants settled there giving the birth to the Latin People and Onother of his descendants Romulos was the founder of Rome!
Traditional stories handed down by the ancient Romans themselves explain the earliest history of their city in terms of legend and myth. The most familiar of these myths, and perhaps the most famous of all Roman myths, is the story of Romulus and Remus, the twins who were suckled by a she-wolf. They decided to build a city, but after an argument, Romulus killed his brother. According to the Roman annalists, this happened on 21 April 753 BC. This legend had to be reconciled with a dual tradition, set earlier in time, that had the Trojan refugee Aeneas escape to Italy and found the line of Romans through his son Iulus, the namesake of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. This was accomplished by the Roman poet Virgil in the first century BC.
Gaius Julius Caesar July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC
Caesar was born into a patrician family, the gens Julia, which claimed descent from Iulus, son of the legendary Trojan prince Aeneas, supposedly the son of the goddess Venus.
He was a Roman general, statesman, Consul and notable author of Latin prose. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. In 60 BC, Caesar, Crassus and Pompey formed a political alliance that was to dominate Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass power through populist tactics were opposed by the conservative elite within the Roman Senate, among them Cato the Younger with the frequent support of Cicero. Caesar’s conquest of Gaul, completed by 51 BC, extended Rome’s territory to the English Channel and the Rhine. Caesar became the first Roman general to cross both when he built a bridge across the Rhine and conducted the first invasion of Britain.
For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
The youtube clip for the revival:
A day of Great Joy and beginning of a New era of love and Unity among mankind.
Peace to all men of goodwill!
What is the Symbol of the Latin Roman Hamitic people?
The Symbol of the Revived Hamitic Roman Latinus is the two Headed Eagle.
Carefully chosen as the beginning of a New era.
What the Two heads means?
One Head looks Towards Latin Europe (E-M35 gene pool – Kosovo, Albania, Rome, South Italy, Sicily, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro).
One Head looks Towards Latin America (E-M35 gene pool – from Mexico to Argentina and the Latin and Hispanic living in the USA and Canada).
Why Latin?
Latium Latinus (the Roman form of the Greek Lateinos), and Lateo, “to lie hid,” all alike come from the Chaldee “Lat,” which has the same meaning. The name “lat,” or the hidden one, had evidently been given, as well as Saturn, to the great Babylonian god Nimrod.
When was the Revival of the the Two Headed Eagle?
One Head revived at 2012 12 12 12:12 am (Latin Europe)
One Head revived at 2012 12 12 12:12 pm (Latin America)
P.S. Latinus is not misspelled it is the name of our ancestor. ((the Roman form of the Greek Lateinos) Lateo “to lie hid” or the hidden one)
“Yes, now I have learned my True identity” Jorge Luis Borges, Sources and Illumination page 56
Why Haplogroup E and D have the greatest human diversity?
First of all our Melanin works perfectly, The production of melanin in human skin is called melanogenesis. Production of melanin is induced by UVB-radiation simulated by DNA, which is also a photoprotectant. The photochemical properties of melanin make it an excellent photoprotectant. This is because it efficiently absorbs harmful UV-radiation (ultraviolet) and transforms the energy into harmless heat. This occurs by means of a process called “ultrafast internal conversion”. This property enables melanin to dissipate more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation as heat (see photoprotection). This prevents the UVB radiation damage that is responsible for the formation of malignant melanoma and other skin cancers.
Secondly, our Nature as Conquerors is to go forth (going fordward) Conquering and to Conquer, as our ancestors did and what we do today. As we go fordward we have met women of all the mtDNA Haplogroups that exists, however the end result is that a new Hamitic person is born with characteristics of the Place of birth and mtDNA and many other factors. The following formula shows how and E-V13 or E-M35 or just E man will pass the Hamitic offspring for generations to come:
As the formula shows it doen’t matter which mtDNA hosts the Hamitic E-V13 the result will be a Hamitic E-V13, The same result will be with an E-M35 or an E or a D.
The following formula will start with Nimrod the first E-V13, we will combine each offspring with any random mtDNA, and the result will be an E-V13 with the exact same programming as the first E-V13 as shown in the pictures:
The above formula shows that a Mighty Hunter before the Lord started the E-V13 chain we went through every posible mtDNA Haplogroup and the End result is a Mighty Hunter Before the Lord E-V13 with the exact same programming of the initial E-V13! Ready to fulfill His E-V13 genetic programming and unleash His destiny! To go forth conquering and to Conquer!
The main reason of this webpage is to establish the fact that the Hamitic Branch exists along side of the Semitic Branch and the Japhetic Aryan – Caucasian Branch
1. Genesis 5:32 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%205&version=KJV2. Genesis 10 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+10&version=KJV
3. Genesis 10:8 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2010&version=KJV
4. Genesis 11:9 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2011&version=KJV
5. Jorge Luis Borges, Sources and Illumination page 25
6. The “E-V13 (E3b1a2)” Group Project (up to 50% of all Roman auxiliary troups were from the Balkans.) http://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?Group=E-V13
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_E-V68_(Y-DNA)#CITEREFRosser_et_al.2000
One Head Latin America (LatinuX) One head Latin Europe (RomanoX)
Latinux RomanoX
Hamitics coming out of the Sea of Nations, Tribes and Tongues
This site is done by E-M35 E-V13 Hamitic Roman and Latinos Dark KnightsIn honor of our Forefathers Ham, Cush, Nimrod, Dardanus, Ilus, Latinus, and Romulos.
We The E-V13s Are the Mighty Hunters Before the Lord.
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ReplyDeleteThis guy is nuts. E-V13 are not Latinos. The Latins are under R-M269. Dardanus was an Israelite from the Tribe of Dan. So technically, it would be Semitic and not Hamitic. Pelasgian is Peleg in the Hebrew Bible. Look up Jason and the Argonauts. Hercules was amongst them. Hercules is none other than Samson. The Danite who fought the Philistines.