aherne | Oct 24 2010, 07:01 AMPost #26 |
![]() I haven't seen a lot of Spaniards (except when I were in Spain, enough to notice Spaniards are clearly lighter than Romanians), but I've seen a lot of Gypsies (Romania has 2 milion plus of these) and I can safely say a relative majority falls into the typology of this footballer (Indian Mediterrannean without Australoid admixture), which is why assimilated gypsies usually can pass as Romanians, since Romanians themselves have an Eastern Mediterrannean minority (~25%). Whenever Mediterrannean element is mixed with Australoid (like in that poster Inquiring Mind), however, it is impossible for a Gypsy to pass as Romanian. http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/3863580/2/ |
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Saturday, March 15, 2014
Romanians are darker than Spaniards
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