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Friday, May 31, 2013
The daily commentary shows me how to analyze the market each day. Step
by step I understand now how it works: if a resistance/support is
broken, wait for retracement and if a PA event occurs (on that previous
key level) in direction of the trend, jump in. ecc... Thank you.
Arrogant Nadal doesn't want to be seemed as a bad guy
not fair,” he said. “And today I was playing almost three hours on
court, and my opponent was watching the TV in the locker room. So if you
[tell] me that’s fair, I say that’s not fair.”
Nadal’s match was originally scheduled to be the third match on Court Suzanne Lenglen on Thursday but was postponed after rain washed out most of the day’s play, meaning the seven-time French Open champion will have to play six matches in 10 days to win the title.
“I think everybody knows in this room that the schedule of [Thursday] was wrong,” Nadal told reporters after the win. “That’s the real thing. I don’t know if the director of the tournament, supervisors, guys who take the positions, they take a bad position two days ago, because when you make the schedule at 7 in the [evening], not 11 in the morning, you know which weather predictions you have for the next days.”
Nadal was unhappy that his second-round match was scheduled third after a men’s and women’s match, while his third-round opponent, Fabio Fognini, was scheduled second after a women’s match on another court. The scheduling decision meant Nadal’s match was more likely to be postponed due to rain as opposed to Fognini’s. As it happened, he was right. Fognini was able to get on court and win his match on Thursday and have a day of rest while Nadal was forced to play his second round Friday.
“That’s not fair,” he said. “And today I was playing almost three hours on court, and my opponent was watching the TV in the locker room. So if you [tell] me that’s fair, I say that’s not fair.”
“Because when you know that it’s going to be sunny, it’s fair,” Nadal told Spanish press. “But when you know it’s going to possibly rain, you cannot make a schedule thinking that one match could be postponed by three hours; that chances are that maybe even the match will not be played.”
Nadal said organizers told him they had to schedule Fognini’s match against Lukas Rosol early because Rosol was in doubles later in the day.
“ I am sorry, but that’s a joke,” said Nadal, who was upset by Rosol in the Wimbledon second round last year. “You have one more week to play doubles if you want to play doubles. Why do you want to protect the player who has to play doubles? So I’m going to write myself on the doubles draw then and I have the priority to play? That’s not the right excuse to make a schedule like this.
“I don’t want to keep talking, because it seems like I am the bad guy saying that, but that’s the real thing, and everybody here knows that’s not right.”
Nadal will play No. 27 seed Fognini, a quarterfinalist in 2011, on Saturday.
정확히는 날씨보다는 일정 잘못짰다고 대회 조직위한테 열받은듯
어제 나달의 경기 스케줄이 세컨코트 3번째 경기였는데 그시간에 비가 온다는 일기예보가 있었는데도 스케줄을 그렇게 짰다면서 클리잔이랑 경기끝나고 인터뷰에서 조직위한테 불만이라고 말했군요.
면 나달의 3라운드 상대 포그니니는 두번째 경기에 배정되면서 어제 경기를 다 끝낼수있었죠.나달이 조직위한테 들은 바로는 포그니니의
상대였던 로솔이 복식경기가 같은날 잡혀있어서 로솔의 단식경기를 이른시간에 배정할수밖에 없었다고 하는군요.
위에 인터뷰보면은 공평하지 않다고 말하면서 자기는 오늘 3시간 가까이 코트에 있었는데 자기하고 경기할 포그니니는 라커에서 티비보고 있었다고..
마지막에는 자기가 "bad guy"로 비춰질수있기때문에 더이상 말하지 않겠지만 모든사람들이 이건 옳은게 아니라는걸 알거라면서 마무리.
문제는 담주에도 비오는거같던데 또 누가 피해를 볼지..
Rafael Nadal calls French Open scheduling ‘a joke’
Rafael Nadal lashed out at French Open organizers after bearing Martin Klizan 4-6, 6-3, 6-3, 6-3 to reach the third round of the French Open on Friday.
Nadal’s match was originally scheduled to be the third match on Court Suzanne Lenglen on Thursday but was postponed after rain washed out most of the day’s play, meaning the seven-time French Open champion will have to play six matches in 10 days to win the title.
“I think everybody knows in this room that the schedule of [Thursday] was wrong,” Nadal told reporters after the win. “That’s the real thing. I don’t know if the director of the tournament, supervisors, guys who take the positions, they take a bad position two days ago, because when you make the schedule at 7 in the [evening], not 11 in the morning, you know which weather predictions you have for the next days.”
Nadal was unhappy that his second-round match was scheduled third after a men’s and women’s match, while his third-round opponent, Fabio Fognini, was scheduled second after a women’s match on another court. The scheduling decision meant Nadal’s match was more likely to be postponed due to rain as opposed to Fognini’s. As it happened, he was right. Fognini was able to get on court and win his match on Thursday and have a day of rest while Nadal was forced to play his second round Friday.
“That’s not fair,” he said. “And today I was playing almost three hours on court, and my opponent was watching the TV in the locker room. So if you [tell] me that’s fair, I say that’s not fair.”
“Because when you know that it’s going to be sunny, it’s fair,” Nadal told Spanish press. “But when you know it’s going to possibly rain, you cannot make a schedule thinking that one match could be postponed by three hours; that chances are that maybe even the match will not be played.”
Nadal said organizers told him they had to schedule Fognini’s match against Lukas Rosol early because Rosol was in doubles later in the day.
“ I am sorry, but that’s a joke,” said Nadal, who was upset by Rosol in the Wimbledon second round last year. “You have one more week to play doubles if you want to play doubles. Why do you want to protect the player who has to play doubles? So I’m going to write myself on the doubles draw then and I have the priority to play? That’s not the right excuse to make a schedule like this.
“I don’t want to keep talking, because it seems like I am the bad guy saying that, but that’s the real thing, and everybody here knows that’s not right.”
Nadal will play No. 27 seed Fognini, a quarterfinalist in 2011, on Saturday.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
염증과 만성적 염증이란?
염증이란 손상된 신체조직을 치유하고 외부로부터 들어온 해로운 물질을 제거하기 위해 체내에서 자연적으로 나타나는 생물학적 반응이다.
그러나 고지방식, 체지방 과다, 흡연 등으로 체내에 들어오는 자극성 물질이 끊이지 않을 때는 면역체계가 과잉반응을 일으키면서 만성적인 염증이 지속된다.
그러나 고지방식, 체지방 과다, 흡연 등으로 체내에 들어오는 자극성 물질이 끊이지 않을 때는 면역체계가 과잉반응을 일으키면서 만성적인 염증이 지속된다.
아스피린 + 오메가-3 = 만성염증 차단
아스피린과 오메가-3 지방산 보충제를 함께 복용하면 관절염 등 만성 염증에 의해 발생하는 질환을 차단할 수 있다는 연구결과가 나왔다.
미국 하버드 대학 의과대학 브리검 여성병원의 찰스 서한 박사는 오메가-3 지방산은 염증억제 물질인 레솔빈(resolvin)을 만들고 아스피린은 레솔빈의 생산을 촉발한다는 사실을 밝혀냈다고 영국의 일간지 익스프레스와 데일리 메일 인터넷판이 23일 보도했다.
따라서 이 두 가지를 함께 투여하면 염증에 이중의 타격을 가할 수 있다고 서한박사는 밝혔다.
아스피린과 오메가-3 지방산은 모두 염증을 억제하는 작용을 하는 것으로 널리 알려져 있지만 그 정확한 메커니즘은 아직까지 밝혀진 일이 없었다.
서한 박사는 레솔빈에는 D1, D2, D3 등 세 가지가 있는데 오메가-3 지방산에 들어 있는 도코사헥사엔산(DHA)이 체내에서 자연적으로 D3를 만들어낸다고 밝혔다.
이 D3는 염증 발생 부위에서 D1과 D2보다 더 오랜 시간 머물러 장기적인 염증 억제 효과를 가져온다는 사실도 쥐실험에서 밝혀졌다.
한편 아스피린은 다른 경로를 통해 D3의 생산을 촉발한다는 사실을 서한 박사는밝혀냈다.
아스피린은 염증을 촉진하는 효소를 변화시켜 염증 촉진 분자의 생산을 막고 그대신 D3 같은 분자를 생산하게 한다고 그는 설명했다.
따라서 아스피린과 오메가-3 지방산을 함께 복용하면 만성염증에 원투 펀치를 가하는 셈이 된다고 그는 지적했다.
그의 연구팀은 순수한 형태의 레솔빈 D3와 아스피린에 의해 촉발된 D3를 모두 만들어 낼 수 있었다.
인간 세포를 이 두 가지 D3에 노출시킨 결과 모두 강력한 항염증 작용이 나타났다.
연구팀은 이를 쥐에 투여해 보았다. 그러자 면역체계가 자극을 받아 염증을 억제하는 것으로 확인됐다.
염증이란 손상된 신체조직을 치유하고 외부로부터 들어온 해로운 물질을 제거하기 위해 체내에서 자연적으로 나타나는 생물학적 반응이다.
그러나 고지방식, 체지방 과다, 흡연 등으로 체내에 들어오는 자극성 물질이 끊이지 않을 때는 면역체계가 과잉반응을 일으키면서 만성적인 염증이 지속된다.
만성 염증이 심장판막과 뇌세포를 손상하면 심장병과 뇌졸중이 나타난다. 또 인슐린 저항을 촉진해 당뇨병 위험을 증가시키고 암까지도 일으킬 수 있다.
이 연구결과는 '화학과 생물학'(Chemistry & Biology) 최신호에 발표됐다.
미국 하버드 대학 의과대학 브리검 여성병원의 찰스 서한 박사는 오메가-3 지방산은 염증억제 물질인 레솔빈(resolvin)을 만들고 아스피린은 레솔빈의 생산을 촉발한다는 사실을 밝혀냈다고 영국의 일간지 익스프레스와 데일리 메일 인터넷판이 23일 보도했다.
따라서 이 두 가지를 함께 투여하면 염증에 이중의 타격을 가할 수 있다고 서한박사는 밝혔다.
아스피린과 오메가-3 지방산은 모두 염증을 억제하는 작용을 하는 것으로 널리 알려져 있지만 그 정확한 메커니즘은 아직까지 밝혀진 일이 없었다.
서한 박사는 레솔빈에는 D1, D2, D3 등 세 가지가 있는데 오메가-3 지방산에 들어 있는 도코사헥사엔산(DHA)이 체내에서 자연적으로 D3를 만들어낸다고 밝혔다.
이 D3는 염증 발생 부위에서 D1과 D2보다 더 오랜 시간 머물러 장기적인 염증 억제 효과를 가져온다는 사실도 쥐실험에서 밝혀졌다.
한편 아스피린은 다른 경로를 통해 D3의 생산을 촉발한다는 사실을 서한 박사는밝혀냈다.
아스피린은 염증을 촉진하는 효소를 변화시켜 염증 촉진 분자의 생산을 막고 그대신 D3 같은 분자를 생산하게 한다고 그는 설명했다.
따라서 아스피린과 오메가-3 지방산을 함께 복용하면 만성염증에 원투 펀치를 가하는 셈이 된다고 그는 지적했다.
그의 연구팀은 순수한 형태의 레솔빈 D3와 아스피린에 의해 촉발된 D3를 모두 만들어 낼 수 있었다.
인간 세포를 이 두 가지 D3에 노출시킨 결과 모두 강력한 항염증 작용이 나타났다.
연구팀은 이를 쥐에 투여해 보았다. 그러자 면역체계가 자극을 받아 염증을 억제하는 것으로 확인됐다.
염증이란 손상된 신체조직을 치유하고 외부로부터 들어온 해로운 물질을 제거하기 위해 체내에서 자연적으로 나타나는 생물학적 반응이다.
그러나 고지방식, 체지방 과다, 흡연 등으로 체내에 들어오는 자극성 물질이 끊이지 않을 때는 면역체계가 과잉반응을 일으키면서 만성적인 염증이 지속된다.
만성 염증이 심장판막과 뇌세포를 손상하면 심장병과 뇌졸중이 나타난다. 또 인슐린 저항을 촉진해 당뇨병 위험을 증가시키고 암까지도 일으킬 수 있다.
이 연구결과는 '화학과 생물학'(Chemistry & Biology) 최신호에 발표됐다.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
인도유럽어족인 아리안은 몽골과 혼혈이다
이 름 하하조회수2739.113.***.***
2013-05-13 11:02:39
제 목 인도유럽어족인 아리안은 몽골과 혼혈이다 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그
인도 유러피언(아리안)의 선조는 9천년전에 아시아에서 이주해온 사람들임
중앙아아시아 쿠르간의 주인공들이 유전학적으로 몽골-유러피언의 혼혈이라는 사실이 밝혀진 것이 재작년.
인도유럽어에는 바다를 뜻하는 단어가 없음 따라서 그들은 중앙 유럽이나 중앙아시아의 내륙 깊은 곳에서 살았던 것으로 보임
2013-05-13 11:02:39
제 목 인도유럽어족인 아리안은 몽골과 혼혈이다 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그
인도 유러피언(아리안)의 선조는 9천년전에 아시아에서 이주해온 사람들임
중앙아아시아 쿠르간의 주인공들이 유전학적으로 몽골-유러피언의 혼혈이라는 사실이 밝혀진 것이 재작년.
인도유럽어에는 바다를 뜻하는 단어가 없음 따라서 그들은 중앙 유럽이나 중앙아시아의 내륙 깊은 곳에서 살았던 것으로 보임
Federer Hits With More Spin Than Nadal
... except when Nadal hits with more spin than Federer.
Whoa! Rafa fans, I know how sensitive you are. I'm not dissing your man. Nadal has the heaviest topspin forehand on the planet. I bow before him. Although the claim that Rafa hits with more spin than anyone else is not entirely accurate, as I'll explain.
My beef instead is with the sloppiness and confusion caused by tennis TV announcers. Witness this discussion last November between the play-by-play announcer, which I believe was Brett Haber, and the color commentator, Taylor Dent, who recently retired from the ATP Tour after getting as high as 21 in the world, while watching Federer play Marin Cilic.
Haber: I
just read that Nadal hits his forehand at 4,000 rpms and Federer at
only 2,000. Nadal's forehand has twice the spin of Federer's. That's
Dent: "They're {similar, but not identical} it's just that one chooses to clear the net by three feet and the other by two feet.Whoa! Rafa fans, I know how sensitive you are. I'm not dissing your man. Nadal has the heaviest topspin forehand on the planet. I bow before him. Although the claim that Rafa hits with more spin than anyone else is not entirely accurate, as I'll explain.
My beef instead is with the sloppiness and confusion caused by tennis TV announcers. Witness this discussion last November between the play-by-play announcer, which I believe was Brett Haber, and the color commentator, Taylor Dent, who recently retired from the ATP Tour after getting as high as 21 in the world, while watching Federer play Marin Cilic.
Haber: {long pause} Really?
Dent: Fed's forehand isn't the fastest I've played against, but it just explodes off the court. Take that approach. If I hit the same forehand Cilic would have put the ball at my feet but {Cilic shanked} Fed's approach. Many people don't realize the spin Fed hits with. I've never played anyone that hits his forehand so accurately."
As best I can tell, everyone that quotes numbers for the spin top pros put on their shots uses one, original source: John Yandell's Yandell films slow motion video of the pros and actually counts the ball rotations (somebody has to). is a great web site, by the way. A subscription costs $19.95 a month of $99.95 a year, and is well worth it if you are into the technical side of tennis. John has tens of thousands of short videos of most every stroke by most of the top ATP players, most in slow motion and the newer ones in HD, plus technical analysis from dozens of contributors. It's a bit wonky for some, but if you want to know how things work, and you had only one, paid Web site to choose, is it. Here's a link to his subscription page and a "free tour".
The New York times has a good 2 min 41 second video "Speed and Spin: Nadal’s Lethal Forehand", based on Yandell's measurements as well as Hawk-Eye stats (vidcap above). Here are some numbers from that video, what has said outside its paywall, and a few other sources. (Photos of Rafa and Fed are from BNP Indian Wells, 2011, click to enlarge.)
■ Nadal's forehand averages 3,300 rpms, which is about 18% more than the average topspin on forehands from Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Roddick, while Andy Murray comes in another notch lower.
■ Sergi Bruguera, who won the French Open in 1993 and 1994 before injuries impaired his career, hit with the same average topspin as Nadal, 3,300 rpms, according to Yandell. I believe this is before co-poly strings were introduced. Bruguera lost the French Open final to Gustavo Kuerten in 1997, and Kuerten is generally cited as the first player to use Luxilon. Imagine if Bruguera in his prime hit with today's rackets and hybrid strings, on today's high-bouncing courts.
■ Nadal's highest, measured topspin is 4,900 rpm, this is close to what Pete Sampras hit on a second serve. But, remember, Nadal doesn't hit every shot the same way, no more than anyone else does. This topspin is used on slower, 70-75 mph loops, but Nadal frequently hits his biggest weapon, his inside-out forehand from his backhand corner at 94 mph, with less topspin, and I've seen him hit a short, flat put-away at 107 mph, according to announcers.
■ Federer's highest measured topspin is nearly that of Nadal at 4,500 rpm, even though he uses a much more neutral forehand grip, and a smaller, heavier racket. Fed's forehands generally blend more pace with less spin, but he varies it widely.
■ The highest spin Yandell has ever measured is 5,300 rpm on a Roger Federer sliced backhand. Yes, that's right, he hits his slice with more spin than Nadal puts on his forehand. Both players do, actually. You'll need to read Yandell's site for more stats.
How wicked is Fed's spin? Here's what Patrick McEnroe wrote in "Hardcourt Confidential: Tales from Twenty Years in the Pro Tennis Trenches by Peter Bodo and Patrick McEnroe" from hitting with Roger:
"When it comes to workouts, Roger is in that casual Sampras mode;the thing that struck me about the way he hit was his ease. He expended minimal energy; when I put a ball into play, he'd roll to it; the ball would disappear into his racket face, then it would come flying back.
"He doesn't hit a particularly heavy ball, like a Rafael Nadal. But the ball always seemed to come off the bounce faster than I expected, and the action on it reminded me of that first, good look I'd had at Roger, back in my first Davis Cup tie as captain. He works the ball; it's like the thing has different properties everytime he addresses it. One moment it is shaped like an egg from topspin; the next it's go so much backspin you can almost hear it purring.
"What I felt, mostly, was his control; the ball seemed to follow a different command with each shot, like a well-trained dog. ... I felt like my side of the court was twice the size of his; he found so many places to put the ball ... Roger is like a guy playing three-dimensional chess while everyone else is playing the regular way."
So, there's more to spin than the spin TV announcers apply.
Bookmark the permalink. The Black-White IQ gap Increases when SES Levels Increase
The Black-White IQ gap Increases when SES Levels Increase
by 猛虎
Environmentalists wrongly believe that increases in the level of
SES (i.e., socio-economic status) tend to reduce the black-white
difference in IQ for which, to recall, it has certainly not decreased.
Several works tend to confirm the pattern of an increasing gap.
From Herrnstein and Murray (1994, pp. 287-288), we have :

From Gottfredson (2003, Table 2), we have :

Now, even the General Social Survey data confirms this pattern.
I use here the “Multiple Regression Program” since the dependent variable is not a dichotomous one. The logic behind this is that the coefficient will be greater (or smaller) if the IQ gap increases (or decreases). Because I want to restrict the sample to whites and blacks, RACE is recoded as follows : RACE(1-2) where 1 = whites, 2 = blacks. The variable used as a measure of IQ is the WORDSUM (a 10-items vocabulary test). To recall, vocabulary correlates with g at 0.83. The two following variables are used in order to determine the SES level : DEGREE (where 0 = Less than high school, 1 = High school, 2 = Junior College, 3 = Bachelor, 4 = Graduate) and REALINC (family income in constant dollar).
The variables used for the first run :
Dependent : wordsum
Independent : race(1-2)
Independent : age
Selection Filter(s) : degree(0) realinc(0-10000)

Selection Filter(s) : degree(4) realinc(20000-160000)

From Herrnstein and Murray (1994, pp. 287-288), we have :
Second version: As blacks move up the socioeconomic ladder, do the differences with whites of similar socioeconomic status diminish? … The rationale goes like this: Blacks score lower on average because they are socioeconomically at a disadvantage in our society. This disadvantage should most seriously handicap the children of blacks in the lower socioeconomic classes, who suffer from greater barriers to education and occupational advancement than do the children of blacks in the middle and upper classes. As blacks advance up the socioeconomic ladder, their children, less exposed to these environmental deficits, will do better and, by extension, close the gap with white children of their class.

The pattern shown in the figure is consistent with many other major studies, except that the gap flattens out. In other studies, the gap has continued to increase throughout the range of socioeconomic status. [43]From Jensen (1998, pp. 358, 469), we have :

From Gottfredson (2003, Table 2), we have :

Now, even the General Social Survey data confirms this pattern.
I use here the “Multiple Regression Program” since the dependent variable is not a dichotomous one. The logic behind this is that the coefficient will be greater (or smaller) if the IQ gap increases (or decreases). Because I want to restrict the sample to whites and blacks, RACE is recoded as follows : RACE(1-2) where 1 = whites, 2 = blacks. The variable used as a measure of IQ is the WORDSUM (a 10-items vocabulary test). To recall, vocabulary correlates with g at 0.83. The two following variables are used in order to determine the SES level : DEGREE (where 0 = Less than high school, 1 = High school, 2 = Junior College, 3 = Bachelor, 4 = Graduate) and REALINC (family income in constant dollar).
The variables used for the first run :
Dependent : wordsum
Independent : race(1-2)
Independent : age
Selection Filter(s) : degree(0) realinc(0-10000)

Allocation of cases (unweighted)And for the second run :
Valid cases = 2,366
Cases excluded by filters or weight = 49,020
Cases with invalid codes on variables in the analysis = 3,701
Total cases = 55,087
Selection Filter(s) : degree(4) realinc(20000-160000)

Allocation of cases (unweighted)The coefficient for RACE (recoded) is greater for the group with higher levels of education and family income in constant dollar. Or to put it another way, the relationship between race and wordsum is more negatively correlated for the group with high SES levels. This adds an additional support to Jensen and Herrnstein & Murray’s findings. This phenomenon is well understood in terms of regression to the mean. See, Murray (1999, Figure 3).
Valid cases = 1,344
Cases excluded by filters or weight = 52,124
Cases with invalid codes on variables in the analysis = 1,619
Total cases = 55,087
Race, Evolution, and Behavior, by Jean Philippe Rushton (1997)
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