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Monday, December 29, 2014
(공감글)미국내 동양인, 흑인들 역겨운점 소수 인종의 역겨운점
제 목미국내 동양인, 흑인들 역겨운점 글쓴이 리얼팩트 조회 266 댓글 10
2014-12-29 15:02:43
지들은 asian pride, black pride 운운하며
자신들의 하찮은 장점(빠따식 교육으로 시험잘봄-물론 시험만 잘보지 학술적 업적은 종범-, 공놀이 잘함, 광대짓 잘함 등등)을 근거로
"아시아인임이 자랑스럽다, 아시아인은 우월해!"
"흑인임이 자랑스럽다, 흑인은 우월해!"
따위의 개소리를 지껄임
심지어 community의 모든 구성원들에게 저런 같잖은 pride를 강요하면서
저런 유치하고 오글거리는 자아도취적 헛소리를 도저히 못하겠다고 거부하는 인간은
"너 바나나(겉은 황인 속은 백인)지?" "백인 흉내내지마 역겨운 놈아" "너는 니가 속한 공동체에 대한 자부심도 없어?"
따위의 개소리를 지껄이며 마녀사냥함
이런 새끼들이 정작 백인들이 white pride를 운운하며
"아 우리 백인들이 경제제도, 과학기술, 사회제도, 법제도, 민주주의를 봐! 21세기 문명사회는 우리 백인들이 만든 것이라 할 수 있지(*리얼팩트*)
백인은 역시 우월해 난 백인임이 자랑스러워!"
라고 지들이 하는 것과 정확히 똑같은 구조의 발언을 하면
"인종차별주의" "백인우월주의자" 운운하며 ㅂㄷㅂㄷ 지랄병을 함
아니 지들이 하는 것과 똑같은 구조의 발언인데 왜 부들부들 지랄이시죠?
니들이 가지는 우월감은 착한 우월감인가요?
킴취워리어 원래 못난 놈들이 그래.. 2014.12.29 15:03:36 삭제버튼
Friday, December 26, 2014
filipino look a little more north east asian looking than malay and indonesian
the difference with japanese and koreans is that japanese look ''some what ''south east asian
the difference with filipinos and malaysians, indonesians.. is that filipinos are ""some what" more oriental looking than our malay & indonesian brothers//
on top of that.. FILIPINOS look different from each other!!!
the difference with filipinos and malaysians, indonesians.. is that filipinos are ""some what" more oriental looking than our malay & indonesian brothers//
on top of that.. FILIPINOS look different from each other!!!
arab music is from greek music
Middle eastern music spans across a vast region, from Morocco to Iran. Greek Music Influenced Middle Eastern Music. Middle Eastern music influenced India, as well as Central Asia and Spain.[citation needed] The various nations of the region include the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East and North Africa, the Iraqi traditions of Mesopotamia, Iranian traditions of Persia, the Hebrew music of Israel, Armenian music, the varied traditions of Cypriot music, the music of Turkey, traditional Assyrian music, Berbers of North Africa, and Coptic Christians in Egypt all maintain their own traditions.
Throughout the region, religion has been a common factor in uniting peoples of different languages, cultures and nations. The predominance of Islam allowed a great deal of Arabic and Byzantine influence to spread through the region rapidly from the 7th century onward. The Arabic scale is strongly melodic, based around various maqamat (sing. maqam) or modes (also known as makam in Turkish music). Arabs translated and developed Greek texts and works of music and mastered the musical theory of the music of ancient Greece (i.e. Systema ametabolon, enharmonium, chromatikon, diatonon).[1] This is similar to the dastgah of Persian music. While this originates with classical music, the modal system has filtered down into folk, liturgical and even popular music, with influence from the West. Unlike much western music, Arabic music includes quarter tones halfway between notes, often through the use of stringed instruments (like the oud) or the human voice. Further distinguishing characteristics of Middle Eastern and North African music include very complex rhythmic structures, generally tense vocal tone, and a monophonic texture.
Often, more traditional Middle Eastern music can last from one to three hours in length, building up to anxiously awaited, and much applauded climaxes, or tarab, derived from the Arabic term طرب tarraba.[2]
Throughout the region, religion has been a common factor in uniting peoples of different languages, cultures and nations. The predominance of Islam allowed a great deal of Arabic and Byzantine influence to spread through the region rapidly from the 7th century onward. The Arabic scale is strongly melodic, based around various maqamat (sing. maqam) or modes (also known as makam in Turkish music). Arabs translated and developed Greek texts and works of music and mastered the musical theory of the music of ancient Greece (i.e. Systema ametabolon, enharmonium, chromatikon, diatonon).[1] This is similar to the dastgah of Persian music. While this originates with classical music, the modal system has filtered down into folk, liturgical and even popular music, with influence from the West. Unlike much western music, Arabic music includes quarter tones halfway between notes, often through the use of stringed instruments (like the oud) or the human voice. Further distinguishing characteristics of Middle Eastern and North African music include very complex rhythmic structures, generally tense vocal tone, and a monophonic texture.
Often, more traditional Middle Eastern music can last from one to three hours in length, building up to anxiously awaited, and much applauded climaxes, or tarab, derived from the Arabic term طرب tarraba.[2]
Arabs don't like the fact that Arabian Music is from Greek Music
Condescending attitude toward ancient Greece[edit]
There it multiple times where the author(s) make condescending remarks, especially toward ancient Greek society, asserting that Arab systems are superior, below I will list a few examples."Arabs translated and developed Greek texts and works of music and mastered the musical theory of the Greeks"
"Mastered" is a strong word, perhaps "learned" or "expanded upon", "mastered" is condescending, a word that expresses more of a cultural harmony rather than superiority should be preferred.
"He surpassed the achievement of the Greek musicians in using the alphabetical annotation for one eighth"
Again the author(s) is trying to show they are superior to the Greeks, perhaps they the author is prejudice against Greek culture?
"the Arabic system is more complex than that of the Ancient Greek harmoniai"
This is vague, what exactly does "more complex" mean? Also it is irrelevant, the article goes on to explain the Arabic music system, that is the important information, not whether or not who's better or "more complex" at music.
The article needs to be rewritten to be more informative about Arabic music, indeed that is what I want to learn about, not hear about someones bias against Ancient Greece. — Preceding unsigned comment added by BookishRogue (talk • contribs) 22:39, 21 February 2013 (UTC)
아랍음악은 그리스음악에서 베껴온 음악이다.
이슬람교에서는 음악을 금제(禁制)의 하나로 삼기 때문에 종교음악은 끝내 생겨나지 못했다. 그러나 세속음악은 궁정·귀족·부호 등의 보호 아래 교의상의 반대에도 불구하고 여전히 성행하였다. 무함마드의 한 아내는 가희(歌姬) 출신이었으며, 아랍의 대표적 악기가 된 우드('ud)의 보급이 시작된 것도 이 무렵이었다. 옴미아드조에 와서는 사라센 제국이 건설되자 수도를 메디나에서 시리아의 다마스쿠스로 옮겨 페르시아나 비잔틴과 교섭이 많아졌다. 그리하여 헬레니즘 문화를 채택, 그리스의 과학이나 예술이 시리아어(語)나 아랍어로 번역되어 과학적인 음악이론을 발전시켰다. 이것은 다른 동양음악에서는 볼 수 없는 아랍 음악의 특징이 되었으며, 궁정의 할렘이 융성해지고 가희나 음악가의 사회적 지위가 향상, 일종의 계급을 형성하여 귀족 및 부호와 유대를 맺었다. 일찍부터 음악이론서도 저술되고 그리스어에 따라 음악을 무지키(Mus gi)라고 부르기 시작하였다.악리 연구[편집]
아랍인의 악리 연구가 결실을 맺은 것은 코르도바였으며, 그리스적·아랍적인 이론이 여기서 완성을 보아 중세 유럽인은 코르도바로부터 배우는 바가 많았으며 중세 음악에의 영향, 특히 세속음악에의 자극이 컸다. 이론가의 제1인자인 알리 알 이스파하니(Ali al-Isfah ni)를 비롯하여 음악 이론가, 철학자 및 과학자로 유명한 알 파라비(Al-F r bi)의 저서인 <음악의 대서(大書)(Kitab al-Musiqi al-Kabir)>가 현존하여, 최근에 프랑스인 엘랑제르에 의해 프랑스어로 번역 출판되기도 했다. 또한 동양의 다른 여러 나라와 현저하게 다른 점은 과학적인 음악 이론이 그리스로부터 들어와 발전했다는 점이다. 음악이론은 예술로서라기보다 과학적인 음악이론으로서 발달한 점이 중국과 흡사하며 아랍의 우드('ud), 중국의 율관(律管)은 그리스의 모노코드(monochord)와 똑같은 기능을 발휘하였다. 근세 인도의 음악이론, 특히 음계론 및 리듬론의 발달도 이슬람의 영향에 의하는 점이 많았다. 우드를 비롯한 현악기에 음의 수리론(數理論)을 반영하여 척도(尺度)가 새겨져 있다는 점도 진귀하다. 음률은 옛날에는 9율(九律)이었다고 전해지나 그 기원에 대해서는 알 수 없다. 9율은 4도 음정을 차례로 겹쳐 얻은 음정을 1옥타브 안에 배열시킨 것이다.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
fayum art is greek custom
4 d. The Christ of Sinai strongly resembles the portraits made of people who had died. These were painted (wax encaustic) on wooden panels. Here are three such portraits. They are associated with Fayum in Egypt, though it was a Greek custom; they have just been preserved best in Egypt. This young man has the large, expressive eyes typical of these portraits.
ancient greeks and romans all preffered black eyes and black hair
The Greeks and Romans, as already remarked, entertained very different sentiments of beauty. The former were fond of eye-brows wide asunder, and a well-proportioned forehead. The latter preferred eye-brows that met, and a little forehead. The Romans preferred eyes of moderate size, the Greeks wished to have them large. The colors of the eyes, like that of the hair, have no less their different advocates. The ancients preferred black eyes, and the modern Greeks still have such a predilection for the same color, that, as we are informed by M. Guys, in his Letters on Greece, the very men frequently take their names from that circumstance. He says that he knew several who were called macromate, which in the vulgar language signifies black eyed. The opinions of certain nations ought not, however, to induce us to give the absolute preference to black eyes, and to adjudge to them exclusively the prize of beauty. Every one so far, ought to be allowed to be the arbiter of his own taste, let us not then give implicit credit to the assertions of the Greeks, when they tell us that black eyes are the most beautiful; since it is well known that hazel, and large blue eyes, have their admirers wherever taste and elegance are to be found. The color alone, however, does not contribute to the beauty of the eye, it depends still more on the form. If the eye, for instance, be too large, too small, too prominent, it is equally distant from perfection.
- -Allen And Ticknor, "The Toilette Of Health, Beauty, And Fashion (1834)"
- Quote:
T. Maccius Plautus, 3rd=2nd c. BC, Poenulus describing the appearance of a beautiful (venusta) woman:Specie venusta, óre atque oculis pernigris.
Of agreable form, with a small mouth, and very dark eyes.
P. Terentius Afer, 2nd c. BC, Heautontimorumenos. A father proposes to give a red-haired light-eyed (caesiam) and convex-nosed girl to his son, who protests.So. Gnate mi, ego pol tibi dabo illam lepidam quam tu facile ames;
Filiam Phanocratae nostri.
Cl. Rufamne illam virginem,
Caesiam, sparso ore, adunco naso? non possum, pater.
SOSTRATA My son, upon my honor I'll give you that charming girl, whom you may soon become attached to, the daughter of our neighbor Phanocrata.
CLITIPHO What! that red-haired girl, with cat's eyes, freckled face, and hooked nose? I can not, father.
C. Valerius Catullus, 1st c. BC, Carmina, 43 compares a girl that does not have various beautiful features, including not dark eyes, to his Lesbia:Salve, nec minimo puella naso
nec bello pede nec nigris ocellis
nec longis digitis nec ore sicco
nec sane nimis elegante lingua
decoctoris amica Formiani.
ten provincia narrat esse bellam?
tecum Lesbia nostra comparatur?
o saeclum insapiens et infacetum!
Greetings, girl with a nose not the shortest,
feet not so lovely, eyes not of the darkest,
fingers not slender, mouth never healed,
and a not excessively charming tongue,
bankrupt Formianus’s ‘little friend’.
And the Province pronounces you beautiful?
To be compared to my Lesbia?
O witless and ignorant age!
Sextus Propertius, 1st c. BC, Elegiae, II, 12
quam si perdideris, quis erit qui talia cantet,
(haec mea Musa levis gloria magna tua est),
qui caput et digitos et lumina nigra puellae,
et canat ut soleant molliter ire pedes?
If you destroy me, who will there be to sing like this? (This slender Muse of mine, is your great glory.) Who will sing the face, the hands, or the dark eyes of my girl, or how sweetly her footsteps are accustomed to fall.
Sources for the texts is the Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum
Update: Finally the Latin physiognomist Loxus (cf. "Loxus, Physician and Physiognomist," Geneva Misener, Classical Philology, Vol. 18, No. 1. (Jan., 1923), pp. 1-22.) believed that the ideal woman ought to have a fair complexion, brown hair and dark eyes.
Ancient Roman historian tacitus wrote that iberians have blonde and red hair
Cornelius also, the author of the Annals, says that in the farthest part of Britain the night gets brighter and is very short. He also says that the island abounds in metals, is well supplied with grass and is more productive in all those things which feed beasts rather than men. Moreover many large rivers flow through it, and the tides are borne back into them, rolling along precious stones and pearls. The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large loose-jointed bodies. They are like the Gauls or the Spaniards, according as they are opposite either nation.
Albanian is Greek
Nice video. But the title is wrong. First of all, Albanians are Greeks, so the title should be ''Greeks girl of Albanian origin''. The most beautiful girls of the world are Albanian girls!!! Albanians are Greeks, and maybe more Greeks than the real Greeks.
this is what lier nordicists want to believe about greece but do not care ancient iberians being celts and light
How do greeks look like? |
Posted: Nov 10 2011, 07:29 AM Forum Photographic Supplement View full topic |
According to Mjora's logic those who sell gyro in Greece and elsewhere are from Anatolia and those who sell hamburger are from Germany, while those who sell hot dog are all from America, what a logic....Well, let me inform you that those who sell gyro in Greece and elsewhere are from all over Greece. Greeks have lighter types among them by the ancient times, the Slavs came in the Balkans during 6th century, so the admixture is more ancient, especially in the Aegean islands, where no 6th century Slav ever reached. |
ancient roman see iberian as light as wales
Trog covered some good points there, and i'll leave Trog to debate this with the others. However just about the following point:
''We can refer to the Romans and how they described the Silures of Wales as being "swarthy" like the Iberians across the sea from them''
This is an unfortunate translation which Afrocentrics have latched to.
It is from Tacitus, Agricola, Chapter XI:
''Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt.''
Here Tacitus describes the Caledonians (Picts) as red haired (rutilae) but the Silures as ''colorati''.
Colorati is a highly ambiguous term, it does not always mean simply dark or swarthy skinned. Note for example how it appears in Ovid:
Amores, I. 14. 16:
''Vele colorati qualia Seres habent''
''Like the Woven cloth which the red-faced (sunburnt) Seres wear''
Charles Isaac Elton's translation of the Tacitus passage was therefore as follows:
''The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a German origin. The sunburnt hue (red faces) of the Silures, their usually curly hair, and the fact that Spain is the opposite shore to them, are an evidence that Iberians of a former date crossed over and occupied these parts'' - Origins of English History, Charles Isaac Elton, 1890, p. 138.
So the Silures could just have been nothing more than reddish skinned by a slight sunburn, not a dark/olive/swarthy tan.
''We can refer to the Romans and how they described the Silures of Wales as being "swarthy" like the Iberians across the sea from them''
This is an unfortunate translation which Afrocentrics have latched to.

It is from Tacitus, Agricola, Chapter XI:
''Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt.''
Here Tacitus describes the Caledonians (Picts) as red haired (rutilae) but the Silures as ''colorati''.
Colorati is a highly ambiguous term, it does not always mean simply dark or swarthy skinned. Note for example how it appears in Ovid:
Amores, I. 14. 16:
''Vele colorati qualia Seres habent''
''Like the Woven cloth which the red-faced (sunburnt) Seres wear''
Charles Isaac Elton's translation of the Tacitus passage was therefore as follows:
''The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a German origin. The sunburnt hue (red faces) of the Silures, their usually curly hair, and the fact that Spain is the opposite shore to them, are an evidence that Iberians of a former date crossed over and occupied these parts'' - Origins of English History, Charles Isaac Elton, 1890, p. 138.
So the Silures could just have been nothing more than reddish skinned by a slight sunburn, not a dark/olive/swarthy tan.
ancient iberians have blonde and red hair according to Romans
The description of the Silures is from Tacitus and is quoted in comparing the Silures with their similarities to Iberians:
I hardly think being notably "sunburnt" in the hills of the Wales is a common trait and yours is the only translation I have seen of this passage that attempts to alter it in this way. I recognise your leanings, but you need not fear the idea of swarthy Britons.
The mistake is assuming the ancient Iberians were a swarthy Mediterranean people. Note how Jordanes describes them:I hardly think being notably "sunburnt" in the hills of the Wales is a common trait and yours is the only translation I have seen of this passage that attempts to alter it in this way. I recognise your leanings, but you need not fear the idea of swarthy Britons.
Jordanes, Getica, 2. 13 (551 AD):
‘‘The inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large loose-jointed bodies.
They are like the Gauls or the Iberians, according as they are opposite either nation.’’
Redheaded Iberians? Something you won't find mentioned on Deinekes blog.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Turkish and Arab music and foods are from Greece
+HELEN Kouris you are not Greek. Shame on you. Turks and Greeks are NOT the same. Yes turks sing this song eat the same food that's because they stole it from you. Yiu are saying u have the same blood? Shamr on u. Turks are mongols who immigrated in the 11th century and stole everything greeks had. For a true greek we r not the same naver will be. Viva grecia armenia
Saturday, December 13, 2014
when quake live stuck at still awaiting challenge, use this command
[–]superfrenchdude 1 점2 점3 점 (개 답글 0)
- 댓글 주소로 가기
Sunday, December 7, 2014
객가족 한족은 동남아시아에 진출했다.
객가족(하카족, 진퉁한족): 고대 중국 때부터 지배층 형성(스스로도 한족이라 인식했음) => 서진 시대 이후로 이민족의 침략을 받으면서 당, 송 시대에 중국 남부, 동남아, 타이완 등지로 대거 이주하고 해당 지역에 경제붐, 문화 발전 일으킴 => 중국 본토가 만주족에 먹혀 잡종 짭퉁 짱깨들한테 잠식되면서 본격적으로 동남아, 중국 남부, 타이완에 정착하여 화교권 형성 => 이게 현대의 싱가폴, 홍콩, 타이완으로 이어짐.
부여계(예맥족): 고조선 => 부여, 고구려(예맥족 지배층과 만주 잡민족들 피지배층) => 백제(부여계 지배층과 반도 토착민 피지배층), 일본(부여계 지배층과 죠몬 피지배층)
※현대 한국의 조상인 신라는 에벤키 잡종들이 세운 근본없는 나라로, 부여계의 적이었고, 따라서 부여계와 현대 한국인은 관련 없음.
동아시아 역사는 객가족과 부여계가 장군멍군 하면서 진보하였고, 현대에도 객가족이 중국 공산당에 대거 침투하여 요직을 차지하는 등(중국 경제의 발전을 주도한 덩샤오핑이 객가족) 이 두 민족의 구도는 현대에 중국 vs 일본의 대결 양상으로 이어지고 있다.
부여계(예맥족): 고조선 => 부여, 고구려(예맥족 지배층과 만주 잡민족들 피지배층) => 백제(부여계 지배층과 반도 토착민 피지배층), 일본(부여계 지배층과 죠몬 피지배층)
※현대 한국의 조상인 신라는 에벤키 잡종들이 세운 근본없는 나라로, 부여계의 적이었고, 따라서 부여계와 현대 한국인은 관련 없음.
동아시아 역사는 객가족과 부여계가 장군멍군 하면서 진보하였고, 현대에도 객가족이 중국 공산당에 대거 침투하여 요직을 차지하는 등(중국 경제의 발전을 주도한 덩샤오핑이 객가족) 이 두 민족의 구도는 현대에 중국 vs 일본의 대결 양상으로 이어지고 있다.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Fayum Arts depict Greek ancestors.
Posted in Blog Picks, Greek art, Orthodox Christianity
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Here follows a remarkable post on Fayum painting, a subject that needs more attention. On my part I’d like to remind that fayum painting can be considered as a predecessor of Orthodox Christian iconography, which turned hellenistic art to even more ascetic and symbolical ways, instead of emphasizing its three dimensional elements.
Fayum Portraits – source: My Greek Odyssey

The Fayum portraits are a collection of 1st to 3rd century portraits made up mostly of Greek colonists of ancient Egypt. These colonists settled in cities like Alexandria after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great and its subsequent rule by Greek Kings. They are among the best surviving portraits of antiquity. Scattered in museums such as the British Museum, The Louvre, and the Museum of Art in New York, they represent some of the finest examples of Greek art, providing us with snapshots depicting some of our Greek ancestors. Looking at them one has the eerie feeling that he is meeting some long lost relatives for the first time. They were made with hot, pigmented wax on wooden panels, which were completed during the life of the individual and displayed in their home, this custom belonged to the traditions of Greek Art. After the person was deceased, the portrait panel was placed over the mummified individuals face. The surviving paintings are predominantly from the Fayum region in Egypt and were completed during Hellenistic and Roman periods in this province, which had been settled primarily by Greek colonists, many of whom were soldier-veterans. The practice was common and the painters of the Fayum were either Greek residents dating from the Ptolemaic period of the late 4th century B.C., or those who had inherited the Greek artistic tradition. According to Eurosyne Doxiadis in her book entitled “The Mysterious Fayum Portraits: Faces from Ancient Egypt” the dry climate of the region preserved many of the paintings until today.
Paintings of this type, were often painted in the elaborate technique, using pigments mixed with hot or cold beeswax and other ingredients such as egg, resin, and linseed oil. This versatile medium allowed artists to create images that in many ways are akin to oil paintings in Western art. The boy’s head, for instance, stands out with an impression of real depth from the light olive-colored background. His face is modeled with flowing strokes of the brush and a subtle blend of light and dark colors. Shadows on the left side of the face, neck, and garment and bright shiny spots on the forehead and below the right eye indicate a strong source of light on the boy’s right. Most arresting are the eyes, dark brown with black pupils that reflect the light with bright spots. This manner of painting, which is very different from the traditional Egyptian style but was well known in Greco-Roman Egypt, originated in Classical Greece in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.
For more portraits see the collection here.
Cf. Protestant and Orthodox iconography compared
Fayum Portraits – source: My Greek Odyssey

The Fayum portraits are a collection of 1st to 3rd century portraits made up mostly of Greek colonists of ancient Egypt. These colonists settled in cities like Alexandria after the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great and its subsequent rule by Greek Kings. They are among the best surviving portraits of antiquity. Scattered in museums such as the British Museum, The Louvre, and the Museum of Art in New York, they represent some of the finest examples of Greek art, providing us with snapshots depicting some of our Greek ancestors. Looking at them one has the eerie feeling that he is meeting some long lost relatives for the first time. They were made with hot, pigmented wax on wooden panels, which were completed during the life of the individual and displayed in their home, this custom belonged to the traditions of Greek Art. After the person was deceased, the portrait panel was placed over the mummified individuals face. The surviving paintings are predominantly from the Fayum region in Egypt and were completed during Hellenistic and Roman periods in this province, which had been settled primarily by Greek colonists, many of whom were soldier-veterans. The practice was common and the painters of the Fayum were either Greek residents dating from the Ptolemaic period of the late 4th century B.C., or those who had inherited the Greek artistic tradition. According to Eurosyne Doxiadis in her book entitled “The Mysterious Fayum Portraits: Faces from Ancient Egypt” the dry climate of the region preserved many of the paintings until today.

For more portraits see the collection here.
Cf. Protestant and Orthodox iconography compared
Monday, December 1, 2014
미국은 독일 과학자때문에 과학이 발전하였다.
제 목미국이 세계 최고인건 이거지 글쓴이 으랏차차 조회 19 댓글 0
2014-12-01 14:01:59
자원 + 독일 과학자 버프받고 전세계에서 이민충 받아서 존나 성장함.
19세기만 해도
유럽인구의 1/10도 못미치는 나라 였는데
유럽이 세계대전의 피해로 절망했을때 스스로를 기회의 땅, 자유의 나라로
어필 존나해서 지금은 서유럽 주요 국가 다 합한것보다 많음.
이름은 모르겠는데 존나 유명한 일본계 공대 교수가 말하길
지금도 미국 산업 발전시키는 부류는 전문직 종사 외국인들이라면서
미국은 이들을 대상으로 하는 전문직 취업 비자 포기하면 씹똥망 할거라고 경고함.
아주 틀린말은 아닌게 전투기 개발 역사를 보면
미국과 소련의 근본적인 차이는
소련은 돈은 없지만 과학자들이 존나 똑똑했다는 거고
미국은 과학자들이 소련보다는 병신이었지만 돈이 많아 이것저것 실험해서 알아낸 경험 축적이 강했음.
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- Fayum Arts depict Greek ancestors.
- 미국은 독일 과학자때문에 과학이 발전하였다.