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Sunday, April 28, 2013
Traditionally Greek goddesses are dark haired comment
Traditionally, the Greek goddess where mostly dark haired.
She was the 'Dark Goddess', and it generally thought that she would have
been black haired in her role as Queen of the Underworld. Remember that
blonde hair was Not the norm in Greece, light colored hair is Celt or
Nordic, not Grecian. Traditionally Greek goddesses are dark haired some
of the tribes and people living in that region at the time, had
prenominantly blonde hair, a little known fact, persephone was brunette
응답 대상: Natas773
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Roger Federer
Roger Roger!!! while I watching a lot of Djokovic VS Nadal game and You
VS Nadal to come up with the solution to beat nadal. I found a major
method to beat nadal. as I've always told you to attack nadal's
backhand. what I found is I find out that while you are such a surgical
hitter to acute angle, you don't send power ball in neutral position. I
found out that Djokovic send power balls to nadal in neutral position,
which force nadal to hit short weak balls. hit hard enough to force him
Roger Federer is the best in his era
Federer 247 weeks as number 1, 77 millions career prize money
Djokovic 53 weeks as number 1, 48 millions career prize money
Nadal 46 weeks as number 1, 53 millions career prize money
Henin Graf 0 , 0. stupid fucking cunt, u idiot loser.
응답 대상: Henin GrafDjokovic 53 weeks as number 1, 48 millions career prize money
Nadal 46 weeks as number 1, 53 millions career prize money
Henin Graf 0 , 0. stupid fucking cunt, u idiot loser.
tennis thesedays
Agassi, Sampras, Rod Laver, GuGa, Nalbandian, Safin, Llodra,
Delpotro, Dimitrov, in fact, I don't like the way tennis is "evolving".
The surface are slower than before and the ball smaller wich, encourage
physic fight and not strategy, mental strenght, tactic, variety and
creativity: This was tennis to me. Giving spectacle to non praticant
people we re destroying the essence of tennis and are encouraging doping
Celt came from iberia(Spain and Portugal)
"Modern scholarship, however, has clearly proven that Celtic presence and influences were most substantial in Iberia (with perhaps the highest settlement saturation in Western Europe), particularly in the western and northern regions.
The historical Celts were a diverse group of tribal societies in Iron Age Europe. Proto-Celtic culture formed in the Early Iron Age (1200 BC-400 AD) in Central Europe (Hallstatt period, named for the site in present-day Austria). By the later Iron Age (La Tène period), Celts had expanded over a wide range of lands: as far west as Ireland and the Iberian Peninsula, as far east as Galatia (central Anatolia), and as far north as Scotland.[2]
The Celtic languages form a branch of the larger Indo-European family. By the time speakers of Celtic languages enter history around 400 BC (Brennus's attack on Rome in 387 BC), they were already split into several language groups, and spread over much of Central Europe, the Iberian peninsula, Ireland and Britain."
Alberto J. Lorrio, Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero (2005). "The Celts in Iberia: An Overview". E-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies 6: 167–254. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/celtic/ekelt...atero_6_4.html.
" It is now believed that the ancient Celts were by a very large majority R1b people. Many subclades of R1b divide the various geographic groups of Celts. 2500 years ago, British and Irish Celts belonged mostly to the subclade R1b-L21. Celts from Iberia and south-west Gaul were R1b-M167, while the other Gauls, from central France to southern Germany to northern Italy, belonged to R1b-U152. Further subgroups exist for all these clades (see Origins of European haplogroups).
Celtic people split in several groups : the Brythonic went to Britain and Ireland, the Gaulish to France, the Iberian to Spain and Portugal, and the Alpine remained around Austria, Switzerland, southern Germany, Eastern France and Belgium. The Iberian and Gaulish groups mixed with I2b, I2a and E people, the Alpine with I2b and E, and the Brythonic just with I2b people. "
"Celts crossed the Pyrenees into Spain in two major migrations in the ninth and the seventh centuries B.C. The Celts settled for the most part north of the Rio Duero and the Rio Ebro, where they mixed with the Iberians to form groups called Celtiberians. The Celtiberians were farmers and herders who also excelled in metalworking crafts, which the Celts had brought from their Danubian homeland by way of Italy and southern France. Celtic influence dominated Celtiberian culture. The Celtiberians appear to have had no social or political organization larger than their matriarchal, collective, and independent clans. "
"It seems that what we are forgetting here is that Celtic culture may not have originated in south-central Europe at all. Rather, according to globally acclaimed archaeologists, Barry Cunliffe and John Koch, among others, Celticity spread from southwest Spain and Portugal - the starting point region. There is compelling archaeological and linguistic evidence suggesting that the Tartessians were the original Celts. A very substantial ongoing study led by Koch, with participants from many fields, could ultimately prove that there is no Central European Celtic origin. Quite possibly, Celticity spread from the southwest to the east and north.
Then , how do you explain the massive presence of haplotype R-M167 in Iberia, which is of Celtic origin.
Or the presence of M-269 , the presence of L1/S26, the S127 ,
How do you explain the Atlantic Modal Haplotype :
The AMH is the most frequently occurring haplotype amongst human males in Atlantic Europe. It is characterised by the following marker alleles:
* DYS388 12
* DYS390 24
* DYS391 11
* DYS392 13
* DYS393 13
* DYS394 14 (also known as DYS19)
A common haplotype within R1b is sometimes called the Atlantic Modal Haplotype, or haplotype 15. It reaches the highest frequencies in the Iberian Peninsula and in Great Britain and Ireland. In the Iberian Peninsula it reaches 70% in Portugal as a whole, more than 90% in NW Portugal and nearly 90% in Galicia (NW Spain), while the highest value is to be found among Spanish Basques. It was discovered prior to many of the SNPs now used to identify subclades of R1b and references to it can be found in some of the older literature. It corresponds most closely with subclade R1b1b2a1a
"The Celtic samples are very homogeneous—the modal haplotype [microsatellite haplotype 15 within hg 1 (haplotype 1.15)] has a frequency of 0.26 in Wales and 0.18 in Ireland--[...]. Haplotype 1.15 is also modal in the Basques and constitutes 0.41". In Galicia SNaPshot multiplexes reactions this frequency is 0.23 in the chromosomes which contains M173 (Eu18 or AMH).
Eu18 and Eu19 characterize about 50% of the European Y chromosomes.
Although they share M173, the two haplotypes show contrasting geographic distribution. The frequency of Eu18 decreases from west to east, being most frequent in Basques . This lineage includes the previously described proto-European lineage that is characterized by the 49a,f haplotype 15. In contrast, haplotype Eu19, which is derived from the M173 lineage and is distinguished by M17, is virtually absent in Western Europe. Its frequency increases eastward and reaches a maximum in Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine, where Eu18 in turn is virtually absent.
Presence of the M269 marker or R1b3 is the subclade most closely corresponding to Haplotype 15. It is by far the most common in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands (66%). It is also the most comun in Galicia 63% (Galician haplogroup-frequency 0.88: cf. Basque 1.16, NW Castilian 1.00, East Andalusia 0.95, Catalonia 0.80, South Portugal 0.78, etc.), with a very low presence of the iberian haplogroup R1b3f: 0.02.
Despite AMH alleles of Ireland they seem to correspond better with the NE of Iberia, where R1b3f was a later mutation, that with the Iberian Atlantic facade and Basconia:
Irland, Huesca (Pyrenees), Valencia: DYS388 12, DYS390 24, DYS391 11, DYS392 13, DYS393 13 e DYS19 14
Basconia: DYS388 12, DYS390 24, DYS391 10, DYS392 13, DYS393 13, DYS19 14.
Galicia: DYS388 12, DYS390 23, DYS391 9, DYS392 11, DYS393 13, DYS19 14
From later Cro-Magnon remains from southern Italy it has been found that early Europeans were of the mtDNA-Haplogroup HV or pre-HV with Celts and Basques being around 60% descendant mtDNA-Haplogroup H (Welsh 59.8%, Galicians 59.2%, Basques 57.8% Piedmont 56.8%, Valencians 53.33%).
Only the Insular languages Celtic and hispanic occidental names of god epithets show evidence of a Afro-Asiatic substrate "grammar without vocabulary" influence which may have arisen in the coastal Neolithic enclaves among the then hunter-gatherer Berbers of the Maghreb:syntactic order, plurality of plurals, etc.
So HLA A2-B7-DR15 (caucasic common haplotype; cf. Glenys Thomson and Richard Single: "Biostatistical Analyses of Population Level Data for the 14th IHIWS", 2008): They were responsible for the common genetic base that one has been in Iberian and paleonorthafricans (hamitas). “The appendation of the B7-DQ6 haplotype creates the A2-B7-DQ6 haplotype. This haplotype if found often in Northern and Western Spain, Portugal and SW of Britain;also in Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany show a significant incidence” : cf.Thomson and Richard Single, 2008.
So HLA A29-Cw16-B44-DR7-DQ2 (caucasic common haplotype; cf. Glenys Thomson and Richard Single: "Biostatistical Analyses of Population Level Data for the 14th IHIWS", 2008): The highest frequencies tend to be coastal countries along the Atlantic. The Cw16 allele is undoubtedly derived from Western Africa a substantial contribution as far north as Ireland. The high frequency of this haplotype is a marker of the old west European of the West, including a Portuguese, Basque and NW Spaniards; also it is common in Irish, English of the South and the French of the West.

The historical Celts were a diverse group of tribal societies in Iron Age Europe. Proto-Celtic culture formed in the Early Iron Age (1200 BC-400 AD) in Central Europe (Hallstatt period, named for the site in present-day Austria). By the later Iron Age (La Tène period), Celts had expanded over a wide range of lands: as far west as Ireland and the Iberian Peninsula, as far east as Galatia (central Anatolia), and as far north as Scotland.[2]
The Celtic languages form a branch of the larger Indo-European family. By the time speakers of Celtic languages enter history around 400 BC (Brennus's attack on Rome in 387 BC), they were already split into several language groups, and spread over much of Central Europe, the Iberian peninsula, Ireland and Britain."
Alberto J. Lorrio, Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero (2005). "The Celts in Iberia: An Overview". E-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies 6: 167–254. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/celtic/ekelt...atero_6_4.html.
" It is now believed that the ancient Celts were by a very large majority R1b people. Many subclades of R1b divide the various geographic groups of Celts. 2500 years ago, British and Irish Celts belonged mostly to the subclade R1b-L21. Celts from Iberia and south-west Gaul were R1b-M167, while the other Gauls, from central France to southern Germany to northern Italy, belonged to R1b-U152. Further subgroups exist for all these clades (see Origins of European haplogroups).
Celtic people split in several groups : the Brythonic went to Britain and Ireland, the Gaulish to France, the Iberian to Spain and Portugal, and the Alpine remained around Austria, Switzerland, southern Germany, Eastern France and Belgium. The Iberian and Gaulish groups mixed with I2b, I2a and E people, the Alpine with I2b and E, and the Brythonic just with I2b people. "
"Celts crossed the Pyrenees into Spain in two major migrations in the ninth and the seventh centuries B.C. The Celts settled for the most part north of the Rio Duero and the Rio Ebro, where they mixed with the Iberians to form groups called Celtiberians. The Celtiberians were farmers and herders who also excelled in metalworking crafts, which the Celts had brought from their Danubian homeland by way of Italy and southern France. Celtic influence dominated Celtiberian culture. The Celtiberians appear to have had no social or political organization larger than their matriarchal, collective, and independent clans. "
"It seems that what we are forgetting here is that Celtic culture may not have originated in south-central Europe at all. Rather, according to globally acclaimed archaeologists, Barry Cunliffe and John Koch, among others, Celticity spread from southwest Spain and Portugal - the starting point region. There is compelling archaeological and linguistic evidence suggesting that the Tartessians were the original Celts. A very substantial ongoing study led by Koch, with participants from many fields, could ultimately prove that there is no Central European Celtic origin. Quite possibly, Celticity spread from the southwest to the east and north.
Then , how do you explain the massive presence of haplotype R-M167 in Iberia, which is of Celtic origin.
Or the presence of M-269 , the presence of L1/S26, the S127 ,
How do you explain the Atlantic Modal Haplotype :
The AMH is the most frequently occurring haplotype amongst human males in Atlantic Europe. It is characterised by the following marker alleles:
* DYS388 12
* DYS390 24
* DYS391 11
* DYS392 13
* DYS393 13
* DYS394 14 (also known as DYS19)
A common haplotype within R1b is sometimes called the Atlantic Modal Haplotype, or haplotype 15. It reaches the highest frequencies in the Iberian Peninsula and in Great Britain and Ireland. In the Iberian Peninsula it reaches 70% in Portugal as a whole, more than 90% in NW Portugal and nearly 90% in Galicia (NW Spain), while the highest value is to be found among Spanish Basques. It was discovered prior to many of the SNPs now used to identify subclades of R1b and references to it can be found in some of the older literature. It corresponds most closely with subclade R1b1b2a1a
"The Celtic samples are very homogeneous—the modal haplotype [microsatellite haplotype 15 within hg 1 (haplotype 1.15)] has a frequency of 0.26 in Wales and 0.18 in Ireland--[...]. Haplotype 1.15 is also modal in the Basques and constitutes 0.41". In Galicia SNaPshot multiplexes reactions this frequency is 0.23 in the chromosomes which contains M173 (Eu18 or AMH).
Eu18 and Eu19 characterize about 50% of the European Y chromosomes.
Although they share M173, the two haplotypes show contrasting geographic distribution. The frequency of Eu18 decreases from west to east, being most frequent in Basques . This lineage includes the previously described proto-European lineage that is characterized by the 49a,f haplotype 15. In contrast, haplotype Eu19, which is derived from the M173 lineage and is distinguished by M17, is virtually absent in Western Europe. Its frequency increases eastward and reaches a maximum in Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine, where Eu18 in turn is virtually absent.
Presence of the M269 marker or R1b3 is the subclade most closely corresponding to Haplotype 15. It is by far the most common in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands (66%). It is also the most comun in Galicia 63% (Galician haplogroup-frequency 0.88: cf. Basque 1.16, NW Castilian 1.00, East Andalusia 0.95, Catalonia 0.80, South Portugal 0.78, etc.), with a very low presence of the iberian haplogroup R1b3f: 0.02.
Despite AMH alleles of Ireland they seem to correspond better with the NE of Iberia, where R1b3f was a later mutation, that with the Iberian Atlantic facade and Basconia:
Irland, Huesca (Pyrenees), Valencia: DYS388 12, DYS390 24, DYS391 11, DYS392 13, DYS393 13 e DYS19 14
Basconia: DYS388 12, DYS390 24, DYS391 10, DYS392 13, DYS393 13, DYS19 14.
Galicia: DYS388 12, DYS390 23, DYS391 9, DYS392 11, DYS393 13, DYS19 14
From later Cro-Magnon remains from southern Italy it has been found that early Europeans were of the mtDNA-Haplogroup HV or pre-HV with Celts and Basques being around 60% descendant mtDNA-Haplogroup H (Welsh 59.8%, Galicians 59.2%, Basques 57.8% Piedmont 56.8%, Valencians 53.33%).
Only the Insular languages Celtic and hispanic occidental names of god epithets show evidence of a Afro-Asiatic substrate "grammar without vocabulary" influence which may have arisen in the coastal Neolithic enclaves among the then hunter-gatherer Berbers of the Maghreb:syntactic order, plurality of plurals, etc.
So HLA A2-B7-DR15 (caucasic common haplotype; cf. Glenys Thomson and Richard Single: "Biostatistical Analyses of Population Level Data for the 14th IHIWS", 2008): They were responsible for the common genetic base that one has been in Iberian and paleonorthafricans (hamitas). “The appendation of the B7-DQ6 haplotype creates the A2-B7-DQ6 haplotype. This haplotype if found often in Northern and Western Spain, Portugal and SW of Britain;also in Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany show a significant incidence” : cf.Thomson and Richard Single, 2008.
So HLA A29-Cw16-B44-DR7-DQ2 (caucasic common haplotype; cf. Glenys Thomson and Richard Single: "Biostatistical Analyses of Population Level Data for the 14th IHIWS", 2008): The highest frequencies tend to be coastal countries along the Atlantic. The Cw16 allele is undoubtedly derived from Western Africa a substantial contribution as far north as Ireland. The high frequency of this haplotype is a marker of the old west European of the West, including a Portuguese, Basque and NW Spaniards; also it is common in Irish, English of the South and the French of the West.

Original Celts could be dark hiared comment
Maciamo is offline
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What make any of you think that there weren't many dark haired Celts in the first place ?
07-01-10, 12:15 #9
maltesekid is offline
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yeah but dark haired celts arent iberian mediterraneans or eastern mediterraneans either they are paleo atlantid or something thats differnt from the iberian mediterranean imo! iberian mediterraneans are shorter darker and darker eyed
07-01-10, 15:08 #10
Cambrius (The Red)
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Quote Originally Posted by maltesekid View Post
yeah but dark haired celts arent iberian mediterraneans or eastern mediterraneans either they are paleo atlantid or something thats differnt from the iberian mediterranean imo! iberian mediterraneans are shorter darker and darker eyed
So, what do you think an "Iberian Mediterranean" is supposed to look like?
Penelope Cruz may or may not be typical of a Western Mediterranean person. A majority of Spanish and Portuguese are more Paleo-Atlantid (P-A) and Nordid-Atlantid (N-A), than Mediterranean. You find a good number of P-A and N-A types in the U.K. and Ireland as well.
BTW, Western Mediterraneans and Atlanto-Mediterraneans have somewhat different phenotypes than Eastern Mediterraneans. There are some similarities but they are generally NOT THE SAME.
07-01-10, 15:32 #11
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Quote Originally Posted by Wilhelm View Post
I don't find Cruz to be particularly 'dark'
Me neither. George Clooney is way darker.
07-01-10, 15:48 #12
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Universally, men are usually darker than women. Testosterone?
07-01-10, 15:52 #13
Cambrius (The Red)
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Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo View Post
What make any of you think that there weren't many dark haired Celts in the first place ?
In fact, a large majority of "original" Celts may have had dark features.
07-01-10, 17:08 #14
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Quote Originally Posted by maltesekid View Post
yeah but dark haired celts arent iberian mediterraneans or eastern mediterraneans either they are paleo atlantid or something thats differnt from the iberian mediterranean imo! iberian mediterraneans are shorter darker and darker eyed
Why shorter ? They are not shorter, The average height of Spain is the same as in other european countries.
07-01-10, 17:19 #15
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Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo View Post
What make any of you think that there weren't many dark haired Celts in the first place ?
Stephen Oppenheimer believes that Celts were a mediterranean people...
It's not so strange.
People think that because the English, Welsh, Irish, are highly blonde and fair, they automatically think that Celts were blonde and fair. And that's because of the Germanics (Anglo-Saxons) and Vkings (Danish and Normans) invasions, , not because of Celts...(mostly)
07-01-10, 17:33 #16
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Quote Originally Posted by Wilhelm View Post
Stephen Oppenheimer believes that Celts were a mediterranean people...
It's not so strange.
People think that because the English, Welsh, Irish, are highly blonde and fair, they automatically think that Celts were blonde and fair. And that's because of the Germanics (Anglo-Saxons) and Vkings (Danish and Normans) invasions, , not because of Celts...(mostly)
The Celts might have been predominantly R1b, but that doesn't mean much. They were originally indo-European who mixed with people of the Danube valley (native Europeans + Near-Eastern immigrants) before becoming the Celts in Central and Western Europe. So they were not "pure" Indo-Europeans. Yamna people and the first Yamna migrants to Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Hungary all had Proto-Europoid skulls (i.e. with mixed Europoid and Mongoloid features). Classical Celts as depicted by the Greeks and Romans did not look like that at all. Maternal lineages of the Celts were surely overwhelmingly non-IE. One good proof is that mt-haplogroup U3, common around the Black Sea where IE people originated, is very rare in Central and Western Europe, especially west of Italy and Germany.
07-01-10, 17:38 #17
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Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo View Post
The Celts might have been predominantly R1b, but that doesn't mean much. They were originally indo-European who mixed with people of the Danube valley (native Europeans + Near-Eastern immigrants) before becoming the Celts in Central and Western Europe. So they were not "pure" Indo-Europeans. Yamna people and the first Yamna migrants to Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Hungary all had Proto-Europoid skulls (i.e. with mixed Europoid and Mongoloid features). Classical Celts as depicted by the Greeks and Romans did not look like that at all.
Yes, and being the Celts from Southern France and central Europe, it is more
probable that they were dark-haired, chestnut,..like today's southern france, Switzerland, and Southern Austria...
07-01-10, 17:47 #18
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Quote Originally Posted by maltesekid View Post
yeah but dark haired celts arent iberian mediterraneans or eastern mediterraneans either they are paleo atlantid or something thats differnt from the iberian mediterranean imo! iberian mediterraneans are shorter darker and darker eyed
And what the hell are the iberian mediterraneans supposed to be ??
Celts are part of the iberian mediterranean make-up.
They are not shorter nor darker...Please, talk with some foundation..
Northern French accent is foreigner one
As latin and catholic countries, and as countries that border the mediterranean, both countries have obviously common points. That said one should not over-estimate and think that they are the same on all points.
On the points you noticed, "culturally catholic, passion for living, love food, family oriented..." These actually are not specific of Spain/Italian relation but could apply to most latin countries as a whole; Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, not onlt Spain and Italy. Actually concerning passion for food and living, it's actually much more a french/Italian thing that a Spanish one.
For being "partying" it is mainly a Spanish thing, and less Italian. "family-oriented" is something traditional in most mediterranean and/or catholic countries; it concerns especially the south of both countries than many other areas; not that much in northern Italy.
On the question of "sunny mediterranean climate"; while true for many areas; it is a over-simplification. Many regions in both countries have not really mediterranean climates, especially in Spain. For exemple, Spain borders as much the Atlantic as it does with the mediterranean. Climate in northern Spain is mild, but not mediterranean at all: it has wet and relatively cool summers, with completly different landscapes:
Most of the inside of Spain, (Castillan plateaus); has harsher climates, especially the region of Castilla-y-Leon, with winters quite different to the mild mediterranean regions.
In the Po plain in northern Italy the climate is not mediterranean either. these regions are the ecomic heart of Italy and the most densily populated area of the country, but quite far from the traditional cliché of the country that is usually more based on the peninsula and its mediterranean ambiance. This part of Italy has cold winters and many days of mist, and different kind of foods than peninsular Italy.
The climate is often though to be very similar between both countries because they are often though to be at the same latitudes. Actually, Italy is quite much further north than Spain: the northern half of Italy is in line with the southern half of France; when the southern half of Italy only is in line with Spain. Everything that in Italy is further north than Rome is more in line with France than with Spain (and touch it, when Spain is a few hundred of kilometers farther)
Imageshack - franceitalyspain.jpg
Actually the European regions outside of Italy that has more common points with the Italian stereotypes in terms of climate, landscapes, food or architecture is probably Provence, Nice and Corsica in France more than any part of Spain. This is actually logical when we see that this region is just west of Tuscany, the "quintessential Italian region"...
http://ecogitedebivosque.wifeo.com/images/100_4370.jpg (broken link)
Inversely, in southern France, as we cross the Rhone valley in direction to the west, we enter in areas that have many cultural aspects that exist in Spain, Portugal and France but doesn't exist in Italy.
Especially the different kinds of Bullfighting traditions, that are emblematic of Spain, are also a important traditional aspect in many parts of southern French regions that are situated west of the Rhone. The Bullfight culture and the Ferias of Nimes, Arles, Dax and many other parts of southern France make them very similar to the Spanish culture. In Italy this is a very foreign thing. Even the vernacular architecture in those areas is more like what could be found in Spain (less colorfull, more "serious", "proud" and "simple", or even "military" than the more "italian-like" urban ambiances of Provence, Nice or Corsica, much more "messy" and colorful.
I tend to think that is we speak generally of the typically, stereotipically "spirit" of Spanish and Italian cultures, (without taking in account the huge regional diversities), diverge hugely mainly on this aspect: Italian culture is associated with warmness, color, messy things, sympathetic but "not-very-serious" attitudes, theater-like acting in everyday life, chaos, etc... (although these things are not very true in the northermost regions, this is a stereotype)
when Spain is almost the reverse on this: contrasted, harsher, tragic, dramatic, serious, proud, ordely.
This Italian stereotype is mostly base on peninsular Italy, while this Spanish stereotype is based more on the Castilla plateaus regions, where the climate and landscape is harsher.
This is reflected in the arts very strongly (painting, architecture or music). Italian art is harmony, calm, sweet proportions, when Spanish one is more based on proudness, tragic, bloodly.
Let's see some exemples:
Asturias - Isaac Albeniz - YouTube
Concerto d'Aranjuez - John Williams - Vidéo Dailymotion
This could hardly being produced by Italian artists
Concerning the languages, Spanish and Italian are both latin languages (or "romance"). As such they have many similarities, but not really more together than they would have with other latin languages.
Actually Spanish is much more similar with Portuguese than with any other latin language. Culturally speaking, as a whole Spain is also much closer to Portugal than to Italy. Spain has also I I said above, as much (if not more) in common with the neighboring regions of France than with Italy.
Italian and Spanish are often said or thought to be the most similar of Romance languages because of their phonology that is to the ear more similar that it can be with Portuguese or with French. But still the accent and intonation are very different (Italian being once again more towards sweetness and melody, while Spanish has that deeply tragic thing in its rythms and sounds)
On the pure linguistic point of view (vocabulary and Grammar), Italian is actually closer to French than it is to Spanish, contrary to the common belief. Foreigner might think French and Italian are distant because they sound quite differently (especially because standard french is the northern version of it, actually spoken by southern accents french is as much melodic as Italian is). French and Italian share 89% of related vocabulary, while Italian and Spanish share 75%.
But concerning languages we should not forget that in the three countries there is (or used to be until a few decades), regional languages that are actually often somehow in-between the three. Catalan, which is spoken in almost all the mediterranean coast of Spain is actually on many points as much close to French and Italian, that it is to Castillan Spanish. The same way, in the south of France, the Occitan dialects that used to be spoken until the last centuries were very similar to Catalan. In Northern Italy there used to be languages that were usually considered Closer to French than to Tuscan (Standard Italian).
In my opinion (I'm a southern French that travelled extensively in France, Spain and Italy), all these three countries (+Portugal), share the same cultural group in Europe; which is usually called "latin" refering to the roots of the languages and the cultural herency of the former Roman empire, and catholicism. the regions of these countries present a continuum of landscapes and local cultures without som much harsh transition. In that way, southern France is in many ways, the intermediary zone, or "buffer zone" between Italian, Northern French and Spanish cultures. Catalan culture in Spain is an intermediary step between southern French and Castillan culture, etc...
French culture and language is often thought by many foreign people to be very different from Spanish/Italian ones. I don't think that is the case, either on linguistic facts (see above) or cultural ones. It depends actually on what part of the countries on which we base the stereotypes.
It seems that the common stereotype from Spain is based on Andalucian culture (flamenco, images of white villages, gypsies, etc), that Italian clichés are more based on southern Italy (south or Rome), when French images seem to be focused exclusively on Paris and its surroundings in the Northern half of France.
That ways it is not surprinsing that the idea that France and Italy could be culturally as much close that Spanish and Italy can be is usually not accepted. But when you know the languages and the different regions in the countries you realize that they can be very similar on many ways. Especially if we compare the northern half of Italy with the southern half of France. The regions around Lyon are culturally similar to piemonte or Lombardy. Provence is culturally very similar to Tuscany, etc.
Northern Italia has the lowest fertility rate in the world
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Default Re: European most typical faces
Originally Posted by Navas de Tolosa View Post
Penelope Cruz...can you believe that in SF Spain there are people that say Penelope Cruz isnt white??
Clear which are the same people who say that in Italy (and in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Yugoslavia) there is much mestizo...
It is. I dont know Italy very well, but I have seen many italians in my town, and of course, on TV, and its impossible to know what part of Italy they are. As I stated above, in the north there are dark skinned and in south there are clear complexion too,making it impossible to know what part of Italy they are.
The impression that racially Italy offers is that is a very homogeneous country.
I know some italians you are determined to deny it, but as I say, from the outside sees you in a way different.
And I add, seems to me discriminatory qualify as less white to your countrymen. And more taking into account internal migrations that I imagine that has been in Italy, as in other countries.
Young people from today are different from people 50 years ago. Today you can see many northern italians that doesn't look northern italian. North Italy had very low fertility rate so almost all youth from today have some southern ancestror. Just look the DJ Gigi D'Agostino, he is from Torino but he doesn't have Piedmontese surname. If you go to Liguria or Piemonte where one my grandfather is from all you see is very old people with more than 80 years, you almost not see any children. The few youth are foreigners or sons of southern people, so the original people are almost extinct. Liguria have by far the oldest population in the world as well the lowest fertility rate in Italy and in the world (0,8 child per woman).
That's why today it is impossible to know where an italian is from. This girl is from Monza - Lombardia and her phenotype was common until 50 years ago in North Italy:
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Default Re: European most typical faces
Originally Posted by Navas de Tolosa View Post
Penelope Cruz...can you believe that in SF Spain there are people that say Penelope Cruz isnt white??
Clear which are the same people who say that in Italy (and in Spain, Portugal, Greece, Yugoslavia) there is much mestizo...
It is. I dont know Italy very well, but I have seen many italians in my town, and of course, on TV, and its impossible to know what part of Italy they are. As I stated above, in the north there are dark skinned and in south there are clear complexion too,making it impossible to know what part of Italy they are.
The impression that racially Italy offers is that is a very homogeneous country.
I know some italians you are determined to deny it, but as I say, from the outside sees you in a way different.
And I add, seems to me discriminatory qualify as less white to your countrymen. And more taking into account internal migrations that I imagine that has been in Italy, as in other countries.
Young people from today are different from people 50 years ago. Today you can see many northern italians that doesn't look northern italian. North Italy had very low fertility rate so almost all youth from today have some southern ancestror. Just look the DJ Gigi D'Agostino, he is from Torino but he doesn't have Piedmontese surname. If you go to Liguria or Piemonte where one my grandfather is from all you see is very old people with more than 80 years, you almost not see any children. The few youth are foreigners or sons of southern people, so the original people are almost extinct. Liguria have by far the oldest population in the world as well the lowest fertility rate in Italy and in the world (0,8 child per woman).
That's why today it is impossible to know where an italian is from. This girl is from Monza - Lombardia and her phenotype was common until 50 years ago in North Italy:
Penelope Cruz can pass for an italian comment
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Default Re: European most typical faces
Originally Posted by Navas de Tolosa View Post
OK is your opinion, the mine is opposite.
Do you speak seriously when you say that you can to distinguish spanish and italians for their skintone and for their eyes????
Of course I can't distinguish all. For istance Penelope Cruz could be also Italian, while, for istance, a Fernando Torres' look is pretty rare here. I think that slighty differences exist also between Swedes and Norwegians, let me say it. I don't think that there are two peoples 100% identical. Spaniards and Italians look very similar, although some differences can be observed between them. I am not surprised, anyway, if foreigners can't see them, indeed very often neither we can.
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Default Re: European most typical faces
Originally Posted by Navas de Tolosa View Post
OK is your opinion, the mine is opposite.
Do you speak seriously when you say that you can to distinguish spanish and italians for their skintone and for their eyes????
Of course I can't distinguish all. For istance Penelope Cruz could be also Italian, while, for istance, a Fernando Torres' look is pretty rare here. I think that slighty differences exist also between Swedes and Norwegians, let me say it. I don't think that there are two peoples 100% identical. Spaniards and Italians look very similar, although some differences can be observed between them. I am not surprised, anyway, if foreigners can't see them, indeed very often neither we can.
Nadal what's cheating?
The cheating part is that he is interrupting Federer in his
game intentionally. Even though it is tactical, doing these things in a
gentleman sport is wrong, cheating.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Roger Federer got sick by mono virus
What about his left arm??? Looks permanently deformated, is that normal??? M Andrew99780 i always think he is dangerous in masters 1000's. he won 3 of them last year if im correct. best of 3 sets he is always dangerous. with his aggressive tennis..he can win matches very quickly. tennis..he can win tennis..he can win matches very quickly. matches very quickly.
April 21 2013, 7:02 PM
What about his left arm??? Looks permanently deformated, is that normal??? M Andrew99780 i always think he is dangerous in masters 1000's. he won 3 of them last year if im correct. best of 3 sets he is always dangerous. with his aggressive tennis..he can win matches very quickly. tennis..he can win tennis..he can win matches very quickly. matches very quickly.
April 21 2013, 7:02 PM
Nadal cheat fake time out against Roger
or that he didn't stop the match and go into the locker for 20 minutes like he did when he was down 5-2 against fed in the 2011 FO final. uncle toni as giving him a blood uncle toni as giving him a blood transfusion perhaps? Sasa Jelisavac Transfusion or not, he is allowed to do that...
April 21 2013, 7:23 PM
or that he didn't stop the match and go into the locker for 20 minutes like he did when he was down 5-2 against fed in the 2011 FO final. uncle toni as giving him a blood uncle toni as giving him a blood transfusion perhaps? Sasa Jelisavac Transfusion or not, he is allowed to do that...
April 21 2013, 7:23 PM
Nadal is a natural defensive player
Nadal is a natural defensive player. He is full when he plays
his full defensive style. what's the reason he change a little to
offensive side? yes his body cannot sustain long to extend his career.
2006 and 2007 nadal is really really young healthy full nadal that suit
his best game.
If Nadal is younger and healthy and more solid defense like in 2006 and 2007, he could have done better now.
If Nadal is younger and healthy and more solid defense like in 2006 and 2007, he could have done better now.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
tennis tournament draw is fixed
The GS draws were fixed so many times (nobody can convince me that that
Roger/Djokovic SF ratio was random) that i believe the organizers will
find the way to place Nadal and Djokovic in different half without seeds
Nadal might have obsessive compusive disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - repetitive behaviors aimed
at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such
obsessions and compulsions. I am not say Nadal has it but I read in
different newspapers and other expert comments that it's possible Nadal
has it.
응답 대상: Tatoo Vini
Toni Arrogant Nadal believes Roger Federer will not be among favorites at the French Open
Tennis: Former world number one Rafael Nadal’s coach and uncle Toni
Nadal thinks that one of the best tennis players of all-time Roger
Federer will not be among the favorite players at this year’s French
Toni was giving an interview to Eurosport analyst Mats Wilander when he was asked if he considered his nephew to be the favorite at this year’s French Open.
The Spaniard replied Nadal would not be the sole favorite but he is among a group of favorites which also includes reigning world number one Novak Djokovic, London Olympics Gold Medalist and US Open champion Andy Murray, world number four David Ferrer and 2009 US Open champion Juan Martin Del Potro. He was not sure if 17-time Grand Slam winner Federer is part of the group.
Toni said, “This year I think the favorites are Djokovic, Del Potro, David Ferrer, Rafael, Murray… I’m not sure about Federer… For me these are the favorites.”
Nadal has won seven of the last eight French Opens. Federer lost to the Spaniard in four of them. The only time when Nadal was stunned before the title match, Federer went on to win the crown and complete his career Grand Slam.
The Swiss Maestro was beaten by Djokovic in the semi-finals last year. He has not participated in any clay court event in this season so far. The 31-year-old is practicing on clay courts in Italy these days and will start this year’s clay court campaign at the Mutua Madrid Open in the first week of May.
Toni was giving an interview to Eurosport analyst Mats Wilander when he was asked if he considered his nephew to be the favorite at this year’s French Open.
The Spaniard replied Nadal would not be the sole favorite but he is among a group of favorites which also includes reigning world number one Novak Djokovic, London Olympics Gold Medalist and US Open champion Andy Murray, world number four David Ferrer and 2009 US Open champion Juan Martin Del Potro. He was not sure if 17-time Grand Slam winner Federer is part of the group.
Toni said, “This year I think the favorites are Djokovic, Del Potro, David Ferrer, Rafael, Murray… I’m not sure about Federer… For me these are the favorites.”
Nadal has won seven of the last eight French Opens. Federer lost to the Spaniard in four of them. The only time when Nadal was stunned before the title match, Federer went on to win the crown and complete his career Grand Slam.
The Swiss Maestro was beaten by Djokovic in the semi-finals last year. He has not participated in any clay court event in this season so far. The 31-year-old is practicing on clay courts in Italy these days and will start this year’s clay court campaign at the Mutua Madrid Open in the first week of May.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Big Lip is Ugly but Full lip is Beautiful
It's not the lips people are making fun of.
It's the size of the mouth.
A large mouth is highly unattractive.
Full lips is attractive not too big but full.
It's the size of the mouth.
A large mouth is highly unattractive.
Full lips is attractive not too big but full.
- 5 minutes ago
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기독교를 정면 부정하는 이슬람 논리
니들 기독교를 믿기보다는 차라리 이슬람을 믿어라. 기독교 성경 그거 오류가 엄청많다. 온통 짜집기에 잘못된 정보로 엮인게
지금의 성경이야...바로 그런한 이유때문에 천사가 마호메트 앞에 나타나 새로운 복음을 전파한것이다. 대한민국이 기독교 세력들이
활개를 치는데 한 단계 높은 선진도덕국가로 나아가기 위해서는 이슬람의 전파가 시급하다.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
중국의 조상은 백인이다.
현재 발굴된 주나라때의 묘중에서, 특히 초기의 서주시대 묘는 자주 백인종의 특징을 지닌 두상(頭像)과 벽화가 발견된다. 이는 상나라묘의 전형적인 황인종 특징을 지닌 청동기인면상과는 확실히 구분되는 점이다.
1976년, 감숙성 영대 백초파의 서주묘에서 청동극 위의 인두상이 발견되었는데, 명백히 백인종의 특색을 지녔다.
1975년에 발굴된 북경 창평 백부의 서주초기묘에서 출토된 청동인면상은 인도유럽인의 특징을 나타낸다
1980년 가을 섬서성 부풍의 서주궁전유적지에서 두 개의 서주시대 방조(蚌雕) 인면상은 코가 높고, 눈이 깊으며(高鼻深目), 머리에 단단하고 높은 모자를 쓰고 있다. 이는 중앙아시아에 거주하는 샘족의 인면상과 완전히 일치한다. 복식이건 외모건 모두 현재의 중국인과는 거리가 멀다. 그중 하나의 머리위에는 “十”자(‘巫’자)를 새기고 있다. 이 부호는 기원전 5500년전의 서아시아 Khalaf문화에서 유래하는 것이다.
산서에서 출토된 주나라때 남녀의 인형도범(人形陶范)을 보면 구령포복(矩領袍服)을 입고, 무릎까지 오도록 꽃무늬옷을 입고 있으며, 머리에는 평정모(平頂帽)를 쓰고 있으며, 허리에는 띠를 매었는데, 끝은 두 개의 동그란 구형으로 하여 띠를 묶고 있다. 하남에서 발견된 것도 대동소이한 복장이다. 이런 복식의 특징은 현재 중앙아시아 일부 민족의 복식과 아주 유사하고, 화하족의 전통복장과는 차이가 크다.
사실상, 중국의 선진(先秦, 진나라이전)시기에 출토된 민족복장은 개수가 많지 않다. 특히 북방지역은 더 그렇다. 나중의 한복(漢服)에 가장 접근한 것은 기본적으로 모두 남방인 초(楚)나라 묘에서 출토되는 것이다.
청림책사풍후 [heonw**(고정닉) : 갤로그로 이동합니다.]
왜 공자가 죽을 때 난 주나라 후예아니라 상나라 후예다라고 말하고 뒤졋는지 알겟구먼
2013.04.19 09:10
청림책사풍후 [heonw**(고정닉) : 갤로그로 이동합니다.]
사실 공자는 주나라를 빤 적두 없는건가 아니면 백인들 밑에서 살아남으려는 발악,컨셉이었나
2013.04.19 09:11
1976년, 감숙성 영대 백초파의 서주묘에서 청동극 위의 인두상이 발견되었는데, 명백히 백인종의 특색을 지녔다.
1975년에 발굴된 북경 창평 백부의 서주초기묘에서 출토된 청동인면상은 인도유럽인의 특징을 나타낸다
1980년 가을 섬서성 부풍의 서주궁전유적지에서 두 개의 서주시대 방조(蚌雕) 인면상은 코가 높고, 눈이 깊으며(高鼻深目), 머리에 단단하고 높은 모자를 쓰고 있다. 이는 중앙아시아에 거주하는 샘족의 인면상과 완전히 일치한다. 복식이건 외모건 모두 현재의 중국인과는 거리가 멀다. 그중 하나의 머리위에는 “十”자(‘巫’자)를 새기고 있다. 이 부호는 기원전 5500년전의 서아시아 Khalaf문화에서 유래하는 것이다.
산서에서 출토된 주나라때 남녀의 인형도범(人形陶范)을 보면 구령포복(矩領袍服)을 입고, 무릎까지 오도록 꽃무늬옷을 입고 있으며, 머리에는 평정모(平頂帽)를 쓰고 있으며, 허리에는 띠를 매었는데, 끝은 두 개의 동그란 구형으로 하여 띠를 묶고 있다. 하남에서 발견된 것도 대동소이한 복장이다. 이런 복식의 특징은 현재 중앙아시아 일부 민족의 복식과 아주 유사하고, 화하족의 전통복장과는 차이가 크다.
사실상, 중국의 선진(先秦, 진나라이전)시기에 출토된 민족복장은 개수가 많지 않다. 특히 북방지역은 더 그렇다. 나중의 한복(漢服)에 가장 접근한 것은 기본적으로 모두 남방인 초(楚)나라 묘에서 출토되는 것이다.
청림책사풍후 [heonw**(고정닉) : 갤로그로 이동합니다.]
왜 공자가 죽을 때 난 주나라 후예아니라 상나라 후예다라고 말하고 뒤졋는지 알겟구먼
2013.04.19 09:10
청림책사풍후 [heonw**(고정닉) : 갤로그로 이동합니다.]
사실 공자는 주나라를 빤 적두 없는건가 아니면 백인들 밑에서 살아남으려는 발악,컨셉이었나
2013.04.19 09:11
혀 짧은 소리… 잘못된 발음 습관, 당신의 얼굴형 바꾼다?!
부정확한 혀 끝 사용이 주 원인… 심하면 얼굴형 변화에도 영향 미쳐
[쿠키 건강] “저를 동정하지 마쎄(th)요!” 요즘 최고 인기를 누리고 있는 예능 프로그램의 출연자가 던진 말이다. 이 연예인은 평소 ‘ㅅ’ 발음을 ‘th’ 소리로 발음해 다른 동료들이 흉내를 내거나 놀리며, 이를 웃음으로 만들기도 한다.
이처럼 TV 속 연예인들 중에, 또는 우리 주위를 조금만 둘러보면 종종 발음이 좋지 않은 사람들을 볼 수 있다. 유난히 ‘ㄷ’이나 ‘ㄹ’ 발음을 못해 본의 아니게 귀여운 척 혀 짧은 소리를 내는 사람도 있고, ‘ㅅ’ 발음을 낼 때 ‘th’ 소리를 내며 소위 번데기 발음을 하는 사람도 있다.
물 론 잘못된 발음이 사는 데 크게 지장을 주지는 않는다. 그러나 잘못된 발음을 내는 것이 단순히 선천적으로 혀가 짧아서, 또는 오랫동안 익숙해진 습관의 문제가 아닌 병이라면? 그리고 잘못된 발음 습관이 당신의 얼굴형까지 바꾼다면 어떨까?
안철민 프라나이비인후과 원장은 “잘못된 발음을 내는 가장 큰 원인은 혀 끝 사용을 제대로 못하기 때문인데 장기간 혀 끝 사용을 잘못할 경우 얼굴의 하관을 변형 시킬 수도 있기 때문에 개선하는 것이 좋다”고 조언했다.
◇잘못된 혀 끝 사용, 부정확한 발음의 주원인… 얼굴형 변화에도 영향 줄 수 있어 주의= 잘못된 발음의 가장 대표적인 것은 ‘ㄷ’, ‘ㄹ’ 발음이 되지 않아 혀 짧은 소리를 내는 경우, ‘ㅅ’ 발음을 낼 때 ‘th’ 소리를 내는 경우, 쉭쉭 치아 사이로 바람이 새는 소리를 내는 경우 등이다.
이 처럼 잘못된 발음을 내는 이유는 발음을 낼 수 있게 하는 음성기관이 제대로 작동하지 않기 때문이다. 즉 조음에 관여하는 혀, 입술, 구강, 비강 등 조음기관의 구조적 이상이나 기능적 이상으로 인해 발음에 문제가 생기거나 잘못된 소리를 내는 것이다.
구 조적인 원인에는 설소대 단축증, 부정교합, 구개파열 등이 있으며, 이러한 구조적인 문제가 없이도 음소 습득이 늦거나 음운체계에 대한 인식이 부족해 잘못된 발음을 말하는 경우도 있다. 또한 정확한 발음을 내는 데 중요한 역할을 하는 혀 끝 사용을 잘못하는 것도 큰 원인이다. 특히 혀 끝으로 정확한 조음점을 찍지 못하고 엉뚱한 곳을 찍으며 억지로 소리를 내는 습관이 장기간 지속될 경우, 턱이 앞으로 나오는 등 얼굴형이 바뀔 수도 있어 주의가 필요하다.
◇잘못된 발음 습관, 후천적… 이비인후과 진료 통한 음성치료 통해 개선할 수 가능= 이처럼 잘못된 발음습관은 아나운서와 같이 정확한 발음을 중시하는 직업을 가지지 않은 이상 큰 문제가 되진 않지만 일상생활에서 종종 불편을 겪을 수 있다. 또한 아무리 스마트한 외모와 경력을 갖고 있더라도 어눌한 발음으로 말을 할 경우 상대방에게 좋지 않은 인상을 남겨 사회생활에 어려움을 겪기도 한다.
또한 많은 사람들이 잘못된 발음을 선천적으로 타고나는 것이라 생각하지만 잘못된 발음의 가장 큰 원인은 혀 끝을 제대로 사용하지 못하는 나쁜 습관인 만큼 꾸준한 훈련을 통해 충분히 개선할 수 있다.
안 원장은 “발음 개선을 위해서는 먼저 구강구조의 원리를 이해하는 것이 중요하기 때문에 반드시 이비인후과 전문의를 통한 진료가 선행돼야 한다”며 “이비인후과 전문의와 언어치료사의 협진을 통해 정확한 치료 목표를 세우고, 목표 음소를 바르게 구분해 정확한 조음점을 찾는 혀 끝 운동 등 음성(언어)치료를 6개월 이상 꾸준히 한다면 정확한 발음을 구사할 수 있다”고 강조했다. 국민일보 쿠키뉴스 박주호 기자 epi0212@kmib.co.kr
[쿠키 건강] “저를 동정하지 마쎄(th)요!” 요즘 최고 인기를 누리고 있는 예능 프로그램의 출연자가 던진 말이다. 이 연예인은 평소 ‘ㅅ’ 발음을 ‘th’ 소리로 발음해 다른 동료들이 흉내를 내거나 놀리며, 이를 웃음으로 만들기도 한다.
이처럼 TV 속 연예인들 중에, 또는 우리 주위를 조금만 둘러보면 종종 발음이 좋지 않은 사람들을 볼 수 있다. 유난히 ‘ㄷ’이나 ‘ㄹ’ 발음을 못해 본의 아니게 귀여운 척 혀 짧은 소리를 내는 사람도 있고, ‘ㅅ’ 발음을 낼 때 ‘th’ 소리를 내며 소위 번데기 발음을 하는 사람도 있다.
물 론 잘못된 발음이 사는 데 크게 지장을 주지는 않는다. 그러나 잘못된 발음을 내는 것이 단순히 선천적으로 혀가 짧아서, 또는 오랫동안 익숙해진 습관의 문제가 아닌 병이라면? 그리고 잘못된 발음 습관이 당신의 얼굴형까지 바꾼다면 어떨까?
안철민 프라나이비인후과 원장은 “잘못된 발음을 내는 가장 큰 원인은 혀 끝 사용을 제대로 못하기 때문인데 장기간 혀 끝 사용을 잘못할 경우 얼굴의 하관을 변형 시킬 수도 있기 때문에 개선하는 것이 좋다”고 조언했다.
◇잘못된 혀 끝 사용, 부정확한 발음의 주원인… 얼굴형 변화에도 영향 줄 수 있어 주의= 잘못된 발음의 가장 대표적인 것은 ‘ㄷ’, ‘ㄹ’ 발음이 되지 않아 혀 짧은 소리를 내는 경우, ‘ㅅ’ 발음을 낼 때 ‘th’ 소리를 내는 경우, 쉭쉭 치아 사이로 바람이 새는 소리를 내는 경우 등이다.
이 처럼 잘못된 발음을 내는 이유는 발음을 낼 수 있게 하는 음성기관이 제대로 작동하지 않기 때문이다. 즉 조음에 관여하는 혀, 입술, 구강, 비강 등 조음기관의 구조적 이상이나 기능적 이상으로 인해 발음에 문제가 생기거나 잘못된 소리를 내는 것이다.
구 조적인 원인에는 설소대 단축증, 부정교합, 구개파열 등이 있으며, 이러한 구조적인 문제가 없이도 음소 습득이 늦거나 음운체계에 대한 인식이 부족해 잘못된 발음을 말하는 경우도 있다. 또한 정확한 발음을 내는 데 중요한 역할을 하는 혀 끝 사용을 잘못하는 것도 큰 원인이다. 특히 혀 끝으로 정확한 조음점을 찍지 못하고 엉뚱한 곳을 찍으며 억지로 소리를 내는 습관이 장기간 지속될 경우, 턱이 앞으로 나오는 등 얼굴형이 바뀔 수도 있어 주의가 필요하다.
◇잘못된 발음 습관, 후천적… 이비인후과 진료 통한 음성치료 통해 개선할 수 가능= 이처럼 잘못된 발음습관은 아나운서와 같이 정확한 발음을 중시하는 직업을 가지지 않은 이상 큰 문제가 되진 않지만 일상생활에서 종종 불편을 겪을 수 있다. 또한 아무리 스마트한 외모와 경력을 갖고 있더라도 어눌한 발음으로 말을 할 경우 상대방에게 좋지 않은 인상을 남겨 사회생활에 어려움을 겪기도 한다.
또한 많은 사람들이 잘못된 발음을 선천적으로 타고나는 것이라 생각하지만 잘못된 발음의 가장 큰 원인은 혀 끝을 제대로 사용하지 못하는 나쁜 습관인 만큼 꾸준한 훈련을 통해 충분히 개선할 수 있다.
안 원장은 “발음 개선을 위해서는 먼저 구강구조의 원리를 이해하는 것이 중요하기 때문에 반드시 이비인후과 전문의를 통한 진료가 선행돼야 한다”며 “이비인후과 전문의와 언어치료사의 협진을 통해 정확한 치료 목표를 세우고, 목표 음소를 바르게 구분해 정확한 조음점을 찾는 혀 끝 운동 등 음성(언어)치료를 6개월 이상 꾸준히 한다면 정확한 발음을 구사할 수 있다”고 강조했다. 국민일보 쿠키뉴스 박주호 기자 epi0212@kmib.co.kr
의자왕도 몰래 즐겼던 ‘봄 웅어’

의자왕도 몰래 즐겼던 ‘봄 웅어’
‘봄 웅어, 가을 전어.’ 미식가들은 말도 잘 만들어 낸다. ‘봄 도다리, 가을 전어’라는 말은 들어봤어도 ‘봄 웅어’라는 말은 생소하다. 하지만 웅어 마니아들한테는 당연한 얘기다.
충남 논산시 강경읍 황산리 금강변에서 90년 역사를 자랑하며 3대째 이어온 ‘황산옥’ 며느리 모숙자 씨(55)는 “지금도 웅어회 애호가는 봄만 기다린다”고 말했다. 청어목 멸칫과인 웅어를 이 지역에선 ‘우어’라고 부른다.
길이 30cm 안팎의 날씬한 은빛 물고기로 칼처럼 생겼다. 전어보다는 몸매가 날렵하다. 웅어는 연안에 살다가 4, 5월이면 산란을 위해 강으로 거슬러 올라온다. 습성은 연어와 비슷하다. 산란을 앞둔 터라 자기 몸을 살찌운다. 기름기가 많고 아작아작 씹을수록 담백하고 고소하다. 보리 이삭이 패는 요즘이 바로 제철이다. 봄 이외의 계절에 식탁에 오르는 것은 봄에 잡아 냉동해 둔 것이다.
웅어를 둘러싼 스토리도 많다. 전해 오는 얘기에 의하면 백제 의자왕이 즐겼다 해서 ‘의어’라 했다 한다. 또 소정방이 백제를 함락시킨 후 의자왕이 즐겨 먹었던 백마강 생선(웅어)을 찾았으나 모두 도망가는 바람에 의리 있는 생선이라 해서 ‘의어’라 불렀다는 설도 있다. 웅어란 이름도 웅어가 많이 잡혔던 전북 익산 웅포(熊浦)나, 백제의 수도 ‘웅진(熊津)’을 따서 지었다는 말도 있다.
조선 말기 한강 하류에 ‘위어소(葦漁所)’를 두어 이를 진상했다는 기록이 있으니 별미는 별미였던 모양이다. ‘위어소’의 ‘위(葦)’는 갈대를 뜻하는데 웅어가 갈대밭에 산란을 했기 때문에 그렇게 부른 것 같다.
우리나라에서는 금강 낙동강 섬진강 한강 하류 등지에서 이맘때 잡힌다. 금강에선 하굿둑이 생긴 뒤 웅어가 강으로 올라오지 못하고 둑 아래쪽에서 잡힌다. 전북 군산과 익산, 충남 서천, 전남 목포, 인천 강화 등지가 주 생산지다. 부산 사하구 하단어촌계는 매년 5월 웅어 축제를 열기도 하는데 낙동강 하류에서 잡은 것이다.
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웅어는 뼈째 송송 썰어 초장에 찍어 먹거나 구워도 먹는다. 하지만 미나리와 오이 당근 양파 등의 각종 채소와 참기름, 참깨와 버무린 무침이 최고다. 충청도에서는 김으로 싸서 먹는다. 충청도가 아닌 다른 지방에서는 마늘과 고추를 넣어 상추에 싸서 먹는다.
회로 먹을 땐 칼질이 중요하다. 뼈가 머리에서 꼬리 아래 방향으로 향해 있어 썰 때에는 그 반대 방향으로 썰어야 뼈째 오독오독 씹어 먹기 좋다.
지금 이맘때 즐길 수 있는 곳은 충남 강경과 부여, 전북 익산 웅포 등지다. 강경에서는 황산옥(041-745-4836)이 90년 전통을 자랑하며 부여 금강변에 있는 신흥옥(041-833-3015)도 40년째 웅어를 취급하고 있다. 전북 익산 어부식당(063-862-6827) 등 몇몇 식당의 웅어회는 전북 10대 별미로 선정됐다. 4인이 즐길 수 있는 한 접시(25cm 크기 기준 6, 7마리)에 3만5000∼4만 원 정도다.
부여=이기진 기자·한중양식 조리기능사 doyoce@donga.com
"토요일 오전엔 나혼자"... 테니스장 독차지한 MB
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▲ 이 명박 전 대통령이 올림픽공원 실내 테니스장을 편법적인 방식을 사용해 황금시간대인 토요일 오전 매주 독점적으로 사용하고 있는 것으로 드러났다. 새벽부터 비가 내린 지난 6일 오전 이 전 대통령이 실내 테니스장에서 테니스를 치고 있다. |
ⓒ 남소연 |
이명박 전 대통령이 퇴임 이후 편법적인 방식을 통해 서울 송파구 올림픽공원 실내 테니스장을 황금시간대인 매주 토요일 오전 독점적으로 사용하고 있는 것으로 드러났다.
누 리집을 통한 선착순 예약제로 운영되는 올림픽공원 테니스장은 일주일 전부터 예약만 하면 시민 누구나 자유롭게 사용할 수 있도록 개방돼 있다. 하지만 이 전 대통령은 누리집 예약을 거치지 않은 채, 테니스장 측이 전산 시스템을 조작하는 방식으로 매주 토요일 오전 8시부터 오후 1시까지 황금 시간대에 실내 테니스장을 이용하고 있었다. 이 사실을 알 수 없는 시민들은 토요일 오전 실내 테니스장을 이용하기 위해 일찍부터 누리집에 접속, 예약을 하려고 해도 불가능한 상황이다.
이 전 대통령의 테니스장 예약은 이 전 대통령 비서진이 테니스장을 관리·운영하는 한국체육산업개발주식회사(KSPO&CO·대표 신중석)에 '이번 주 토요일에 간다'고 전화를 하면, 테니스장 관리 직원이 내부 예약 전산 프로그램에서 5번 코트를 다른 사람이 예약할 수 없도록 차단하는 방식으로 이뤄졌다. 5번 코트는 토요일 오전 일반 시민에게 개방되는 유일한 실내 코트로 예약 경쟁이 치열하다.
이 전 대통령은 이번 주(4월 셋째 주) 토요일인 20일 오전에도 이미 코트를 예약한 것으로 확인됐다. 한국체육산업개발주식회사는 국민체육진흥공단이 출자한 공기업이다.
"시민 사용시설 사유화, 타당치 않아... 똑같이 인터넷 예약해야"
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▲ 이 전 대통령은 비서진의 전화 한통으로 올림픽공원 실내 테니스장 5번 코트를 미리 잡아놓는 방식으로 테니스를 쳐왔다. 5번 코트는 토요일 오전 일반 시민에게 개방되는 유일한 실내 코트로 예약 경쟁이 치열하다. 이 대통령의 뒤편으로 코트 번호를 가리키는 5번이 보인다. |
ⓒ 남소연 |
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▲ 이명박 전 대통령은 전 국가대표 선수 3명과 함께 복식을 쳤다. 그중 한 명이 이 전 대통령에게 공을 공손히 전달하고 있다. |
ⓒ 남소연 |
지난 3월 24일 저녁, <오마이뉴스>에 다음과 같은 익명 제보가 접수됐다.
" 테니스 동호인입니다. 주말마다 올림픽공원 실내 테니스장을 이용하고 있었습니다. 올림픽공원 테니스장을 사용하기 위해서는 올림픽공원 누리집에 일주일 전에 들어가 선착순으로 예약을 합니다. 시설도 좋고 가격도 합리적인 시민의 시설이지요.
그 런데 MB 퇴임 이후 2달 전부터인가 토요일 오전에는 이 시설을 MB가 독점해서 사용하고 있습니다. 언제부터인가 올림픽공원 실내 테니스장의 토요일 오전 시간은 예약 자체가 안되더군요. 할 수 없이 추운데 벌벌 떨면서 실외 코트를 예약해서 치다가 우연히 실내코트를 봤습니다. 실내에는 MB 경호원들이 쫙 깔려있고 그 안에서 MB가 선수 출신들과 테니스를 즐기고 있더군요. 한두 번 그러다 말겠지 했는데, 시설이 맘에 들었는지 매주 토요일은 MB가 사유 재산처럼 사용하고 있습니다.
문제는 MB가 안 올 때도 토요일 오전 8시부터 1시까지는 예약 자체가 안된다는 겁니다. 시설 관련자에게 물어보니 MB가 토요일 오전마다 잡아놔서 일반 시민에게는 예약이 안된다고 하더군요.
전직 대통령이면 어디 재임 중에 만들어 놓은 시설도 많을 텐데, 이렇게 일반 시민이 사용하는 시설을 사유화해서 쓰는 것이 타당한지 모르겠습니다. 정 사용하고 싶다면 다른 시민과 똑같이 인터넷으로 예약해서 써야 할 것입니다."
<오마이뉴스>는 즉각 확인 취재에 돌입했다. 3주일 넘게 확인한 결과 제보 내용은 모두 사실이었다.
토요일마다 어김없이 등장, 전 국가대표들과 테니스 치는 MB
제보 접수 직후 누리집을 통해 올림픽공원 실내테니스장 예약 현황을 확인한 결과, 토요일인 3월 30일 오전은 이미 예약이 불가능한 상황이었다. 올림픽공원 테니스장은 당일 예약은 받지 않고, 오직 누리집을 통해 일주일 전부터 선착순으로 예약을 받는 시스템을 운영하고 있다. 따라서 토요일 예약은 그 전 주 일요일 새벽 0시부터 가능하다. 예약 가능한 시간대만 목록에 뜨고 예약이 완료된 시간대는 뜨지 않는 방식이다.
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▲ 한 국체육산업개발주식회사 홈페이지의 4월 20일(토)자 실내 테니스장 5번 코트 예약 화면. 해당일로부터 일주일 전인 14일(일) 0시 즈음에 들어갔음에도 오전 8시부터 오후 1시까지는 이미 예약이 완료돼 선택할 수 없게 되어있었다. |
ⓒ 이병한 |
오 전 8시께부터 5번 코트에 남자 세 명과 여자 한 명이 복식으로 테니스를 치기 시작했다. 비슷한 시각 귀에 무전기를 꽂은 남성 5명이 오가기 시작했다. 이들은 서로 "오늘 쌀쌀한 편이네" "실외는 영상 4도, 실내는 10도" 등의 대화를 나눴다. 기자가 이들 중 한 명에게 5번 코트 사람들이 테니스를 매우 잘 친다고 묻자 "검은색 유니폼 남자, 자주색 옷 여자는 전 국가대표 출신"이라는 답이 돌아왔다.
오전 9시 20분께 검은색 리무진이 실내 테니스장 앞에 멈췄다. 이 전 대통령이 경호원들과 함께 들어왔고, 먼저 와 있던 사람들과 테니스를 쳤다.
그날 밤, 자정을 넘겨 3월 31일이 되자마자 누리집에 접속해 일주일 뒤인 4월 6일 토요일 오전 실내 테니스장 예약을 시도했다. 하지만 이미 오전 8시부터 오후 1시까지는 예약이 불가능했다.
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▲ 서울 송파구 올림픽공원 실내테니스경기장 입구. 6일 오전처럼 비가 오거나 궂은 날씨엔 야외 코트를 사용할 수 없어 실내 코트 예약자들만 경기장을 이용할 수 있다. |
ⓒ 남소연 |
일 주일이 지난 4월 6일에는 새벽부터 비가 내려 야외 코트를 사용할 수 없는 상황이었다. 이날도 실내 5번 코트는 이 전 대통령 차지였다. 역시 오전 8시께부터 남자 세 명과 여자 한 명이 테니스를 쳤다. 오전 8시 30분께부터 코트가 청소됐고, 오전 9시 5분께 이 전 대통령이 도착했다. 이 전 대통령은 간단한 체조로 몸을 푼 뒤 9시 30분께부터 남자 세 명과 함께 복식으로 테니스를 쳤다. 이 전 대통령은 낮 12시 정도까지 운동을 한 후 테니스장을 떠났다.
그날 밤 자정, 일주일 뒤인 4월 13일 치 예약 시스템이 열렸으나, 역시 오전 시간 실내 테니스장 5번 코트는 이미 누군가 예약한 상태로 나왔다.
한국체육산업개발주식회사의 거짓 해명
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▲ 올 림픽공원 테니스장 코트별 예약자 현황 자료. 이 기록에 따르면, 이 전 대통령이 퇴임한 이 후 첫 토요일인 3월 2일부터 지금까지 매주 토요일마다 오전 8시부터 오후 1시에는 예약 기록 자체가 없었다. 퇴임 이전 토요일 오전에는 항상 일반 시민들의 예약 기록이 있었다. |
ⓒ 이병한 |
2 주 연속 이 전 대통령이 테니스를 친 사실과 토요일 오전 일반인 예약이 불가능한 상황을 확인하고, 지난 9일 한국체육산업개발주식회사에 찾아갔다. 테니스장 담당자는 "우리가 임의대로 조작하는 것은 아니고, 그쪽(이 전 대통령 측)에서 누리집에 들어가 예약하는 것"이라고 말했다. 그는 "그쪽에 사람들이 매우 많지 않은가, 그래서 매번 (예약에) 성공하는 것 같다"고 덧붙였다.
하지만 이 해명은 거짓말로 드러났다. <오마이뉴스>가 배재정 민주통합당 의원을 통해 확보한 '올림픽공원 테니스장 코트별 예약자 현황' 자료에 따르면 이 전 대통령이 퇴임한 2월 25일 이후 첫 토요일인 3월 2일부터 지금까지 매주 토요일마다 오전 8시부터 오후 1시에는 예약 기록 자체가 없었다. 이 전 대통령 퇴임 이전 토요일 오전에는 항상 일반 시민들의 예약 기록이 있었다.
기록을 들이대자 한국체육산업개발 측은 사실을 털어놨다. 한 관계자는 "이 전 대통령의 비서진에게서 전화가 오면 우리가 미리 잡아놓는 것"이라고 말했다. 그는 "경기가 있거나 청소 등 특별한 사정을 위해 시스템상 예약을 차단하는 기능이 있는데, 그 기능을 사용하고 있다"고 설명했다. 이와 관련 배재정 의원은 "이런 예민한 문제를 일개 담당자나 팀 차원에서 결정했을 리 없다"며 "회사 고위층의 지시가 있었을 것으로 보인다"고 말했다.
"예약 전산시스템 차단하는지 몰랐다... 앞으로 다른 곳에서도 치겠다"
이 전 대통령 측은 매주 전화 한 통화만으로 예약을 한 사실을 인정하면서도 한국체육산업개발 측에서 예약 전산시스템을 조작하는 방식을 사용했는지는 몰랐다고 말했다.
이 전 대통령의 비서관은 "전산 시스템을 블록(차단)하는 방식으로 이뤄지고 있는지 몰랐다"며 "시민들이 예약을 못하는 상황이 됐다는 것을 알고 나니 불편했을 것이라는 생각이 든다"고 말했다. 그는 "더 이상 그런 불편을 끼치지 않도록, 앞으로는 정상적인 절차를 거치겠다"며 "올림픽공원 테니스장뿐 아니라 다른 곳도 가서 (테니스를) 치도록 하겠다"고 덧붙였다.
이번에 드러난 'MB, 올림픽공원 독점 테니스' 사례는 ▲ 비서진의 전화만으로 독점적으로 코트가 사용된 점 ▲ 그 과정에서 일반 시민들의 권리가 박탈된 점 ▲ 테니스 파트너로 국가대표 선수가 동원된 점 등 2006년 서울시장 시절 '황제 테니스 논란'의 완벽한 재현이다. 이 전 대통령 측은 이용 요금에 대해 "그때그때 와서 카드로 결제했다, 영수증이 다 보관돼 있다"고 밝혔지만, 결제 여부와 금액은 아직 확인되지 않고 있다(관련기사 : 또 황제 테니스... MB가 테니스를 사랑하는 법).
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▲ 이명박 전 대통령이 6일 오전 서울 송파구 올림픽공원 실내 테니스장에서 테니스를 친 뒤 차량에 오르고 있다. 새벽부터 비가 온 이 날은 실내 코트를 제외한 야외 코트에서는 예약을 해도 테니스를 칠 수 없는 상황이었다. |
ⓒ 남소연 |
한국인 평균 눈크기 1.5cm
최근 온라인 커뮤니티에는 '한국인 평균 눈크기'라는 제목의 게시물이 게제됐다.
한 국인 평균 눈크기 게시물 사진에는 한국인의 평균 눈 크기와 미간의 수치를 알려주고 있다. "한국인의 평균 눈 크기는 가로 3㎝, 세로 1.5㎝다. 세로 폭이 2㎝면 눈이 크다는 소리를 듣고, 2.5㎝면 정말 크다는 소리를 들을 수 있다"는 문구가 담겨있다. 또 "한국인의 미간은 보통 3.4~3.6㎝이며, 3.8㎝ 이상이면 눈 사이가 넓어 보인다"는 내용을 담고 있다.
한국인 평균 눈크기 사진을 접한 누리꾼들은 "눈이 평균이라도 얼굴이 크면...", "김제동이 생각나는 이유가 뭘까?", "눈은 큰데 미간이 너무 좁다 ㅠㅠ" 등 다양한 반응을 보였다.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
R1b is from spain
In 2000 Ornella Semino and colleagues argued that R1b had been in Europe
before the end of Ice Age, and had spread north from an Iberian refuge
after the Last Glacial Maximum.
The freshwater faunas of the Italian peninsula are isolated from the rest of Europe by the geographic barrier of the Alps
The Alps as barrier to dispersal in cold-adapted freshwater fishes? Phylogeographic history and taxonomic status of the bullhead in the Adriatic freshwater drainage.
The freshwater faunas of the Italian peninsula are isolated from the rest of Europe by the geographic barrier of the Alps and consequently have developed many endemic forms and contain few non-endemic species. However, some 'non-endemics' may either represent recent invaders of the Adriatic basin or cryptic endemic species. To test these two hypotheses against each other, we studied the origin and phylogenetic relationships of bullheads, cold adapted freshwater fishes of the genus Cottus, from both sides of the Alps and Dinaric Mountains. From the Adriatic basin, Cottus ferrugineus () was described as an endemic species, but the present analyses of sequences of the complete mitochondrial control region of 146 individuals from 43 localities showed no major differentiation between bullheads from both sides of the Alps. The very low diversification between representatives across the Alps suggests active transfers of haplotypes across this geographic barrier from the glacial cycles up to recent times. The transfers are most likely based on stream capture, since the cold-adapted bullhead is able to colonise the highest stretches of the water courses. No other freshwater fish in Europe is known to have experienced such an extensive gene flow across the highest European Mountains. In contrast, the Dinaric Mountains seem to have been a much more effective barrier between the Danube and the Adriatics. Our data reject the hypothesis of C. ferrugineus as an endemic species in the whole Adriatic drainage.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Romans on Celtic and Germanic looks
1)Tacitus tells of the germans appearance-
Tacitus wrote: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. **All** have fierce blue eyes, **red hair**, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion.."
2)roman Tacitus AGAIN ON GERMANS and their appearance(as well as britains)-
Who were the original inhabitants of Britain, whether they were indigenous or foreign, is as usual among barbarians, little known. Their physical characteristics are various, and from these conclusions may be drawn. **The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a German origin**
"[126] It was in this same year that Domitian made his pompous expedition
into Germany, from whence he returned without ever seeing the enemy.
[127] Caligula in like manner **got a number of tall men with their hair
dyed red to give credit to a pretended victory over the Germans**."
"Emporer Caius proclaimed with the intent of making his triumph more imposing, captives and deserters from Gaul and **caused them to dye their hair red, and to assume German names**. Domitian did the same thing."
(My personal adendum-
The unmixed germans of ceasars time looked rather uniformly as Boris Becker would look today.. his phenotype is not the common appearance of that population in our times, however, nor would it be representative neccesarily of the SORBS or WENDS who compose a large part of the modern german states ancestry pool.)
1) Ammianus Marcellinus (330-400 AD) writes : "The Gauls are generally tall, with white skin, **blond hair** and frightful and ferocious eyes. Their mood is quarrelsome and extremely arrogant. "
2)Diodorus Siculus ON Gauls Celts-
"Their aspect is terrifying . . . They are very tall in stature, with ripling muscles under clear white skin. Their **hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it**, to this day, artificially, washing it in lime and combing it back"
Height of EVEN Gaulish WOMEN exceeds roman MALES-
"The Gallic women are not only equal to their husbands in stature but rival them in strength as well." ~Diodorus Siculus
A 'bonus'-
Suggestion to explain modern Britain's AMH Ht over-concentration (unintentionally) explained / Ceasars Gallic wars-
"Ten and even twelve have wives common to them, and particularly brothers share wives with brothers, and fathers with their sons; "
The modern construct of German=Blond, and Celt / Gaul=Red hair, is basically a NDSAP eugenics construct, from a time when even the Irish were often claimed (rediculously) as not europeans.. the history of these populations at the onset of their conquest is documented well by romans. This is not a exhaustive list of citations.. but it gets point across that the modern phentypic constructs of today do not at all mirror the assumptions of the times we infer our own impressions upon.
LASTLY- to the posters who are concerned over the complexion of gauls, romanians, etc..
I make no remark on appearance to OFFEND..
the reality IS romanians are generally darker than most nothern/western europeans, we are composed of celts, slavs, romans, turks, and as such this is not to be surprised, but the Y-dna Hg is overwhelmingly european for us, as it is for the shorter/darker modern gallo-roman french.
All europeans are my brothers, and I care not what your complexion is, but the reality is, modern french do not in any way resemble the rather uniform appearance of the tribal gauls, nor the do the modern germans resemble the uniform appearance of the tribal germanic peoples, so if you have a explanation OTHER than wholesale intermixture with invading/surrounding population with dominant/darker phenotype, be my guest..
BTW, I tried to post links to quotes, and your system will not let me as I have too few posts to be accepted..
Tacitus wrote: "For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. **All** have fierce blue eyes, **red hair**, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion.."
2)roman Tacitus AGAIN ON GERMANS and their appearance(as well as britains)-
Who were the original inhabitants of Britain, whether they were indigenous or foreign, is as usual among barbarians, little known. Their physical characteristics are various, and from these conclusions may be drawn. **The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a German origin**
"[126] It was in this same year that Domitian made his pompous expedition
into Germany, from whence he returned without ever seeing the enemy.
[127] Caligula in like manner **got a number of tall men with their hair
dyed red to give credit to a pretended victory over the Germans**."
"Emporer Caius proclaimed with the intent of making his triumph more imposing, captives and deserters from Gaul and **caused them to dye their hair red, and to assume German names**. Domitian did the same thing."
(My personal adendum-
The unmixed germans of ceasars time looked rather uniformly as Boris Becker would look today.. his phenotype is not the common appearance of that population in our times, however, nor would it be representative neccesarily of the SORBS or WENDS who compose a large part of the modern german states ancestry pool.)
1) Ammianus Marcellinus (330-400 AD) writes : "The Gauls are generally tall, with white skin, **blond hair** and frightful and ferocious eyes. Their mood is quarrelsome and extremely arrogant. "
2)Diodorus Siculus ON Gauls Celts-
"Their aspect is terrifying . . . They are very tall in stature, with ripling muscles under clear white skin. Their **hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it**, to this day, artificially, washing it in lime and combing it back"
Height of EVEN Gaulish WOMEN exceeds roman MALES-
"The Gallic women are not only equal to their husbands in stature but rival them in strength as well." ~Diodorus Siculus
A 'bonus'-
Suggestion to explain modern Britain's AMH Ht over-concentration (unintentionally) explained / Ceasars Gallic wars-
"Ten and even twelve have wives common to them, and particularly brothers share wives with brothers, and fathers with their sons; "
The modern construct of German=Blond, and Celt / Gaul=Red hair, is basically a NDSAP eugenics construct, from a time when even the Irish were often claimed (rediculously) as not europeans.. the history of these populations at the onset of their conquest is documented well by romans. This is not a exhaustive list of citations.. but it gets point across that the modern phentypic constructs of today do not at all mirror the assumptions of the times we infer our own impressions upon.
LASTLY- to the posters who are concerned over the complexion of gauls, romanians, etc..
I make no remark on appearance to OFFEND..
the reality IS romanians are generally darker than most nothern/western europeans, we are composed of celts, slavs, romans, turks, and as such this is not to be surprised, but the Y-dna Hg is overwhelmingly european for us, as it is for the shorter/darker modern gallo-roman french.
All europeans are my brothers, and I care not what your complexion is, but the reality is, modern french do not in any way resemble the rather uniform appearance of the tribal gauls, nor the do the modern germans resemble the uniform appearance of the tribal germanic peoples, so if you have a explanation OTHER than wholesale intermixture with invading/surrounding population with dominant/darker phenotype, be my guest..
BTW, I tried to post links to quotes, and your system will not let me as I have too few posts to be accepted..
Celts descended from Spanish fishermen, study finds
Don't tell the locals, but the hordes of British holidaymakers who
visited Spain this summer were, in fact, returning to their ancestral
A team from Oxford University has discovered that the Celts,
Britain's indigenous people, are descended from a tribe of Iberian
fishermen who crossed the Bay of Biscay 6,000 years ago. DNA analysis
reveals they have an almost identical genetic "fingerprint" to the
inhabitants of coastal regions of Spain, whose own ancestors migrated
north between 4,000 and 5,000BC.
The discovery, by Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University, will herald a change in scientific understanding of Britishness.
People of Celtic ancestry were thought to have descended from tribes of central Europe. Professor Sykes, who is soon to publish the first DNA map of the British Isles, said: "About 6,000 years ago Iberians developed ocean-going boats that enabled them to push up the Channel. Before they arrived, there were some human inhabitants of Britain but only a few thousand in number. These people were later subsumed into a larger Celtic tribe... The majority of people in the British Isles are actually descended from the Spanish."
Professor Sykes spent five years taking DNA samples from 10,000 volunteers in Britain and Ireland, in an effort to produce a map of our genetic roots.
Research on their "Y" chromosome, which subjects inherit from their fathers, revealed that all but a tiny percentage of the volunteers were originally descended from one of six clans who arrived in the UK in several waves of immigration prior to the Norman conquest.
The most common genetic fingerprint belongs to the Celtic clan, which Professor Sykes has called "Oisin". After that, the next most widespread originally belonged to tribes of Danish and Norse Vikings. Small numbers of today's Britons are also descended from north African, Middle Eastern and Roman clans.
These DNA "fingerprints" have enabled Professor Sykes to create the first genetic maps of the British Isles, which are analysed in Blood of the Isles, a book published this week. The maps show that Celts are most dominant in areas of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. But, contrary to popular myth, the Celtic clan is also strongly represented elsewhere in the British Isles.
"Although Celtic countries have previously thought of themselves as being genetically different from the English, this is emphatically not the case," Professor Sykes said.
"This is significant, because the idea of a separate Celtic race is deeply ingrained in our political structure, and has historically been very divisive. Culturally, the view of a separate race holds water. But from a genetic point of view, Britain is emphatically not a divided nation."
Origins of Britons
Descended from Iberian fishermen who migrated to Britain between 4,000 and 5,000BC and now considered the UK's indigenous inhabitants.
Second most common clan arrived from Denmark during Viking invasions in the 9th century.
Descended from Viking invaders who settled in the British Isles from AD 793. One of the most common clans in the Shetland Isles, and areas of north and west Scotland.
The wave of Oisin immigration was joined by the Eshu clan, which has roots in Africa. Eshu descendants are primarily found in coastal areas.
A second wave of arrivals which came from the Middle East. The Re were farmers who spread westwards across Europe.
Although the Romans ruled from AD 43 until 410, they left a tiny genetic footprint. For the first 200 years occupying forces were forbidden from marrying locally.
The discovery, by Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University, will herald a change in scientific understanding of Britishness.
People of Celtic ancestry were thought to have descended from tribes of central Europe. Professor Sykes, who is soon to publish the first DNA map of the British Isles, said: "About 6,000 years ago Iberians developed ocean-going boats that enabled them to push up the Channel. Before they arrived, there were some human inhabitants of Britain but only a few thousand in number. These people were later subsumed into a larger Celtic tribe... The majority of people in the British Isles are actually descended from the Spanish."
Professor Sykes spent five years taking DNA samples from 10,000 volunteers in Britain and Ireland, in an effort to produce a map of our genetic roots.
Research on their "Y" chromosome, which subjects inherit from their fathers, revealed that all but a tiny percentage of the volunteers were originally descended from one of six clans who arrived in the UK in several waves of immigration prior to the Norman conquest.
The most common genetic fingerprint belongs to the Celtic clan, which Professor Sykes has called "Oisin". After that, the next most widespread originally belonged to tribes of Danish and Norse Vikings. Small numbers of today's Britons are also descended from north African, Middle Eastern and Roman clans.
These DNA "fingerprints" have enabled Professor Sykes to create the first genetic maps of the British Isles, which are analysed in Blood of the Isles, a book published this week. The maps show that Celts are most dominant in areas of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. But, contrary to popular myth, the Celtic clan is also strongly represented elsewhere in the British Isles.
"Although Celtic countries have previously thought of themselves as being genetically different from the English, this is emphatically not the case," Professor Sykes said.
"This is significant, because the idea of a separate Celtic race is deeply ingrained in our political structure, and has historically been very divisive. Culturally, the view of a separate race holds water. But from a genetic point of view, Britain is emphatically not a divided nation."
Origins of Britons
Descended from Iberian fishermen who migrated to Britain between 4,000 and 5,000BC and now considered the UK's indigenous inhabitants.
Second most common clan arrived from Denmark during Viking invasions in the 9th century.
Descended from Viking invaders who settled in the British Isles from AD 793. One of the most common clans in the Shetland Isles, and areas of north and west Scotland.
The wave of Oisin immigration was joined by the Eshu clan, which has roots in Africa. Eshu descendants are primarily found in coastal areas.
A second wave of arrivals which came from the Middle East. The Re were farmers who spread westwards across Europe.
Although the Romans ruled from AD 43 until 410, they left a tiny genetic footprint. For the first 200 years occupying forces were forbidden from marrying locally.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Celts are not italic
No, the Iberians were considered Iberians, obviously. That the Iberian
Peninsula is called that way does not mean it was populated by the
Iberians only, just like the Italic Peninsula was not populated
exclusively by IE speakers of the Italic branch. There existed other
peoples too like Celts, Lusitanians (probably an Italic tribe according
to some authors) and the mighty Tartessians. The Iberians were just the
peoples that inhabited in the Eastern half of the Iberian peninsula, and
thus they were the ones that the Greeks met when they arrived to Spain,
hence they called their land "the Iberian peninsula" as they had no
clue about other inhabitants like let's say those of the north-western
part. There had to be strong similarity between Spanish celts and the
Gauls since for example the Romans called nowadays Galicia as
"Gallaecia" ("little Gaul"). Also the only tribe that called "Celts"
themselves in History was one in South Portugal, the "celtici".
Northern Italia and Portugal (Lusitani) were considered Celtic by the Romans
Were the Iberians considered Celtic by the Romans ?
I knew Northern Italia and Portugal (Lusitani) were considered Celtic by the Romans. What about Iberia (East coast of Spain)?
ridiculous nordic nordicism nordicists comment
- The original Greeks were blonde and blue eyed as too the Egyptians. Corpses of ancient Eryptians have red hair. The original Greeks were called the Hellanics and they are a far cry from the hairy backed Greek morons who can't even run thier own economy and need to be saved by the Nordic Germans. Infact Spain, Italy and all the southern European countries are backwards compared to the Nordic North, funny that hey.
· 재생목록 B&H -
You're a liar and loser. They did not have red hair naturally. If anything, it's died using HENNA. Plenty of ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ART depicts BLACK hair, brown eyed peoples. Again, you STUPID, DESPERATE idiot, you HATE how "darker peoples" made original ADVANCED civilization, while your primitive Germanic tribal ancestors lived in tents up in northern Europe some 2000+ years ago. LOL!
What's the matter, truth hurt? Or'd you not even know the history of your primitive ancestors? LOL!
Oh so dye lasts thosuands of years does it, as when they unearted those corpses they had red hair, I had no idea tents were about a thousand years ago, if they were my ancestors were much more advanced than the Egyptians ever were. Why do so many dark poeple wish to live in the white man's civilisation then these days, kinda pathetic really. Oh by the way the computer your using was invented by whites and the language your write with known as English is Germanic you dumb cunt..
Actually, yes, dye does last for thousands of years when preserved in mummification. Scientists can test and see this, and they admit it's true.
English is a mix of Germanic and Latin, actually, you redneck. lol! Didn't know that? Damn it, boy, STUDY UP! That computer would have never been made without all the information stolen from other peoples in history, whether the Romans, Moors, Greeks, etc. If anything, computers are multi-cultural inventions as a whole. Moron.
Todays Nordicist Nazis hate learning REAL history of their Germanic barbarian tribal ancestors, because it destroys their pride! The pride which is based on falsehood lies and propaganda made up by silly, insecure Nordicists over the last 300 years. lol! Poor things cannot stand that Germanic tribes up north did not have such a glorious history as did the dark Mediterranean Romans and Greeks in the south made such advancements all on their own!
Persians were advanced, so were Egyptians!
· -
What is your problem with Greeks dude, THEY ARE WHITE EUROPEANS CHRISTIANS! I dare you to try telling a Greek he aint white, you'll have a soar jaw for a while I'm sure. I live in an area with a high Greek population and yes some of them are obviously mixed but most of them are as white and any other European. I see their light hair and blue eyes on a daily basis. There is even a family on the next street who are all redheads, they look more Irish than anything else and their all born in Greece!
· -
Pale skin and light hair were described as signs of BARBARISM by Polemon of Laodicea (a GREEK man, around 200 B.C.) in his book Physiognomica. Pseudo-Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their MEDIUM SKIN TONE, as opposed to pale northerners and dark southerners -> black Africans. He claimed that blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature, and that they indicated poor eyesight.
Nordicists, eat your hearts out!
· -
People, I am not responding to this nitwit in denial anymore. He's proven to be a waste of time, so all I will do is this: VERY SIMPLE -> go to Google Image search, then type in either "Ancient Greek frescos" or "Minoan people"
Minoans are the same as Greeks. In fact, it's said that Minoans/Greeks made the first advanced civilization in Europe! They were all dark haired and able to easily tan in the strong Mediterranean sun. Only liars like Nordicist Nazis openly deny this for their agenda.
· -
People, type this in Google Image search:
"Ancient Greek frescos"
"Ancient Greek Paintings"
"Minoan people" (they're Greeks)
You will see dark and swarthy people, not light people. Light complexion is here now only because of the Germanic invasions of southern Europe in 300 A.D. and onward, mainly. Though some migrated south in ancient times and were naturalized by the dark Mediterranean people, but the most that invaded later were the enemies and stole everything from Romans/Greeks.
· -
There was no major influx of Germanic speaking Nordics into the middle east. The British empire and other colonial empires were too big to have contributed the mixture present in Arabs and the enclave of mixed gooks with lighter eyes. The original Indo-Europeans were Nordic, Archaeology and Linguistics proves this. The Nordic race is older then indo-european tongues, so your argument is just stupid.
The original indo-Europeans were Nordic. I am not saying that Germanic peoples didn't take shit from melting pots. What i am saying, is that the muds inherited their technology from the people who introduced the language, whom were 95% Nordic. The busts of roman emperors are predominantly Nordic. Alexander the great looked Nordic. And, according to roman descriptions, jesus was not jewish, but purely Nordic. Google first consulate publius lentrelus letter to Caesar Tiberius.
An ancient Roman fresco of Alexander the Great shows a man with BROWN hair, BROWN eyes and tan skin.
Red hair and other light Nordic features are FOREIGN to the Mediterranean SUNNY lands where these people will BURN! They are FOREIGNERS!
So even if light featured people (tiny minority) were in the Med. area in ancient times, it doesn't mean they're indigenous.
This is like someone finding a picture of Obama some 3000 years from now and saying America was BLACK? LOL
You're a liar and and clueless, believing all the made-up NORDICIST lies and propaganda. They've twisted so much BS over the years, and your insecurity has made you believe it. Jesus was Middle Eastern and they are dark in complexion. Persians were Middle Eastern and dark in complexion. Same with Sumerians. Greeks were/are Mediterranean and dark in complexion, same with Romans. NO empire in Nordic Europe prior to the thieves invading in 300+ A.D. - FACT! WHY? Thought so!
I am not saying they are not. You are mentally challenged, you can't seem to fathom what i am saying. Now, i am aware that today they are dark, ok? happy? The Indo-European language is no more then 7000 years old. So, one race had to have founded Indo-European. Nordic remains were found in China, in the area believed to be inhabited by Tocharians. The first skull found near the Caucasus, you can see a picture if you google blumenbachs georgian skull, was nordic and few thousand yrs old.
So who are the Indo-Europeans? The Archaeological evidence overwhelmingly says Nordic, but you say otherwise. Can you tell me your reasoning for this? What you're saying about Germanics being less technologically advanced proves squat, it's obviously not likely that after breaking up the Indo-Europeans would stop wandering and develop technology at the same pace.
You believe so much BS and obvious propaganda. lol! You're just a waste to debate with, because you're just so ignorant. Keep reading those lies if you want, because it makes your ego boost up, since deep down, you have an inferiority complex in light of TRUE history: all ancient civilizations came from DARKER peoples - Rome, Greece, Persia, Egypt, Inca, Maya, Aztec, Chinese, etc. While "Germannia" lived primitively, according to the ancient Romans!
Go live in Africa, the middle shit or somewhere else.
How about you go live in northern Europe, and tell them to give all the technology they stole back to the darker Mediterranean peoples of the south. Then you can live again, just like your ancestors with "no baths, illiterate, uncivilized" etc. JUST LIKE THE ROMANS said the Germanic people up north were! LOL! Aww, is this history hard to swallow? Does it absolutely SMASH your silly Nazi beliefs of "Nordic superiority"? I'm so sorry! LOL! ;-)
Don't go in the sun, your "inferior" skin might burn red to a crisp. Here's a funny thing: If Germanic "white" people were the only people to have tanned skin in the world, and everyone else had pale white skin that burned in the sun, right now Germanic white people would praise their "tan" skin and put everyone else down as pathetic genetic mutants that are not meant for the natural sunlight. But note how today they call darker peoples "muds"? LOL! See how pathetic they are?
The Egytpians were also Nordic, the mummies of the hierarchy were Nordic. There is also Egyptian inscriptions praising the slaughter of niggers and sand niggers.
PALE SKIN and LIGHT HAIR were described as signs of BARBARISM by Polemon of Laodicea (a GREEK man, around 200 B.C.) in his book Physiognomica.
Pseudo-Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their MEDIUM SKIN TONE, as opposed to pale northerners (Nordics) and dark southerners (black Africans). He claimed that blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature, and that they indicated poor eyesight.
Silly Nordicist in denial. History proves you WRONG!
Well, the mummies discovered were Nordic, so no, Archaeology proves YOU wrong. The book made by polemon of laodicea proves nothing. The fact is the georgian skeletal remains, which are dated in the time frame of the proto-indo-europeans, were Nordic. In the northern areas of greece, today, there are people who are predominantly nordic in phenotype, obviously mixed a little tho. Interesting quotes, but they really don't prove anything.
More lies from you.
You live in denial, clearly. Ancient Greek frescoes show them as dark haired, dark eyed and ability to tan. MEDIUM! Just like the quotes I put up the other day.
Your denial is just an embarrassment to you. You're clinging on for dear life to a silly lie, but it just makes you look weak, because the truth hurts your "pride" so much, you live in denial of it.
Accepting truth with integrity takes REAL strength.
See ya!
@Northax, actually the people painted in most of those frescoes were painted with blond hair, blue or green eyes and pearl white skin. The reason for the darkening of the eyes, hair and skin is due to a few thousand years of oxidation. The location of a frescoe also can affect colour change, exposed to sunlight for even as little as a few decades can turn a light skinned, blond, blue eyed frescoe to someone as dark as a negroid.
PALE SKIN and LIGHT HAIR were described as signs of BARBARISM by Polemon of Laodicea in his book Physiognomica. Pseudo-Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their MEDIUM SKIN TONE, as opposed to pale northerners (Nordics) and dark southerners (black Africans). He claimed that blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature, and that they indicated poor eyesight.
What a coincidence, how Greeks point out how NORTHERNERS have light hair, blue eyes and pale white skin - wait, what's that? SO DID THE Romans say the Germanic tribes of the NORTH had light hair and light eyes, etc.
Wait, the Romans called the Germanic tribes of the north BARBARIANS (uncivilized, illiterate, at that!), just like the Greeks called them barbaric!
Coincidence? I think not!
Sorry Nazis, but history speaks the truth: you're not as SUPERIOR as you once thought. lol
The people in southern europe are mixed race, today in northern greece many of the mongrels show a nordic predominance, many have light hair and eyes and skin. The languages spoken there are from the Nordic invaders. The Indo-European language is 4000-6000 years old, so several races can not descend from the indo-europeans you stupid moron. We have empirical archaeological, demographic and linguistic evidence, which obviously takes precedence over what an ancient figure wrote tard.
No, DNA proves southern Europeans are not mixed much more than northern Europeans, so stop your dumb lies, you redneck idiot. lol! The ancient Romans, Greeks and others in the south were dark haired, dark eyed and olive skin toned, just like they spoke of themselves. The Romans AND Greeks of ancient said the Germanic tribes of the north were blond/red haired, blue eyed and pale white skin toned.
Sorry your simpleton little brain cannot handle the truth. lol!
Maybe your dumb racist redneck lying "historians" are claiming that ancient Romans and Greeks are Nordic, but we know not to take their word for it. ANCIENT ART SHOWS ANCIENT GREEKS WITH BLACK CURLY HAIR, BROWN EYES, etc. STOP your dumb lies, you simpleton. lol!
Go type in "Ancient Greek frescoes" and see for yourself, you moron. Those frescoes are made way before any foreign invasions - 550 to 1500 B.C. and older. No excuses now, simpleton, redneck trailertrash. ;-)
Simpleton redneck, only reason why there is any decent number of blonds or redheads in Greece today is because of the invasions of Germanic tribes around 300-500 A.D. They invaded Rome and Greece.
Go Google it yourself, you moron. Look up the Germanic Vandals, Goths, Anglos, Saxons, Visigoths, etc. etc. They invaded south and mixed especially over the last 1500+ years.
Go read history, or are you TOO SCARED of the truth? YEP!
Your people would be living primitively right now if you did not steal Roman/Greek technology over the last 1500 years. lol! That hurts your simpleton redneck pee-brain, huh? Sure it does. ;-)
You are such a fool. All you have is some quote from Polemon of Laodicea, which proves nothing. How does his opinion on the Nordic race give any information on what the Dorian invaders were? Northerners could have very well meant the Dorians, rather then Germanic peoples. The majority of the rulers were Nordic, their busts look Nordic, roman records show they had light hair and eyes, the only swarthy ruler was Cato the Younger, the bust is Mediterranean.
You clueless, in-denial redneck. LOOK AT ANCIENT GREEK FRESCO ART and see for yourself. Are you even SMART enough to go to Google Image search and type in "Ancient Greek frescoes"???
All you look like is someone DESPERATE to claim someone elses history because you're jealous of it. The Germanic tribes of the north, you STUPID dimwit, in NORTHERN EUROPE! Idiot! The Romans said the same thing: Germanic tribes in "Germannia" (northern Europe) were light haired and light eyed. LOL
You're so clueless and desperate. Stop living in denial, since the truth hurts your silly little pride (built upon falsehood).
Germanic losers for over 300 years in Europe and American have constantly and consistently tried to lie and twist history to try and make everyone believe Nordics ruled Rome or Greece in ancient times. Why? BECAUSE, the REAL Nordics (Germanic tribes) of the NORTH lived PRIMITIVELY! They're INSECURE about that true history! LOL! Awww! Too bad! :-)
Maybe if you KNEW actual TRUE history, your stupid pride wouldn't be so puffed up for nothing. History would humble you and then show you to respect DARKER peoples for the advanced technology you use today, which is truly built upon darker peoples advancements in math, science and culture as a whole from ancient times.
You don't even know about the Germanic invasions of Rome some 1700+ years ago? What history books do you read? Some redneck KKK books built on insecurities?
@StartTheRaceWar, I have not checked where your from but I'll bet your an American, fuck some of you guys are dumb. Oh, by the way, did ya know 30% of white Americans have Black blood? I'll bet your one of them HA HA HA!!!
...and very little race mixing went on in Australia so that's not a good analogy.
Greeks are Aryan, not because science says so, because Hitler himself said so!
Also the nazi movement is far larger in Greece than it is in your jew and nigger infested United States of shit!
Lol. No, Hitler said the ANCIENT Dorian invaders were Aryan, modern greeks are mixed race. The original Indo-Europeans were Nordic. Less then 1% of White Americans are mixed with black blood, LOL.
You're a dimwitted moron with few braincells left. Stop doing that meth, hillbilly. lol!
Europeans aren't even Aryan, you ignoramus. Hitler stole that label "Aryan" from ancient Iranic people who lived in present day Iran. Hitler also stole the symbol of swastika from ancient peoples who had NOTHING to do with Germanic barbarians of the north. lol! Germanic history before invading Rome was PRIMITIVE tribal peoples, even the ROMANS said this, you idiot. LOL! Clueless redneck.
a good example of this is Alexander the great who was Blond and blue eyed and yet his frecoes show him with dark hair, dark skin and eyes. Again, the frescoes originaly painted him being light skinned, blond and blue eyed but due to thousands of years of exposure and oxidation the frescoes turned dark.
Frescoes that remained in dark and dry places and suffered little or no exposure to the elements did not oxidise as much and survive to this day showing blond, blue eyes and light skin.
LOL! You come up with some amazing, yet clueless, excuses! I'm astounded at your silly desperation! Haha! No, they didn't turn darker because of oxidation! If that were so, ALL the colors in the painting would be very dark, yet you can see clear LIGHT colors in other parts of the paintings, GENIUS! Stop making dumb excuses try twist history around. Even Greeks in text talk about Greeks having MEDIUM skin tone, dark hair and brown eyes, and blue eyes as cowardly, etc.
Exactly what modern technology did we steal? You can't answer my question, how is it possible for the racial physique of the original members of any indo-european branch to be different from others if it's only 6000 years old, older then the Nordic race itself which is 11 000. How is it that much too many people in the middle east and southwestern china are mixed with the Nordic race to have been interbred from the large colonial empires? Not to mention Tarim Basin mummies.
Bye now, insecure kid. Sorry that history just smashes your little complex of superiority (born out of a deep inferiority complex). Boo hoo. :-(
You Nazis should just give credit where credit is due, admit you were NOTHING before invading Rome, Greece, and taking their technology. Then we can move on and let everyone have their history as it was. You are NO different from those dumb Afrocentric morons saying that original Greeks/Romans/etc. were black! LOL!
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- Roger Federer
- Roger Federer is the best in his era
- tennis thesedays
- Celt came from iberia(Spain and Portugal)
- Original Celts could be dark hiared comment
- Northern French accent is foreigner one
- Northern Italia has the lowest fertility rate in t...
- Penelope Cruz can pass for an italian comment
- Nadal what's cheating?
- Roger Federer got sick by mono virus
- Nadal cheat fake time out against Roger
- Nadal is a natural defensive player
- tennis tournament draw is fixed
- Nadal might have obsessive compusive disorder
- Toni Arrogant Nadal believes Roger Federer will no...
- Big Lip is Ugly but Full lip is Beautiful
- 기독교를 정면 부정하는 이슬람 논리
- 중국의 조상은 백인이다.
- 혀 짧은 소리… 잘못된 발음 습관, 당신의 얼굴형 바꾼다?!
- 의자왕도 몰래 즐겼던 ‘봄 웅어’
- "토요일 오전엔 나혼자"... 테니스장 독차지한 MB
- 한국인 평균 눈크기 1.5cm
- R1b is from spain
- The freshwater faunas of the Italian peninsula are...
- What is the natural barrier between Italy and the ...
- Romans on Celtic and Germanic looks
- Celts descended from Spanish fishermen, study finds
- Celts are not italic
- Northern Italia and Portugal (Lusitani) were consi...
- ridiculous nordic nordicism nordicists comment
- blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature comment
- Why was Pre-Islamic Arabia similar to Greek-Roman ...
- green eyes, the myth of a Greek blond nation being...
- Aristotle described them as "the perfect race" as ...
- Pale skin and light hair were described as signs o...
- Roman authors associated blond and reddish hair wi...
- 아스피린은 살을 빼준다
- light Syrians with blonde or blue eyes are actuall...
- 추상주의는 미국문화을 대표한다
- 1994년도 기사 3쿠션 당구 세계 챔피언 이상춘
- 목소리가 큰 남자가 힘이 쎄다
- 조미료는 건강에 좋다
- 성별에 따른 외모의 매력
- 시력테스트 사진
- Moor means Morrocan not brown comment
- For the Pelasgians, too, were a Hellenic nation or...
- there are green eyed yemanis comment
- My other theory is that Sumerians, Hittites, Egypt...
- O2b1의 고향은 전라남도다
- 신채호는 자기가 찾은 어떤 사료에 의하면 백제가 당나라 침범했다구한다.
- The Pelasgians ( Athenians, Euobeans, Milesians) ...
- The Illyrians
- The Natufian Culture in the Levant (not jewish) wa...
- Greek came from Egyptians? E-V13 is the son of E-M78
- Languages of pre-Indo-european europe
- Pelasgians (pre-Minoan Greeks, or Helladic Greeks)...
- The Greeks in Italy were Doric
- 스포츠 이벤트 경제 영향력 순위 10
- The fastest serve of Roger Federer