Byzantine civilization is
important because without it the modern Western world would not exist.
Byzantium preserved and protected the very foundations of Western
civilization, and it remains every bit as important as the ancient empires
of classical Greece and Rome to civilization as we know it.
Byzantium, in fact, was
the empires of Greece and Rome. It was the Eastern Roman Empire - the Rome
that never "fell" until 1453 AD. The Eastern Empire provided
continuous civilization and government for over a thousand years. For much
of that time it rivaled the Roman Empire in size, and continued to field the
most powerful and organized army and navy in the known world. Byzantium was
as rich if not richer than ancient Rome during most of its history, and it
maintained a culture equally advanced.
The Byzantine Empire was the
Shield of the West, actively protecting all of Europe from both invasion and
cultural destruction. Without Byzantium, Islam would almost certainly
today be the only surviving religion in Europe. Without Byzantium even
secular Greco-Roman history and culture would likely have been lost - just
as the histories, cultural traditions and even the monuments of the
Pre-Islamic civilizations of the Middle East were for centuries deliberately
ignored and forgotten.
Many Eastern armies crashed against the gates of
Constantinople in the quest to push Westward into weak and disorganized Dark
Ages Europe. All were turned back for a millennium. The almost ceaseless
wars the Eastern Roman Empire endured were a sacrifice that preserved
Classical knowledge and tradition from death. During this centuries long
process Byzantium became weaker - eventually leading to its destruction. Yet
during these centuries the kingdoms of the West were given the time and room
to rebuild and organize anew.
The Byzantine Empire did more
than protect - it also preserved. Even though the rise of Christianity was a
major break which caused huge changes in the Greco-Roman world, much of the
fabric of ancient life continued in Byzantium. This included the
preservation and study of Classical science, literature, philosophy and
critical thought, engineering, architecture, art and even medicine.
Most of the ancient Classical
literature which survives today was preserved through the Byzantine Empire.
The majority of the works of philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato, and
the historical texts of Greece and Rome were saved by Byzantine scholars who
maintained the ancient traditions of literature and learning. Works that had
been lost for centuries in the West were reintroduced by Byzantines fleeing
the final occupation of Constantinople, the last capital of the Empire, in
Byzantium did not simply preserve
what was old; it also began what was new. Byzantine scholars and the "lost"
knowledge they brought to Italy, Venice, France and England were a founding
spark of the Renaissance Era, when sciences and rational enquiry began to
lay the foundations of the modern world. Without this Renaissance process
there would have been no Enlightenment - and no rise of science and
Byzantium also contributed much
to the world in its own right. The Eastern Roman Empire innovated its own
new things; including new styles and advances in art, literature,
architecture and engineering. Byzantine scholars were among the best, and at
times the best and foremost scholars and innovators in the world.
Byzantine contributions to Western culture are still around us every day.
At one time all of the Roman and
Greek worlds were governed from Constantinople. If you have ancestors from
Britain, Eastern or Western Europe, Egypt or elsewhere in North Africa - for
centuries they were Byzantine Citizens - and this means you have direct
Byzantine heritage.
If Constantinople had fallen to
invasion at the same time as the city of Rome everything today would be
different. Your religion, your language, your traditions and the culture you
live in would likely have no Classical foundation at all. The Renaissance
Era, the Age of Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution which grew from
them would never have happened. The Dark Ages would have lasted centuries
longer, and the last vestiges of Classical tradition would almost certainly
have been replaced by dominant Arabic culture and Islamic religion and
It is a tragedy that
Byzantium, the Eastern Roman Empire, is today so little appreciated and
poorly remembered. Never in the history of the world has a civilization
provided so much to, and sacrificed so much for, the world around it. It is
shameful that even the word "Byzantine" has come to have a derogatory
meaning when its true legacy has always been one of honor.
Greece, Rome, and
Byzantium are the foundations of the Western World. Because of this the
Byzantine Empire will always matter, and always continue to be important.
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