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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Italians are the darkest in europe Giuseppe is a southern italian name? comment


Florence, Italy

As an Italian that happen to be anthropologist I can tell that:
Italian overall are the darkest (yes in northern Italy there are few lighter elements, yet norther italians are dark in the majority and can find very brunette skinned pure milanese or northern italians)
Spaniards and portuguese close second
Greek the lightest.
Anyhow the differences are really minor all three populations really look like each other and you can easily mix them up.
Even many turks can be mistaken for greek italians or iberians.

Lucca, Italy

"Giuseppe" your name explain it all...
Northern italians are not as dark as southerners,if you took a 100 people from North Italy and 100 from South Italy,you will see the difference.
North italians are by far fairer than the south's ones.
Moreover we are not at all the darkest between spaniards and greeks.
I found greeks very fair,and spaniards on average darker than italians.

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