Etruscan, Phoenician, and Greek Influences
It is quite possible that a new Indo-European invasion occurred around 1000
BC, and we know for sure that there were definite movements and various changes
within the Italic peninsula during the tenth century BC. For the Romans the
three main cultural influences were:
The Etruscans
The Etruscans, invaders from the Aegean Sea area, settled on the Italian west
coast to the north of the Tiber River during the early part of the tenth century BC. They brought their own
customs, traditions, and in many ways a very superior culture, and it was this culture
that left a permanent mark on the soon emerging Roman civilization. Etruscan influence gave a particular character to Roman art, architecture, and sports.
The arch is an Etruscan invention, and the gladiatorial combats of later Rome
had their origin in the Etruscan culture.
The Phoenicians
The Phoenicians, who had impressed the Greeks with their early commercial
activities and influenced changes in Greece culturally, also were significant in
the west. Carthage in northern Africa was founded as a Phoenician colony, in the ninth century
BC, and from here these famous traders rapidly established colonies and trading
posts at almost every strategic point on the Mediterranean Sea, including the
islands of Sicily and Sardinia which were closest to the Italian mainland.
Because the Phoenicians traded much with the Etruscans they also became important
for the early culture of Italy, yet because of all their colonies set up for
trade on the western Mediterranean they became potentially dangerous politically.
The Greeks
The Greeks began to make their influence felt in Italy by the seventh century
BC. One of the first Greek cities on the Italian peninsula was Cumae, and from
here the Greek influences spread northward. But with the Etruscans and the
Phoenicians competing so heavily it became difficult for them to settle in too many
areas in the peninsula, especially in the north.
While the Etruscans made their mark on the developing Romans politically, the
Greeks exerted an even stronger influence. Traders brought their culture with
them, and, though they learned the Etruscan alphabet, the Greek alphabet was
adapted by the Romans to their Latin tongue.
Even though the Romans remained essentially an agrarian people until the third
century BC, eventually the Greek system of coinage was accepted, and Rome
began to issue copper and bronze coins in the fourth century BC.
Greek religion also influenced the Roman people as did the Etruscan religion,
and the Greeks also put a strong emphasis on ritual. Literature, science, and
philosophy all came west with the Greeks. Yet this was not all developed before
the sixth century. The process continued almost as long as the Roman state
existed. Romans never possessed the Greek appreciation of the harmonious and the
beautiful, nor had they the imagination ot the Greeks. As far as science, the
Romans could make no contribution. Their genius was devoted to the fields of war
and government.
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