Milano is very mixed on an Italian basis but you're right that atypical
phenotypes only appear in the Alps as Lombards from the plain are just
on average impressive Dinaro-Meds, more or less light, looking like
extreme SE French people such as the Nissarts.
BTW about Portugal : I don't get from where most Americans get that
Portuguese people are dark. In France, Portuguese people don't convey
such stereotypes. They're brunet for sure as far as our clichés are
concerned but with a very pake skin tone and very Western/Atlantic
physical features whatever that means. In France, Portuguese women are
all Linda de Suza look-alikes.
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Sunday, June 30, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Italians are more hairly than Spanish
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I know a guy who is mestizo and
he has italian and spanish ancestry and he is very hairy. The indigenous
people of mexico rarely ever have any body hair so I am wondering if
his hairiness is a result of his spanish and italian ancestry.
- 3 years ago
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The Italians
are more famous for hairiness than the Spanish, but white Latinos in
general are known for being hirsute- Portuguese, Italians, French and
Spanish anyway. I have no experience with Romanians except for a couple I
worked with and more than hairy I remember them being like the Wild and
Crazy Guys popularized by Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd
in the 1970s. Amerinds have less body hair than Caucasians. That is
true, but the Italians and Spanish are by and large Caucasians. I am not
aware of any Amerinds who are Spanish or Italian.
If you like a hairy bush like most guys do you can find some nice ones in Spain and Italy, but unfortunately there is also often disappointment because women there have begun shaving that part of their body for some reason. I know the allure of Italian women for me is the famous bush.
If you like a hairy bush like most guys do you can find some nice ones in Spain and Italy, but unfortunately there is also often disappointment because women there have begun shaving that part of their body for some reason. I know the allure of Italian women for me is the famous bush.
- 3 years ago
스페인 사람들은 라틴족의 후예들이다.
스페인의 정식 국명은 스페인왕국(Kingdom of Spain)이며 스페인어식 표기는 에스파냐
왕국(Reino de España)이다. 스페인의 수도는 마드리드(Madrid)이고, 2011년 기준으로 약 648만 명이
거주한다. 스페인의 전체 면적은 50만 5370㎢로 한반도의 약 2.3배이며, 인구는 4719만 명(2011년 기준), 인구밀도는
93명/㎢이다. 유럽의 3대 민족은 게르만족, 슬라브족, 라틴족이다. 스페인 사람들은 라틴족의 후예들이며, 라틴족은 스페인을
비롯하여 포르투갈, 이탈리아, 프랑스, 루마니아에 살고 있다.
스페인어는 카스티야(Castilla) 지방어가 표준어이고, 기타 카탈루냐(Cataluña)어, 바스크(Basque)어, 갈리시아(Galicia)어가 해당 지역에서 공용어로 사용되고 있다. 종교는 가톨릭으로 국교는 아니나 인구의 74.3%가 가톨릭 신자이다. 기타 종교는 25.7%이며 이 중 이슬람은 0.6%, 무신론자 8.1% 등이다.
스페인의 국가 형태는 입헌군주국이며, 국왕은 후안 카를로스 1세(Juan CarlosⅠ)이 다. 정부형태는 내각책임제로, 2011년 12월에 취임한 국민당(PP, Partido Popular)의 마리아노 라호이 브레이(Mariano Rajoy Brey)가 총리이며 임기는 4년이다. 스페인의 의회는 양원제로 하원이 350석, 상원이 266석이며, 임기는 모두 4년이다. 외교 기조는 유럽연합(EU, European Union)과 북대서양조약기구(NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization)의 회원국을 포함하여, 모든 국가와 선린 우호 관계를 추구하는 데 있다.
스페인의 국경일은 10월 12일로, 1492년 10월 12일 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스(Christopher Columbus)가 아메리카 대륙을 발견한 날을 기념한 것이다.
2011 년 국제통화기금(IMF, International Monetary Fund)과 스페인 통계청이 발표한 스페인의 경제지표를 살펴보면 국내총생산(GDP, Gross Domestic Product)은 1조 4935억 달러(세계 12위)이고 1인당 국내총생산은 3만 2360달러이다. 교역 규모는 8728억 달러로 수출액은 4321억 달러, 수입액은 4407억 달러이다. 관광 수입은 706억 달러이고 관광객 수는 한 해에 대략 5700만 명이며, 실업률은 22.9%이다. 2012년도 스페인의 산업 구조를 살펴보면, 서비스업은 69%, 제조업 17%, 건설업 11.4%, 농수산업 2.6% 등의 비율을 보이고 있다. 스페인의 화폐 단위는 유로(Euro)이다.
스페인의 기후는 동남부는 지중해성이며, 북서부는 온대성 기후이다. 지형은 산악지형이 많은데 전국의 1/3정도가 산지이며 평균 고도는 해발 600m 이상으로 유럽에서 스위스 다음으로 고지형이다.
스페인의 의무교육 기간은 10년(6~16세)이다.
2011년 기준으로 스페인의 총병력은 12만 9000명이다.
스페인이 가입한 국제기구로는 국제연합식량농업기구(FAO, 1951년 4월 가입)1), 국제보건기구(WHO, 1951년 5월 가입)2), 국제연합교육과학문화기구(UNESCO, 1953년 1월 가입)3), 국제연합(UN, 1955년 12월 가입)4), 국제통화기금(IMF, 1958년 9월 가입), 경제협력개발기구(OECD, 1961년 9월 가입)5), 관세 및 무역에 관한 일반협정(GATT, 1963년 8월 가입)6), 북대서양조약기구(NATO, 1982년 5월 가입), 유럽연합(EU, 1986년 1월 유럽공동체 가입) 등이다.
스페인어는 카스티야(Castilla) 지방어가 표준어이고, 기타 카탈루냐(Cataluña)어, 바스크(Basque)어, 갈리시아(Galicia)어가 해당 지역에서 공용어로 사용되고 있다. 종교는 가톨릭으로 국교는 아니나 인구의 74.3%가 가톨릭 신자이다. 기타 종교는 25.7%이며 이 중 이슬람은 0.6%, 무신론자 8.1% 등이다.
스페인의 국가 형태는 입헌군주국이며, 국왕은 후안 카를로스 1세(Juan CarlosⅠ)이 다. 정부형태는 내각책임제로, 2011년 12월에 취임한 국민당(PP, Partido Popular)의 마리아노 라호이 브레이(Mariano Rajoy Brey)가 총리이며 임기는 4년이다. 스페인의 의회는 양원제로 하원이 350석, 상원이 266석이며, 임기는 모두 4년이다. 외교 기조는 유럽연합(EU, European Union)과 북대서양조약기구(NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization)의 회원국을 포함하여, 모든 국가와 선린 우호 관계를 추구하는 데 있다.
스페인의 국경일은 10월 12일로, 1492년 10월 12일 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스(Christopher Columbus)가 아메리카 대륙을 발견한 날을 기념한 것이다.
2011 년 국제통화기금(IMF, International Monetary Fund)과 스페인 통계청이 발표한 스페인의 경제지표를 살펴보면 국내총생산(GDP, Gross Domestic Product)은 1조 4935억 달러(세계 12위)이고 1인당 국내총생산은 3만 2360달러이다. 교역 규모는 8728억 달러로 수출액은 4321억 달러, 수입액은 4407억 달러이다. 관광 수입은 706억 달러이고 관광객 수는 한 해에 대략 5700만 명이며, 실업률은 22.9%이다. 2012년도 스페인의 산업 구조를 살펴보면, 서비스업은 69%, 제조업 17%, 건설업 11.4%, 농수산업 2.6% 등의 비율을 보이고 있다. 스페인의 화폐 단위는 유로(Euro)이다.
스페인의 기후는 동남부는 지중해성이며, 북서부는 온대성 기후이다. 지형은 산악지형이 많은데 전국의 1/3정도가 산지이며 평균 고도는 해발 600m 이상으로 유럽에서 스위스 다음으로 고지형이다.
스페인의 의무교육 기간은 10년(6~16세)이다.
2011년 기준으로 스페인의 총병력은 12만 9000명이다.
스페인이 가입한 국제기구로는 국제연합식량농업기구(FAO, 1951년 4월 가입)1), 국제보건기구(WHO, 1951년 5월 가입)2), 국제연합교육과학문화기구(UNESCO, 1953년 1월 가입)3), 국제연합(UN, 1955년 12월 가입)4), 국제통화기금(IMF, 1958년 9월 가입), 경제협력개발기구(OECD, 1961년 9월 가입)5), 관세 및 무역에 관한 일반협정(GATT, 1963년 8월 가입)6), 북대서양조약기구(NATO, 1982년 5월 가입), 유럽연합(EU, 1986년 1월 유럽공동체 가입) 등이다.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
뜨거운 여름, 피부 온도 31도로 유지하는 8가지 방법
여름엔 25도는 기본, 30도 넘게 올라가는 날도 있다. 밖에 나가기도 싫지만 출근도 해야하고, 볼 일이 있으면 나가야 한다. 뜨거운 열기 속을 누비다보면 얼굴은 벌겋게 익어 얼굴은 뜨거운 감자가 된 것 같다.
람의 정상 체온은 36.5℃, 정상적인 피부 온도는 그보다 낮은 31℃ 이다. 하지만 이 온도를 벗어날 경우 피부는 급격한 노화를
겪게 된다. 체온이 폭염에 올라갔다가 사무실 에어컨 바람에 내려가고 반복하는 여름 피부는 31℃를 이탈하는 위기상황에 자주
직면하게 된다.
강한 피부 온도 31℃를 지키는 방법을 알아보자.
달아오른 피부 온도를 낮춰라!
우리는 조금만 체온이 올라가도 금방 몸이 이상이 있다고 느껴 약을 먹거나 병원에 간다. 다시 말해, 나의 몸 상태를 확인하는데 체온의 변화가 중요한 체크 포인트라는 것이다.
정상 피부 온도(31℃)가 체온인 36.5℃를 넘으면 피부 진피가 약해져 피부에 이상이 생기고, 40℃를 넘으면 콜라겐을 파괴하는 콜라겐을 파괴하는 콜라겐 분해 효소가 증가해 피부 노화가 시작된다.
피 부의 온도는 여름철 직사광선 아래 15분만 노출되어도 40℃를 훌쩍 넘어버려 지하철에서 사무실까지 걸어가는 15분, 점심 식사하러 가는 10분 그 잠깐의 시간에도 피부 온도가 40℃를 육박할 수 있어 여름철 피부 온도 상승이 얼마나 위험한가에 대하여 경각심을 가져야 한다.
시간별로 알아 본 31℃ 체온 유지법
하루에도 몇 번씩 뜨거운 자외선과 차가운 에어컨 바람을 오가며 스트레스를 받는 여름 피부, 어떻게 대처하느냐에 따라 여름 지난 피부의 나이가 달라진다.
출근길에 나서는 아침시간!
버 스를 놓칠까봐 열심히 뛰어왔다. 다행히 버스는 아직 오지 않았고, 이마에 맺힌 땀을 닦으며 아침부터 덥다고 혼잣말을 되뇌인다. 땀이 나는 이유는 높아진 피부 온도를 내리기 위해 피부가 모공을 넓혀 땀을 내보냈기 때문. 땀이 나면 피부는 수분을 빼앗기게 되고 건조하다고 느낀 피부는 공포의 피지를 분출하기 시작한다.
1 양산을 쓴다.
선글라스는 눈가 자외선 차단에 효과적이지만 나머지 피부는 햇빛에 노출되기 대문에 큰 효과가 없다. 따라서 그늘을 만들어 몸을 시원하게 하는 양산을 사용 하는 게 좋다.
2 가로수 그늘이 많은 길로 걷기
일반 보도 블럭과 가로수길의 체감온도는 천지차이. 실제 일반 도로와 가로수 길을 걸었던 사람의 피부 온도 차가 약 3~5℃ 가량 났다는 연구 결과가 있을 정도로 그늘 아래로 걷는 것만으로 온도 감소에 효과가 있다.
회사 동료들과 밥 먹으러 나가는 점심시간!
시 원한 사무실에서 점심을 먹기 위해 밖으로 나오면 따뜻하다고 느끼다가 금방 더워진다. 하루 중 가장 급격한 온도 차를 겪는 시간으로 피부가 붉게 달아오르고 1~2분 지나면 열이 올라 화끈거리며 피부가 뜨거워 진다. 피부에 전해진 열기는 피부 지지대 역할을 하는 콜라겐을 무너뜨려 피부 탄력이 떨어지고 심하면 주름이 도드라지게 된다.
3 차가운 물잔을 물수건으로 감싼 후에 얼굴에 갖다대기
차갑지 않은 물잔이라면 곧바로 얼굴에 가져가서 피부 열을 식혀도 좋지만 얼음 잔처럼 차갑다면 물수건으로 한 번 감싼 후 얼굴에 가져다 대는 게 자극 없이 피부 열을 내려 준다.
4 커피 대신 녹차 마시기
점심을 먹고 돌아오는 길에 습관처럼 커피를 마시는 대신, 녹차를 선택하는 것이 좋다. 녹차는 찬 성질을 가지고 있어 피부 열을 내리는데 효과적이다.
점심을 먹고 회사에 돌아온 오후시간!
다 시 시원한 에어컨 바람에 몸은 점점 추워지면서 건조하다는 느낌이 든다. 이렇게 갑자기 체온이 변하게 되면 피부가 스트레스를 받는 트러블 포인트가 된다. 게다가 낮은 사무실 온도로 피부 온도가 쭉쭉 떨어지면 혈액순환이 떨어지는 정반대의 상황을 경험하게 될 수도 있다. 피부 스트레스를 최소화해야 하는 시간이다.
5 미스트 뿌리기
사무실에 들어와 바로 에어컨 바람을 쐬면 피부 온도가 급격히 떨어지게 된다. 달아오른 피부 열은 서서히 내려야 한다. 미스트를 뿌려 수분공급을 해주는 동시에 피부 온도를 낮춰준다.
6 에어컨 온도 26~28℃로 맞추기
실내•외 온도차가 5℃를 넘지 않도록 하는 게 중요하다. 사무실 냉방의 기본 원칙은 피부 온도를 31℃로 유지하기 위해 꼭 지켜야 한다. 점심식사 후 1~2시간 만이라도 에어컨 온도를 높이는 것이 좋다.
아침 출근길만큼 복잡한 퇴근시간!
버 스나 지하철에서 나오는 에어컨 바람은 회사와는 비교도 안 될 정도로 피부에 최악의 조건, 내가 춥다고 해서 끌 수도 없고, 좁은 공간에 에어컨 바람을 피한다고 해도 어디선가 오는 바람을 얼굴에 바로 쐴 수 밖에 없다. 게다가 청소가 제대로 이루어지지 않아 퀘퀘한 냄새와 함께 오는 바람은 피부에 매우 좋지않다. 갑작스러운 피부 변화에 대비해야 한다.
7 에어컨과 가장 먼 자리에 앉기
에어컨 바로 밑 자리를 과감히 버려야 한다. 아니면 최소한 15분 정도는 서서 가다가 앉는 것이 좋다.
8 양손을 문질러 열을 낸 다음 얼굴에 갖다 대기
양손바닥을 빠르게 비벼 열을 낸 후 얼굴에 대면 급격하게 떨어지는 피부 온도를 어느 정도 막을 수 있다.
자료제공 및 도움말 낫츠 (1544 3039,
강한 피부 온도 31℃를 지키는 방법을 알아보자.
달아오른 피부 온도를 낮춰라!
우리는 조금만 체온이 올라가도 금방 몸이 이상이 있다고 느껴 약을 먹거나 병원에 간다. 다시 말해, 나의 몸 상태를 확인하는데 체온의 변화가 중요한 체크 포인트라는 것이다.
정상 피부 온도(31℃)가 체온인 36.5℃를 넘으면 피부 진피가 약해져 피부에 이상이 생기고, 40℃를 넘으면 콜라겐을 파괴하는 콜라겐을 파괴하는 콜라겐 분해 효소가 증가해 피부 노화가 시작된다.
피 부의 온도는 여름철 직사광선 아래 15분만 노출되어도 40℃를 훌쩍 넘어버려 지하철에서 사무실까지 걸어가는 15분, 점심 식사하러 가는 10분 그 잠깐의 시간에도 피부 온도가 40℃를 육박할 수 있어 여름철 피부 온도 상승이 얼마나 위험한가에 대하여 경각심을 가져야 한다.
시간별로 알아 본 31℃ 체온 유지법
하루에도 몇 번씩 뜨거운 자외선과 차가운 에어컨 바람을 오가며 스트레스를 받는 여름 피부, 어떻게 대처하느냐에 따라 여름 지난 피부의 나이가 달라진다.
출근길에 나서는 아침시간!
버 스를 놓칠까봐 열심히 뛰어왔다. 다행히 버스는 아직 오지 않았고, 이마에 맺힌 땀을 닦으며 아침부터 덥다고 혼잣말을 되뇌인다. 땀이 나는 이유는 높아진 피부 온도를 내리기 위해 피부가 모공을 넓혀 땀을 내보냈기 때문. 땀이 나면 피부는 수분을 빼앗기게 되고 건조하다고 느낀 피부는 공포의 피지를 분출하기 시작한다.
선글라스는 눈가 자외선 차단에 효과적이지만 나머지 피부는 햇빛에 노출되기 대문에 큰 효과가 없다. 따라서 그늘을 만들어 몸을 시원하게 하는 양산을 사용 하는 게 좋다.
2 가로수 그늘이 많은 길로 걷기
일반 보도 블럭과 가로수길의 체감온도는 천지차이. 실제 일반 도로와 가로수 길을 걸었던 사람의 피부 온도 차가 약 3~5℃ 가량 났다는 연구 결과가 있을 정도로 그늘 아래로 걷는 것만으로 온도 감소에 효과가 있다.
회사 동료들과 밥 먹으러 나가는 점심시간!
시 원한 사무실에서 점심을 먹기 위해 밖으로 나오면 따뜻하다고 느끼다가 금방 더워진다. 하루 중 가장 급격한 온도 차를 겪는 시간으로 피부가 붉게 달아오르고 1~2분 지나면 열이 올라 화끈거리며 피부가 뜨거워 진다. 피부에 전해진 열기는 피부 지지대 역할을 하는 콜라겐을 무너뜨려 피부 탄력이 떨어지고 심하면 주름이 도드라지게 된다.
차갑지 않은 물잔이라면 곧바로 얼굴에 가져가서 피부 열을 식혀도 좋지만 얼음 잔처럼 차갑다면 물수건으로 한 번 감싼 후 얼굴에 가져다 대는 게 자극 없이 피부 열을 내려 준다.
4 커피 대신 녹차 마시기
점심을 먹고 돌아오는 길에 습관처럼 커피를 마시는 대신, 녹차를 선택하는 것이 좋다. 녹차는 찬 성질을 가지고 있어 피부 열을 내리는데 효과적이다.
점심을 먹고 회사에 돌아온 오후시간!
다 시 시원한 에어컨 바람에 몸은 점점 추워지면서 건조하다는 느낌이 든다. 이렇게 갑자기 체온이 변하게 되면 피부가 스트레스를 받는 트러블 포인트가 된다. 게다가 낮은 사무실 온도로 피부 온도가 쭉쭉 떨어지면 혈액순환이 떨어지는 정반대의 상황을 경험하게 될 수도 있다. 피부 스트레스를 최소화해야 하는 시간이다.
사무실에 들어와 바로 에어컨 바람을 쐬면 피부 온도가 급격히 떨어지게 된다. 달아오른 피부 열은 서서히 내려야 한다. 미스트를 뿌려 수분공급을 해주는 동시에 피부 온도를 낮춰준다.
6 에어컨 온도 26~28℃로 맞추기
실내•외 온도차가 5℃를 넘지 않도록 하는 게 중요하다. 사무실 냉방의 기본 원칙은 피부 온도를 31℃로 유지하기 위해 꼭 지켜야 한다. 점심식사 후 1~2시간 만이라도 에어컨 온도를 높이는 것이 좋다.
아침 출근길만큼 복잡한 퇴근시간!
버 스나 지하철에서 나오는 에어컨 바람은 회사와는 비교도 안 될 정도로 피부에 최악의 조건, 내가 춥다고 해서 끌 수도 없고, 좁은 공간에 에어컨 바람을 피한다고 해도 어디선가 오는 바람을 얼굴에 바로 쐴 수 밖에 없다. 게다가 청소가 제대로 이루어지지 않아 퀘퀘한 냄새와 함께 오는 바람은 피부에 매우 좋지않다. 갑작스러운 피부 변화에 대비해야 한다.
에어컨 바로 밑 자리를 과감히 버려야 한다. 아니면 최소한 15분 정도는 서서 가다가 앉는 것이 좋다.
8 양손을 문질러 열을 낸 다음 얼굴에 갖다 대기
양손바닥을 빠르게 비벼 열을 낸 후 얼굴에 대면 급격하게 떨어지는 피부 온도를 어느 정도 막을 수 있다.
자료제공 및 도움말 낫츠 (1544 3039,
Monday, June 24, 2013
arrogant Nadal cheat
You guys are bitch arse nadal fans. Do you know that nadal
is on drugs. There are multiple amounts of evidence. Search it up. Also
my coach was on the tour and his trainer knew a guy who walked in and
saw nadal injecting. ATP covers it up so the game won't be ruined.
Karlovic is the greatest and fastest server of all time
Fedor Emelianenko Fedor Emelianenko
Open Question
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Karlovic holds ALL service records?
not fair that he is not recognized as such. he is the greatest server of all time.
78 aces in a match. mahut and isner have 103 and 113 aces, but this was in the longest match ever.
Karlovic set records first with 51, then 54 and finally 78!
Roddick`s fastest serve was beaten by Karlovic with 156. Roddick`s was 155. Meanwhile Montenegrin Raonic got a 153.3.
Again Groth appears first tho. with a highly questionable 163 that ATP does not recognize (rightfully so).
Karlovic also has the fastest second serve.
Karlovic has 1318 aces in a season, second-best next to fellow Croatian`s Ivanisevic 1477.
Karlovic, Ivanisevic, Ljubicic, Raonic. All from the same area.
former Yugoslavs are the best!!
20 minutes ago
- 4 days left to answer.
Open Question
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Karlovic holds ALL service records?
not fair that he is not recognized as such. he is the greatest server of all time.
78 aces in a match. mahut and isner have 103 and 113 aces, but this was in the longest match ever.
Karlovic set records first with 51, then 54 and finally 78!
Roddick`s fastest serve was beaten by Karlovic with 156. Roddick`s was 155. Meanwhile Montenegrin Raonic got a 153.3.
Again Groth appears first tho. with a highly questionable 163 that ATP does not recognize (rightfully so).
Karlovic also has the fastest second serve.
Karlovic has 1318 aces in a season, second-best next to fellow Croatian`s Ivanisevic 1477.
Karlovic, Ivanisevic, Ljubicic, Raonic. All from the same area.
former Yugoslavs are the best!!
20 minutes ago
- 4 days left to answer.
- If you say so.
if serving was a Grand Slam title, then we can talk about it. Unfortunately it is only part of the game.
Among those only one has a GS crown on him - others have no record even been to qtr finals, let alone semis and finals.- 14 minutes ago
- Report Abuse
Ask Mike: Why do zombies love to eat brains?
Ask Mike: Of zombies and brains
Hey Guys,
Let me be the first to welcome you to the new Yahoo! Answers blog at tumblr. In the spirit of celebrating our swanky new digs, I wanted to tackle a question that has been on my mind for a long time. And with “World War Z” coming out, now seems as good a time as any, so here goes: Why do zombies love to eat brains?
Now, I’m resorting to stereotypes here, I admit. I’m sure there are plenty of zombies out there that don’t love brains and would prefer a nice thigh or maybe a juicy pancreas. But, you have to admit, when a layman impersonates one of the living dead, he or she usually utters a guttural “braaaaains.”
George Romero, legendary director of “Night of the Living Dead” and its slew of zombified sequels, has no idea why people think zombies like brains. In a 2010 interview with Vanity Fair, Romero said, “Whenever I sign autographs, they always ask me, ‘Write ‘Eat Brains’!’ I don’t understand what that means. I’ve never had a zombie eat a brain. But it’s become this landmark thing.”
Indeed it has. Several years ago, a group of zombie experts got together for a big discussion on, among other things, the legend of the brain-eating zombie. Matt Mogke of the Zombie Research Society disputed the idea that a zombie could even conceivably eat a brain.
“A human’s jaw and mouth shape just cannot support the fact that they could bite into a human skull, not to mention the pounds of pressure in a human bite is not that great,” he said.
True enough, but zombies are nothing if not determined. One has to believe if they do indeed have a love of brains, they’ll find a way to get at ‘em.
The blog Don’t Eat My Brain lists a few theories as to why zombies love brains. “The most convincing theories range from metaphorical (they crave the mind/consciousness/soul that they have lost) to scientific (it’s been recently discovered that glial cells in the brain can replicate cells and perhaps give them back some of the brain mass that they lose in decomposition) to metabolic (brains have fat or cholesterol that sustain them).”
Bottom line: Nobody really knows why zombies eat brains (not even George Romero). Heck, nobody knows if zombies eat brains or just prefer to dine on flesh. But, if you ask me, zombies do eat brains and they do so because they’re probably incredibly bored and need a good challenge to pass the time.
Got your own theory about zombies and brains? Please leave a comment below.
Thanks for reading,
p.s. — You can follow me on Twitter here.
Hey Guys,
Let me be the first to welcome you to the new Yahoo! Answers blog at tumblr. In the spirit of celebrating our swanky new digs, I wanted to tackle a question that has been on my mind for a long time. And with “World War Z” coming out, now seems as good a time as any, so here goes: Why do zombies love to eat brains?
Now, I’m resorting to stereotypes here, I admit. I’m sure there are plenty of zombies out there that don’t love brains and would prefer a nice thigh or maybe a juicy pancreas. But, you have to admit, when a layman impersonates one of the living dead, he or she usually utters a guttural “braaaaains.”
George Romero, legendary director of “Night of the Living Dead” and its slew of zombified sequels, has no idea why people think zombies like brains. In a 2010 interview with Vanity Fair, Romero said, “Whenever I sign autographs, they always ask me, ‘Write ‘Eat Brains’!’ I don’t understand what that means. I’ve never had a zombie eat a brain. But it’s become this landmark thing.”
Indeed it has. Several years ago, a group of zombie experts got together for a big discussion on, among other things, the legend of the brain-eating zombie. Matt Mogke of the Zombie Research Society disputed the idea that a zombie could even conceivably eat a brain.
“A human’s jaw and mouth shape just cannot support the fact that they could bite into a human skull, not to mention the pounds of pressure in a human bite is not that great,” he said.
True enough, but zombies are nothing if not determined. One has to believe if they do indeed have a love of brains, they’ll find a way to get at ‘em.
The blog Don’t Eat My Brain lists a few theories as to why zombies love brains. “The most convincing theories range from metaphorical (they crave the mind/consciousness/soul that they have lost) to scientific (it’s been recently discovered that glial cells in the brain can replicate cells and perhaps give them back some of the brain mass that they lose in decomposition) to metabolic (brains have fat or cholesterol that sustain them).”
Bottom line: Nobody really knows why zombies eat brains (not even George Romero). Heck, nobody knows if zombies eat brains or just prefer to dine on flesh. But, if you ask me, zombies do eat brains and they do so because they’re probably incredibly bored and need a good challenge to pass the time.
Got your own theory about zombies and brains? Please leave a comment below.
Thanks for reading,
p.s. — You can follow me on Twitter here.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Arrogant Nadal cheat
All the players in Roger's quarter: Beware of
Nadal and his uncle's cheating tactics, fake time-outs and on-court
coaching! Don't get distracted by that (like Haase, Petzchner in 2010,
Delpo in 2011...). Stay focused and intense (like Rosol in 2012) and you
can beat him on Grass...[page]=1&cHash=01450626f3ebefcc776e4ddaa2a73e42
Super Moon happens every years comment
Jonathan Reid-1158169
#10 - Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:07 PM EDT
This happens every year and people still make a big deal out of it. Why?
- 1 vote
The Super moon with the weird cloud: same experience as I saw
Marta Martinez Rivera · Follow · Works at Independent Home Care Givers
We have a beautiful moon today, but is all covered by some weird smoke, cause it do't look like no clouds to me.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
In the draws of 20 of these 23 slams: Federer got the tougher (higher-ranked) opponent in his semifinal draws while Nadal mostly got the easier opponent.
There were 23 grand slam tournaments since 2008
Australian Open. In the draws of 20 of these 23 slams: Roger got the
tougher (higher-ranked) opponent in his semifinal draws while Nadal
mostly got the easier opponent. This made it harder for Roger to reach
slam finals (but easier for Nadal to reach finals feeling fresh). Since
2008, every Wimbledon, US Open, Australian semifinal draw has been bad
for Roger. See Michael9's posts in comments section of this article:
likelihood of such skewed draws affecting one player is incredibly
remote. Is it a statistical anomaly that Federer got the tougher
semifinal draws while Nadal got the easier draws in 20 of the last 23
draws? An academic (probably a Djokovic fan) did an analysis which
suggested it was statistically impossible for Federer and Djokovic to be
drawn together so often (see links). But it was really Federer who had
the overwhelming number of worst semifinal draws and the pattern started
in 2008. Here's a conspiracy theory: are the Grand Slams (especially
AO, W, USO) somehow able to manipulate the draws of the top eight seeds
(the top two seeds are fixed)? If so, have the Grand Slams been helping
Nadal (and/or lately Djokovic) get to finals and/or trying to pressure
Federer for being a powerful ATP Player Council president an/or for some
other reason? If that's not the case, then it is an incredible
statistical anomaly, indeed.
In 2011 ESPN analyzed the U.S. Open draw from a different angle. Dr. Andrew Swift, past chairman of the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Sport and an assistant mathematics professor, evaluated the process, data and findings. He concluded: "Any way you want to look at these, there is significant evidence here that these did not come from a random draw," he said.
In 2011 ESPN analyzed the U.S. Open draw from a different angle. Dr. Andrew Swift, past chairman of the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Sport and an assistant mathematics professor, evaluated the process, data and findings. He concluded: "Any way you want to look at these, there is significant evidence here that these did not come from a random draw," he said.
Since 2008 Australian Open there have been 23 grand slam tournaments (6 AO, 6 FO, 6W, 5 USO) in the past 5.75 seasons.
In the vast majority of those slams, Federer has gotten the worst of the three possible semifinal opponents (which has been a dis-advantage in Federer getting to more finals during this period). On the other hand, Nadal has gotten the easier semifinal draw in the vast majority of these slams (which has been an advantage that helps Nadal get to more finals).
Federer's semifinal draws as well as actual semifinal matches had the tougher opponents much more than Nadal got. This made it harder for Roger to reach more finals as well as be in fresh shape in the finals (e.g., 2011 French Open: Federer stopped Djokovic's 43-game winning streak in the semifinal but then faced a fresh Nadal in the final).
Semifinal draws on paper: In 20 of these 23 slams since 2008 AO , Federer got the semifinal draw with the tougher semifinal opponent. These 20 draws were in every Australian Open (6), every Wimbledon (6), every US Open (5) and half of the French Open (6).
- Djokovic was the semifinal draw in 16 of those 23 draws (except 7 draws: 2008 FO, 2010 FO, 2012 AO, 2012 USO, 2013 AO, 2013 FO, 2013 Wimby)
- Murray in 4 semifinal draws (2010 FO, 2012 USO, 2013 AO, 2013 Wimby)
- Nadal in 1 semifinal draw (2012 AO; and this Wimby quarterfinal draw)
- Ferrer in 1 semifinal draw (2013 FO; Federer lost early)
- Davydenko in 1 semifinal draw (2008 FO; Russian lost early).
- Federer drew the fourth seed in only three draws: 2008 FO (Davydenko), 2010 FO (Murray), 2013 French Open (Ferrer)
In the vast majority of these 23 slams, Djokovic was a tougher and more dangerous threat than Murray. The Serb was more consistent in reaching the semifinals: from 2008 AO to 2013 FO, Djokovic reached 16 of 22 semifinals compared to Murray's 12 of 22 semifinals. Djokovic was also the more dangerous threat in the slams to Nadal/FedererDjokovic: since 2008 AO, Nadal's H2H against Murray was a dominant 11-5 but Nadal was closer 13-12 against Djokovic. Already in 2008, Djokovic had twice beaten Nadal and even took a set off Nadal on clay in 2008 Hamburg.]
In 4 of the last 5 slams, the 'Nadal factor' and 'Murray factor' went against or did not benefit Federer: (a) 2012 Wimbledon: when Nadal lost early, it was Murray who benefited since Federer already had Djokovic in his semifinal draw; (b) 2012 US Open: when Nadal was absent, Federer got Andy Murray in his semifinal draw (and a hot Berdych in the quarterfinals); (c) 2013 Australian Open: when Nadal was absent, Federer again got Andy Murray in his semifinal draw (and a hot Tsonga in the quarterfinals); (d) 2013 French Open: when Murray was absent, Federer benefited from having Ferrer in his semifinal draw (but got the toughest quarterfinal opponent Tsonga) while Djokovic got Nadal in semifinal draw; (e) 2013 Wimbledon: Federer got the worst possible draw with Nadal in quarterfinal, Murray in semifinal and Djokovic in final.
The only three favorable semifinal draws Federer got in the last 5.75 seasons were all in one major the French Open: 2008 French Open, 2010 French Open, 2013 French Open. These past 6 French Opens gave Federer an equal chance (50%-50%) of getting a tougher or easier draw: Federer got 3 tougher and 3 easier semifinal draws. But he did not take advantage of the 3 easier draws to win the title because (a) he was in the middle of a slump each time and (b) clay is his weakest surface.
Actual semifinal opponents: From 2008 Australian Open to 2013 French Open there have been 22 completed slams. Federer had to actually play the highest seeded semifinal opponent in 11 (65%) of 17 semifinals he contested up to 2013 French Open (Roger did not contest 5 of 22 slam semifinals during this period as he lost 5 quarterfinals). Playing the highest seeded semifinal opponent is a disadvantage when Federer got into the finals.
Specfically, Federer actually played the following opponents in the 17 semifinals he reached (of the 22 completed slams):
- Djokovic in 9 semifinals (from the 16 semifinal draws with Djokovic)
- Murray in 1 semifinal (from 3 previous semifinal draws)
- Nadal in 1 semifinal (from 1 semifinal draw).
- Safin in 1 semifinal (, former No.1, two-time slam champion)
- Del Potro in 1 semifinal (grand slam champion)
- Roddick in 1 semifinal (former No.1, grand slam champion)
- Tsonga in 1 semifinal (slam finalist)
- Tommy Haas in 1 semifinal (former No. 2, four time slam semifinalist)
- Monfils in 1 semifinal (crowd favorite at French Open)
Of all Big Four Players, Nadal benefited most from easier semifinal draws (which have helped Nadal reach several finals since 2008 and he is in fresher shape in the finals).
Nadal got the easier semifinal draw in 17 of the 23 slams between 2008 Australian Open to 2013 French Open.
These were Nadal's semifinal seeded opponents in the draws between 2008 AO and 2013 FO: Ferrer (1), Davydenko (2), Del Porto (1), Soderling (1), Federer (1), Djokovic (3), Murray (10). [Nadal did get tougher draws in the last two slams upon his return to the tour. However, before that, the vast majority of his draws had the easier semifinal opponent.]
Nadal reached 15 semifinals of 22 slams during this period as he lost early in four slams (he contested 19 slams as he skipped 3 slams).
Nadal played his seeded semifinal opponent in only seven (46%) of 15 semifinals he contested: Federer once, Djokovic two times (Djoko failed to reach one semifinal), Murray 4 times (Murray failed to reach 5 semifinals, Nadal failed to reach 1 semifinal). Ferrer, Davydenko, Delpo, Soderling all failed to reach the semifinals, so Nadal did not have to face them (thus he actually played even lower-seeded opponents who took their place). In particular, Nadal actually played the No. 3 or higher seed in only 3 of the 15 semifinals he contested.
Specifically, Nadal actually played the following opponents in the 15 semifinals he reached (of the 22 completed slams):
- Rainer Schuettler in 1 semifinal
- Melzer in 1 semifinal
- Verdasco in 1 semifinal
- Youzhny in 1 semifinal
- Ferrer in 1 semifinal (slam finalist)
- del Potro in 1 semifinal (grand slam champion)
- Tsonga in 1 semifinal (slam finalist)
- Federer in 1 semifinal (No.3 Seed)
- Djokovic in 2 semifinals No 3 once, No. 1 seed once)
- Murray in 5 semifinals (No. 4 seed in four SF, No. 6 seed once)
In the vast majority of those slams, Federer has gotten the worst of the three possible semifinal opponents (which has been a dis-advantage in Federer getting to more finals during this period). On the other hand, Nadal has gotten the easier semifinal draw in the vast majority of these slams (which has been an advantage that helps Nadal get to more finals).
Federer's semifinal draws as well as actual semifinal matches had the tougher opponents much more than Nadal got. This made it harder for Roger to reach more finals as well as be in fresh shape in the finals (e.g., 2011 French Open: Federer stopped Djokovic's 43-game winning streak in the semifinal but then faced a fresh Nadal in the final).
Semifinal draws on paper: In 20 of these 23 slams since 2008 AO , Federer got the semifinal draw with the tougher semifinal opponent. These 20 draws were in every Australian Open (6), every Wimbledon (6), every US Open (5) and half of the French Open (6).
- Djokovic was the semifinal draw in 16 of those 23 draws (except 7 draws: 2008 FO, 2010 FO, 2012 AO, 2012 USO, 2013 AO, 2013 FO, 2013 Wimby)
- Murray in 4 semifinal draws (2010 FO, 2012 USO, 2013 AO, 2013 Wimby)
- Nadal in 1 semifinal draw (2012 AO; and this Wimby quarterfinal draw)
- Ferrer in 1 semifinal draw (2013 FO; Federer lost early)
- Davydenko in 1 semifinal draw (2008 FO; Russian lost early).
- Federer drew the fourth seed in only three draws: 2008 FO (Davydenko), 2010 FO (Murray), 2013 French Open (Ferrer)
In the vast majority of these 23 slams, Djokovic was a tougher and more dangerous threat than Murray. The Serb was more consistent in reaching the semifinals: from 2008 AO to 2013 FO, Djokovic reached 16 of 22 semifinals compared to Murray's 12 of 22 semifinals. Djokovic was also the more dangerous threat in the slams to Nadal/FedererDjokovic: since 2008 AO, Nadal's H2H against Murray was a dominant 11-5 but Nadal was closer 13-12 against Djokovic. Already in 2008, Djokovic had twice beaten Nadal and even took a set off Nadal on clay in 2008 Hamburg.]
In 4 of the last 5 slams, the 'Nadal factor' and 'Murray factor' went against or did not benefit Federer: (a) 2012 Wimbledon: when Nadal lost early, it was Murray who benefited since Federer already had Djokovic in his semifinal draw; (b) 2012 US Open: when Nadal was absent, Federer got Andy Murray in his semifinal draw (and a hot Berdych in the quarterfinals); (c) 2013 Australian Open: when Nadal was absent, Federer again got Andy Murray in his semifinal draw (and a hot Tsonga in the quarterfinals); (d) 2013 French Open: when Murray was absent, Federer benefited from having Ferrer in his semifinal draw (but got the toughest quarterfinal opponent Tsonga) while Djokovic got Nadal in semifinal draw; (e) 2013 Wimbledon: Federer got the worst possible draw with Nadal in quarterfinal, Murray in semifinal and Djokovic in final.
The only three favorable semifinal draws Federer got in the last 5.75 seasons were all in one major the French Open: 2008 French Open, 2010 French Open, 2013 French Open. These past 6 French Opens gave Federer an equal chance (50%-50%) of getting a tougher or easier draw: Federer got 3 tougher and 3 easier semifinal draws. But he did not take advantage of the 3 easier draws to win the title because (a) he was in the middle of a slump each time and (b) clay is his weakest surface.
Actual semifinal opponents: From 2008 Australian Open to 2013 French Open there have been 22 completed slams. Federer had to actually play the highest seeded semifinal opponent in 11 (65%) of 17 semifinals he contested up to 2013 French Open (Roger did not contest 5 of 22 slam semifinals during this period as he lost 5 quarterfinals). Playing the highest seeded semifinal opponent is a disadvantage when Federer got into the finals.
Specfically, Federer actually played the following opponents in the 17 semifinals he reached (of the 22 completed slams):
- Djokovic in 9 semifinals (from the 16 semifinal draws with Djokovic)
- Murray in 1 semifinal (from 3 previous semifinal draws)
- Nadal in 1 semifinal (from 1 semifinal draw).
- Safin in 1 semifinal (, former No.1, two-time slam champion)
- Del Potro in 1 semifinal (grand slam champion)
- Roddick in 1 semifinal (former No.1, grand slam champion)
- Tsonga in 1 semifinal (slam finalist)
- Tommy Haas in 1 semifinal (former No. 2, four time slam semifinalist)
- Monfils in 1 semifinal (crowd favorite at French Open)
Of all Big Four Players, Nadal benefited most from easier semifinal draws (which have helped Nadal reach several finals since 2008 and he is in fresher shape in the finals).
Nadal got the easier semifinal draw in 17 of the 23 slams between 2008 Australian Open to 2013 French Open.
These were Nadal's semifinal seeded opponents in the draws between 2008 AO and 2013 FO: Ferrer (1), Davydenko (2), Del Porto (1), Soderling (1), Federer (1), Djokovic (3), Murray (10). [Nadal did get tougher draws in the last two slams upon his return to the tour. However, before that, the vast majority of his draws had the easier semifinal opponent.]
Nadal reached 15 semifinals of 22 slams during this period as he lost early in four slams (he contested 19 slams as he skipped 3 slams).
Nadal played his seeded semifinal opponent in only seven (46%) of 15 semifinals he contested: Federer once, Djokovic two times (Djoko failed to reach one semifinal), Murray 4 times (Murray failed to reach 5 semifinals, Nadal failed to reach 1 semifinal). Ferrer, Davydenko, Delpo, Soderling all failed to reach the semifinals, so Nadal did not have to face them (thus he actually played even lower-seeded opponents who took their place). In particular, Nadal actually played the No. 3 or higher seed in only 3 of the 15 semifinals he contested.
Specifically, Nadal actually played the following opponents in the 15 semifinals he reached (of the 22 completed slams):
- Rainer Schuettler in 1 semifinal
- Melzer in 1 semifinal
- Verdasco in 1 semifinal
- Youzhny in 1 semifinal
- Ferrer in 1 semifinal (slam finalist)
- del Potro in 1 semifinal (grand slam champion)
- Tsonga in 1 semifinal (slam finalist)
- Federer in 1 semifinal (No.3 Seed)
- Djokovic in 2 semifinals No 3 once, No. 1 seed once)
- Murray in 5 semifinals (No. 4 seed in four SF, No. 6 seed once)
니케아 콘스탄티노플 신경
니체아 콘스탄티노플신경의 원문과 해석
Credo in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem;
(끄레도 이 누눔 데움 빠뜨렘 옴니뽀뗀뗌)
한 분이신 하느님을 저는 믿나이다. 전능하신 아버지,
factorum coeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
(팍또렘 첼리 엣 떼레, 비씨빌리움 옴니움 엣 인비씨빌리움)
하늘과 땅과 유형무형의 만물의 창조주를 믿나이다.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
(엣 ㅌ이 누눔 도미눔 예숨 끄리스뚬,)
오직 한 분이신 주 예수 그리스도,
Filium Dei unigenitum, et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula
(필리움 데이 우니제니뚬, 엑 엑ㅅ 빠뜨레 나뚬 안떼 옴니아 쌔꿀라)
하느님의 외아들, 영원으로부터 성부에게서 나신 분을 믿나이다.
[Deum de Deo], Lumen de Lumine,
([데움 데 데오] 루멘 데 루미네,)
하느님에게서 나신 하느님, 빛에서 나신 빛,
Deum verum de Deo vero,
(데움 베룸 데 데오 베로)
참 하느님에게서 나신 참 하느님으로서,
genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri;
(제니뚬, 논 팍뚬, 꼰숩ㅅ탄ㅌ시아렘 빠뜨리)
창조되지 않고 나시어 성부와 한 본체로서,
per quem omnia facta sunt.
(페ㄹ 꾸엠 옴니아 팍ㅋ따 쑨ㅌ.)
만물을 창조하셨음을 믿나이다.
qui propter nos homines
(뀌 쁘롭떼ㄹ 노스 호미네스)
(성자께서는) 저희 인간을 위하여
et propter nostram salutem
(엣 쁘롭떼ㄹ 노스뜨람 쌀루뗌)
저희 구원을 위하여
descendit de coelis,
(데ㅅ쎈딧ㅌ 데 첼리스,)
하늘에서 내려오셨음을 (믿나이다).
et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria virgine,
(엣 인까르나뚜스 에스뜨 데 스피릿뚜 싼또 엑스 마리아 비르지네,)
(또한) 성령으로 인하여 동정 마리아에게서 육신을 취하시어,
et homo factus est;
(엣 ㅌ호모 팍뚜스 에스뜨)
사람이 되셨음을 믿나이다.
crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est;
(크루ㅅ치픽수ㅅ 엣ㅅ치암 쁘로 노비스 숩 폰ㅊ씨오 삘라또, 빠쑤ㅅ 셋 쎕뿔뚜쓰 에스뜨,)
본시오 빌라도 통치 아래서 저희를 위하여 십자가에 못박혀 수난하고 묻히셨으며,
et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturus;
(엣 렛수렉싯ㅌ 떼르ㅆ치아 디에 쎄꾼둠 스크립뚜루스,)
성서 말씀대로 사흗날에 부활하시어,
et ascendit in coelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris;
(엣 ㅌ앗센디트 인 첼룸, 쎄뎃ㅌ 아 덱스때람 빠트리스.)
하늘에 올라 성부 오른편에 앉아 계심을 믿나이다.
et iterum venturus est, cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos;
(엣 이떼룸 벤뚜루스 에스뜨, 꿈 글로리아, 유디까레 비보스 엣 모르뚜오스,)
(그 분께서는) 산 이와 죽은 이를 심판하러 영광 속에 다시오시리니,
cujus regni non erit finis.
(꾸유스 레니 논 에리트 피니스.)
그분의 나라는 끝이 없으리이다.
Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem,
(엣 ㅌ인 스피리뚬 싼뚬, 도미눔 엣 비비피깐뗌,)
(또한) 주님이시며 생명을 주시는 성령을 믿나이다.
qui ex Patre [Filioque] procedit;
(뀌 엑스 빠뜨레 필리오꾸 쁘로세디트,)
성령께서는 성부와 성자에게서 발하시고,
qui cum Patre et Filio
(뀌 꿈 빠뜨레 엣 필리오)
성부와 성자와 더불어
simul adoratur et conglorificatur;
(씨물 아도라뚜르 엣 꼰글로리피까뚜르,)
영광과 흠숭을 받으시며,
qui locutus est per Prophetas.
(뀌 로꾸뚜스 에스뜨 뻬ㄹ 쁘로뻿따스.)
예언자들을 통하여 말씀하셨나이다.
Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam.
(엣 ㅌ우남, 싼땀, 까똘리깜 엣 ㅌ아뽀스똘리깜 엣끌레씨암.)
하나이고 거룩하고 보편되며 사도로부터 이어온 교회를 믿나이다.
Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum;
(꼰피떼오르 우눔 밥띠스마 인 레비ㅆ씨오넴 뻭까또룸,)
죄를 씻는 유일한 세례를 믿으며,
et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum,
(엣 엑스뻭또 렛수렉ㅆ치오넴 모ㄹ뚜오룸,)
죽은 이들의 부활과,
et vitam venturi seculi.
(엣 피땀 벤뚜리 쎄꿀리.)
내세의 삶을 기다리나이다.
Credo in unum Deum Patrem omnipotentem;
(끄레도 이 누눔 데움 빠뜨렘 옴니뽀뗀뗌)
한 분이신 하느님을 저는 믿나이다. 전능하신 아버지,
factorum coeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
(팍또렘 첼리 엣 떼레, 비씨빌리움 옴니움 엣 인비씨빌리움)
하늘과 땅과 유형무형의 만물의 창조주를 믿나이다.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
(엣 ㅌ이 누눔 도미눔 예숨 끄리스뚬,)
오직 한 분이신 주 예수 그리스도,
Filium Dei unigenitum, et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula
(필리움 데이 우니제니뚬, 엑 엑ㅅ 빠뜨레 나뚬 안떼 옴니아 쌔꿀라)
하느님의 외아들, 영원으로부터 성부에게서 나신 분을 믿나이다.
[Deum de Deo], Lumen de Lumine,
([데움 데 데오] 루멘 데 루미네,)
하느님에게서 나신 하느님, 빛에서 나신 빛,
Deum verum de Deo vero,
(데움 베룸 데 데오 베로)
참 하느님에게서 나신 참 하느님으로서,
genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri;
(제니뚬, 논 팍뚬, 꼰숩ㅅ탄ㅌ시아렘 빠뜨리)
창조되지 않고 나시어 성부와 한 본체로서,
per quem omnia facta sunt.
(페ㄹ 꾸엠 옴니아 팍ㅋ따 쑨ㅌ.)
만물을 창조하셨음을 믿나이다.
qui propter nos homines
(뀌 쁘롭떼ㄹ 노스 호미네스)
(성자께서는) 저희 인간을 위하여
et propter nostram salutem
(엣 쁘롭떼ㄹ 노스뜨람 쌀루뗌)
저희 구원을 위하여
descendit de coelis,
(데ㅅ쎈딧ㅌ 데 첼리스,)
하늘에서 내려오셨음을 (믿나이다).
et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria virgine,
(엣 인까르나뚜스 에스뜨 데 스피릿뚜 싼또 엑스 마리아 비르지네,)
(또한) 성령으로 인하여 동정 마리아에게서 육신을 취하시어,
et homo factus est;
(엣 ㅌ호모 팍뚜스 에스뜨)
사람이 되셨음을 믿나이다.
crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato, passus et sepultus est;
(크루ㅅ치픽수ㅅ 엣ㅅ치암 쁘로 노비스 숩 폰ㅊ씨오 삘라또, 빠쑤ㅅ 셋 쎕뿔뚜쓰 에스뜨,)
본시오 빌라도 통치 아래서 저희를 위하여 십자가에 못박혀 수난하고 묻히셨으며,
et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturus;
(엣 렛수렉싯ㅌ 떼르ㅆ치아 디에 쎄꾼둠 스크립뚜루스,)
성서 말씀대로 사흗날에 부활하시어,
et ascendit in coelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris;
(엣 ㅌ앗센디트 인 첼룸, 쎄뎃ㅌ 아 덱스때람 빠트리스.)
하늘에 올라 성부 오른편에 앉아 계심을 믿나이다.
et iterum venturus est, cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos;
(엣 이떼룸 벤뚜루스 에스뜨, 꿈 글로리아, 유디까레 비보스 엣 모르뚜오스,)
(그 분께서는) 산 이와 죽은 이를 심판하러 영광 속에 다시오시리니,
cujus regni non erit finis.
(꾸유스 레니 논 에리트 피니스.)
그분의 나라는 끝이 없으리이다.
Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem,
(엣 ㅌ인 스피리뚬 싼뚬, 도미눔 엣 비비피깐뗌,)
(또한) 주님이시며 생명을 주시는 성령을 믿나이다.
qui ex Patre [Filioque] procedit;
(뀌 엑스 빠뜨레 필리오꾸 쁘로세디트,)
성령께서는 성부와 성자에게서 발하시고,
qui cum Patre et Filio
(뀌 꿈 빠뜨레 엣 필리오)
성부와 성자와 더불어
simul adoratur et conglorificatur;
(씨물 아도라뚜르 엣 꼰글로리피까뚜르,)
영광과 흠숭을 받으시며,
qui locutus est per Prophetas.
(뀌 로꾸뚜스 에스뜨 뻬ㄹ 쁘로뻿따스.)
예언자들을 통하여 말씀하셨나이다.
Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam.
(엣 ㅌ우남, 싼땀, 까똘리깜 엣 ㅌ아뽀스똘리깜 엣끌레씨암.)
하나이고 거룩하고 보편되며 사도로부터 이어온 교회를 믿나이다.
Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum;
(꼰피떼오르 우눔 밥띠스마 인 레비ㅆ씨오넴 뻭까또룸,)
죄를 씻는 유일한 세례를 믿으며,
et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum,
(엣 엑스뻭또 렛수렉ㅆ치오넴 모ㄹ뚜오룸,)
죽은 이들의 부활과,
et vitam venturi seculi.
(엣 피땀 벤뚜리 쎄꿀리.)
내세의 삶을 기다리나이다.
Obese decreases lung function.
Dangers of Excess Abdominal Fat
By now, most of us are well aware of the health risks that are associated with obesity. But did you know that excess abdominal fat in particular carries its own set of risks? A high waist-to-hip ratio, caused by visceral fat setting up shop inside your abdomen and around your organs, has been associated with these five long-term health issues.
#1 Decreased Lung Function
Last year, a team of Finnish researchers found that a large waist circumference is related to decreased lung volume and function. In comparison with other healthy, non-smoking adults who did not have excess abdominal fat, those who carried more fat performed far more poorly on spirometry (breath measurement) tests.
Over time, this decreased lung function can lead to a narrowing of the airway and ultimately chronic lung diseases like asthma.
#2 Arterial Degeneration
Another 2012 study found a significant correlation between abdominal obesity and high incidence of arthrosclerosis and arterial stiffness. The researchers studied both individuals with abdominal obesity and general obesity, as well as healthy individuals, and discovered that for every 0.1 increase in the waist to height ratio, arterial issues worsened. This tendency was particularly pronounced in people with excess abdominal
fat. Arterial degeneration can lead to stroke and various forms of heart disease.
#3 Poor Blood Sugar Regulation
Visceral fat – the type of fat found in people with abdominal obesity – produces a number of hormones that can wreak havoc on your metabolic systems. These hormones can trigger changes to insulin receptors in your body, meaning that insulin starts to become less effective in helping to regulate your blood sugar. This is, of course, one of the major causes of diabetes.
#4 Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
It turns out that what’s going on in your gut can have a big effect on your brain. A 2010 study found that a high waist-to-hip ratio, as well as the presence of abdominal visceral fat in general, is linked with low brain volume. Low brain volume has in turn been linked with general dementia and may also be a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease.
#5 High Cholesterol
Visceral fat can be turned into free fatty acids by the body, which results in the production of LDL (also known as “bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, the free fatty acids also reduce the body’s level of HDL (also known as “good”) cholesterol. Along with abdominal obesity’s relationship with arterial degeneration, the cholesterol-related effects of excess belly fat are a perfect storm for heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Where you tend to store your fat is largely dictated by your genes, but if you have excess abdominal fat, there are ways to minimize your risk. According to the experts, exercise is the best way to get rid of that visceral fat, even more so than calorie restriction (although sticking to a healthy diet is always a good idea). Aim for half an hour to an hour of exercise most days of the week, and with determination, you should be able to shrink your belly and your chances of developing any of these long-term health problems.
What can you do to eliminate your excess abdominal fat? Or have you had success with diet and exercise?
By now, most of us are well aware of the health risks that are associated with obesity. But did you know that excess abdominal fat in particular carries its own set of risks? A high waist-to-hip ratio, caused by visceral fat setting up shop inside your abdomen and around your organs, has been associated with these five long-term health issues.
#1 Decreased Lung Function
Last year, a team of Finnish researchers found that a large waist circumference is related to decreased lung volume and function. In comparison with other healthy, non-smoking adults who did not have excess abdominal fat, those who carried more fat performed far more poorly on spirometry (breath measurement) tests.
Over time, this decreased lung function can lead to a narrowing of the airway and ultimately chronic lung diseases like asthma.
#2 Arterial Degeneration
Another 2012 study found a significant correlation between abdominal obesity and high incidence of arthrosclerosis and arterial stiffness. The researchers studied both individuals with abdominal obesity and general obesity, as well as healthy individuals, and discovered that for every 0.1 increase in the waist to height ratio, arterial issues worsened. This tendency was particularly pronounced in people with excess abdominal
fat. Arterial degeneration can lead to stroke and various forms of heart disease.
#3 Poor Blood Sugar Regulation
Visceral fat – the type of fat found in people with abdominal obesity – produces a number of hormones that can wreak havoc on your metabolic systems. These hormones can trigger changes to insulin receptors in your body, meaning that insulin starts to become less effective in helping to regulate your blood sugar. This is, of course, one of the major causes of diabetes.
#4 Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
It turns out that what’s going on in your gut can have a big effect on your brain. A 2010 study found that a high waist-to-hip ratio, as well as the presence of abdominal visceral fat in general, is linked with low brain volume. Low brain volume has in turn been linked with general dementia and may also be a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease.
#5 High Cholesterol
Visceral fat can be turned into free fatty acids by the body, which results in the production of LDL (also known as “bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, the free fatty acids also reduce the body’s level of HDL (also known as “good”) cholesterol. Along with abdominal obesity’s relationship with arterial degeneration, the cholesterol-related effects of excess belly fat are a perfect storm for heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
Where you tend to store your fat is largely dictated by your genes, but if you have excess abdominal fat, there are ways to minimize your risk. According to the experts, exercise is the best way to get rid of that visceral fat, even more so than calorie restriction (although sticking to a healthy diet is always a good idea). Aim for half an hour to an hour of exercise most days of the week, and with determination, you should be able to shrink your belly and your chances of developing any of these long-term health problems.
What can you do to eliminate your excess abdominal fat? Or have you had success with diet and exercise?
mono virus can lead to CFS
aussiemarg 4478 pts
JackFrost61 I would like to correct you....Mono can lead to CFS.I had Mono and after
6 months when I got worse not better I was diagnosed with CFS.I had CFS for 5 years
and was bed ridden for the 1st year.Lucky for me I got my health back.Others are not soo
lucky let me assure you.By the way I am also in the medical field.So I have great
knowledge on this subject.
6 months when I got worse not better I was diagnosed with CFS.I had CFS for 5 years
and was bed ridden for the 1st year.Lucky for me I got my health back.Others are not soo
lucky let me assure you.By the way I am also in the medical field.So I have great
knowledge on this subject.
aussiemarg 4478 pts
One more important factor regarding Mono.Once you contract it....even
if you get over it.It always lies 'dorment' in your system.
JackFrost61 28 pts
aussiemarg Just
because you had an unexplained symptom does not mean mono lead to CFS
(which in itself is not a commonly accepted condition). There are lots
of doctors that with a diagnosis contrary to all scientific evidence
(such as chronic lyme disease) and there is enough evidence to say that
mono does not cause CFS, which like I said is not a validated disease,
hence it being a syndrome.
aussiemarg 4478 pts
JackFrost.....I strongly disagree with you.CFS is a world wide acknowledged
by medical practioners it has been for sometime.There is a special blood test for CFS by the way.I think you need to need to bring yourself up to date on this condition for starters.It is a commonly accepted condition.I live in a country where there are top specialist's that deal with CFS and are leaders in this field and the rest of the world.I see that your not a doctor if you were you
would not be undermining the reality of CFS.
by medical practioners it has been for sometime.There is a special blood test for CFS by the way.I think you need to need to bring yourself up to date on this condition for starters.It is a commonly accepted condition.I live in a country where there are top specialist's that deal with CFS and are leaders in this field and the rest of the world.I see that your not a doctor if you were you
would not be undermining the reality of CFS.
Mono is a serious illness
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Robin Soderling, who has been sidelined for nearly two years due to mononucleosis, tells USA Today that he is not ready to come back to the tour, but he will eventually return.
“I don’t want to go back to the tour and not feel 100 percent fit,” said the 28-year-old, who reached the Roland Garros final twice. “If I don’t give it a try I think I will regret it when I’m getting older. It’s easier to retire and say at least I gave it a try.”
Robin Soderling, who has been sidelined for nearly two years due to mononucleosis, tells USA Today that he is not ready to come back to the tour, but he will eventually return.
“I don’t want to go back to the tour and not feel 100 percent fit,” said the 28-year-old, who reached the Roland Garros final twice. “If I don’t give it a try I think I will regret it when I’m getting older. It’s easier to retire and say at least I gave it a try.”
Friday, June 21, 2013
You can trade counter trend from major levels
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You can trade counter trend from major levels
10 Signs You're Gluten Intolerant
More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found
in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who
have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed.
It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of them?
If you have any of the following symptoms it could be a sign that you have gluten intolerance:
Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and even constipation.
I see the constipation particularly in children after eating gluten.
2. Keratosis Pilaris,
(also known as ‘chicken skin’ on the back of your arms). This tends be
as a result of a fatty acid deficiency and vitamin A deficiency
secondary to fat-malabsorption caused by gluten damaging the gut.
3. Fatigue, brain fog or feeling tired after eating a meal that contains gluten.
4. Diagnosis
of an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid
arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Multiple
5. Neurologic symptoms such as dizziness or feeling of being off balance.
6. Hormone imbalances such as PMS, PCOS or unexplained infertility.
Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. These diagnoses simply
indicate your conventional doctor cannot pin point the cause of your
fatigue or pain.
9. Inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints such as fingers, knees or hips.
10. Mood issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings and ADD.
How to test for gluten intolerance?
I have found the single best ways to determine if you have an issue with gluten is to do an elimination diet and
take it out of your diet for at least 2 to 3 weeks and then reintroduce
it. Please note that gluten is a very large protein and it can take
months and even years to clear from your system so the longer you can
eliminate it from your diet before reintroducing it, the better.
best advice that I share with my patients is that if they feel
significantly better off of gluten or feel worse when they reintroduce
it, then gluten is likely a problem for them. In order to get accurate
results from this testing method you must elimination 100% of the gluten
from your diet.
How to treat gluten intolerance?
gluten 100% from your diet means 100%. Even trace amounts of gluten
from cross contamination or medications or supplements can be enough to
cause an immune reaction in your body.
80/20 rule or “we don’t eat it in our house, just when we eat out” is a
complete misconception. An article published in 2001 states that for
those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity eating gluten just once a
month increased the relative risk of death by 600%.
Still unsure?
Seek out an integrative practitioner or functional medicine physician to help to guide you.
10 Healing Benefits of the Sun
Atapa Snana is the yogic phrase for the healing science of sun bathing. We live in a modern world that is bombarded with paranoid messages about how dangerous the sun is. We should remember that the ancient yogis and many other cultures knew how to use the sun to heal all kinds of illnesses, and bring about radiant health.
In the West we also have a history of using sunlight therapy that dates back to the ancient Greeks. It was called heliosis. Today, the name for sunlight therapy is heliotherapy.
We evolved as a human race for millions of years under the warmth and love of the sun. Perhaps drenching ourselves in poisonous sunblock from head to toe is not the answer.
There are many worthwhile alternatives to sunblock. To read about them click here
Sunblock has many draw backs. Most brands are laden with toxic chemicals such as:
Oxybenzone, which is linked to hormone disruption and cell damage that may lead to skin cancer.
Retinyl palmitate, which has now been proven to be a carcinogen.
Octyl-methoxycinnamate causes oxidation damage of the skin, which ages your face.
Butyl-Methdiebenzoylmethane, which releases free radicals into the body.
Benzophenone 2 (BP2), decreases the function of the thyroid, in a population that is already seriously suffering from hypothyroidism (under active).
Furthermore, sunblock stops the sun's ultra violet rays from creating Vitamin D in the body, which is essential for many functions such as:
bone health
supports the immune system
protects against dementia and brain aging
good for loosing excess fat
essential for decreasing symptoms of asthma
strengthens teeth
We are making a whole generation Vitamin D deficient with fear of the sun.
Ultra Violet light is just one frequency of light; there are eight others - infrared, and the seven spectrums of visible light. Each one has its own unique healing power!
Here are 10 benefits of getting a moderate amount of sun exposure:
1. Sunlight and whole foods send breast cancer into remission. The American physician Dr. Zane Kime used sunbathing and nutrition to cure his patients. Even in terminal cases, Dr. Kime was able to completely reverse the metastasized cancer.
2. The sun's light kills bad bacteria. The German solders after WWI knew of the discoveries that had been made in 1903 by the Nobel Prize winner, Niels Finsen. They used sunlight to disinfect and heal wounds.
3. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders, such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and fungal infections of the skin.
4. Sunlight lowers cholesterol. The sun converts high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones and the sex hormones we need for reproduction. In the absence of sunlight, the opposite happens; substances convert to cholesterol.
5. The sun's rays lower blood pressure. Even a single exposure significantly lowers blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure. On the other hand, pharmaceutical drugs such as Statins have side effects, such as robbing the body of Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is essential for cellular and heart energy.
6. Sunlight penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse the blood and blood vessels. Medical literature published in Europe showed that people with atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) improved with sun exposure.
7. Sunlight increases oxygen content in human blood. And, it also enhances the body's capacity to deliver oxygen to the tissues; very similar to the effects of exercise. The sun has a great effect on stamina, fitness and muscular development.
8. Sunlight builds the immune system. The white blood cells, which increase with sun exposure, are called lymphocytes, and these play a major role in defending the body against infections.
9. Regular sunlight exposure increases the growth and height of children, especially babies. Many cultures throughout history have recognized this fact. Studies have shown the amount of sun exposure in the first few months has an effect on how tall the person grows.
10. Sunlight can cure depression. The noon sunshine can deliver 100,000 lux. When we sit in offices for the best part of the day, out of the sun, under neon and artificial lights (150-600 lux), we are depriving ourselves of the illumination of nature. Sunlight deprivation can cause a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression. It is more common in winter months, but also common in people who work long hours in office buildings.
Exposure to the sun should be done SLOWLY! If you are not used to the sun, then your skin will be more sensitive to it. Avoid sunburn by building up your tolerance SLOWLY.
If you'd like to learn what natural and easy methods you can use to avoid sunburn (alternatives to sunblock), then check out my blog.
In the West we also have a history of using sunlight therapy that dates back to the ancient Greeks. It was called heliosis. Today, the name for sunlight therapy is heliotherapy.
We evolved as a human race for millions of years under the warmth and love of the sun. Perhaps drenching ourselves in poisonous sunblock from head to toe is not the answer.
There are many worthwhile alternatives to sunblock. To read about them click here
Sunblock has many draw backs. Most brands are laden with toxic chemicals such as:
Oxybenzone, which is linked to hormone disruption and cell damage that may lead to skin cancer.
Retinyl palmitate, which has now been proven to be a carcinogen.
Octyl-methoxycinnamate causes oxidation damage of the skin, which ages your face.
Butyl-Methdiebenzoylmethane, which releases free radicals into the body.
Benzophenone 2 (BP2), decreases the function of the thyroid, in a population that is already seriously suffering from hypothyroidism (under active).
Furthermore, sunblock stops the sun's ultra violet rays from creating Vitamin D in the body, which is essential for many functions such as:
bone health
supports the immune system
protects against dementia and brain aging
good for loosing excess fat
essential for decreasing symptoms of asthma
strengthens teeth
We are making a whole generation Vitamin D deficient with fear of the sun.
Ultra Violet light is just one frequency of light; there are eight others - infrared, and the seven spectrums of visible light. Each one has its own unique healing power!
Here are 10 benefits of getting a moderate amount of sun exposure:
1. Sunlight and whole foods send breast cancer into remission. The American physician Dr. Zane Kime used sunbathing and nutrition to cure his patients. Even in terminal cases, Dr. Kime was able to completely reverse the metastasized cancer.
2. The sun's light kills bad bacteria. The German solders after WWI knew of the discoveries that had been made in 1903 by the Nobel Prize winner, Niels Finsen. They used sunlight to disinfect and heal wounds.
3. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders, such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and fungal infections of the skin.
4. Sunlight lowers cholesterol. The sun converts high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones and the sex hormones we need for reproduction. In the absence of sunlight, the opposite happens; substances convert to cholesterol.
5. The sun's rays lower blood pressure. Even a single exposure significantly lowers blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure. On the other hand, pharmaceutical drugs such as Statins have side effects, such as robbing the body of Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is essential for cellular and heart energy.
6. Sunlight penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse the blood and blood vessels. Medical literature published in Europe showed that people with atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) improved with sun exposure.
7. Sunlight increases oxygen content in human blood. And, it also enhances the body's capacity to deliver oxygen to the tissues; very similar to the effects of exercise. The sun has a great effect on stamina, fitness and muscular development.
8. Sunlight builds the immune system. The white blood cells, which increase with sun exposure, are called lymphocytes, and these play a major role in defending the body against infections.
9. Regular sunlight exposure increases the growth and height of children, especially babies. Many cultures throughout history have recognized this fact. Studies have shown the amount of sun exposure in the first few months has an effect on how tall the person grows.
10. Sunlight can cure depression. The noon sunshine can deliver 100,000 lux. When we sit in offices for the best part of the day, out of the sun, under neon and artificial lights (150-600 lux), we are depriving ourselves of the illumination of nature. Sunlight deprivation can cause a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression. It is more common in winter months, but also common in people who work long hours in office buildings.
Exposure to the sun should be done SLOWLY! If you are not used to the sun, then your skin will be more sensitive to it. Avoid sunburn by building up your tolerance SLOWLY.
If you'd like to learn what natural and easy methods you can use to avoid sunburn (alternatives to sunblock), then check out my blog.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
the differences between the northern and southern regions of Italy are not that great
Barbarossa | Dec 4 2010, 05:00 AM Post #32 |
New Member
Even though the differences between the northern and southern regions of Italy are not that great, and are sometimes exaggerated, there are still, nonetheless, culturally and genetically an appreciable degree of gradations going from South to North, that most of the rest of the world is familiar with. |
프랑스, 이탈리아, 스페인 이런 나라들이 살만한 나라다.
이 름 경성부조회수75218.54.***.***
2013-06-11 01:11:51
제 목 프랑스, 이탈리아, 스페인 이런 나라들이 살만한 나라다. 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그
적당히 인간미와 융통성 있고,가족간에 유대감도 있으면서 예술도 즐기고, 무엇보다 여유가 있지,,
라틴 유럽의 3국,,와인 한잔 들이키며 치즈 맛을 논하고, 로맨스가 살아 있는 나라들,,,
내가 만난 친구들 중에 프랑스 애들이 제일 편했다.
앵글로 색슨이나 독일 애들은 좀 차갑고,,,
일본은 좀 독특하게 폐쇄적이고 중국애들은 오바 쩔고,,
한국놈들은 옆에 오면 귀찮게 하고,,매너도 없고
남유럽이 최고다..
트위터 보내기페이스북 보내기미투데이 보내기C로그 보내기요즘 보내기스크랩하기
음란물 신고
전체댓글수3| 욕설이나 비방 댓글은 누군가에게 큰 상처로 남을 수 있습니다.
남유럽에서 살아봐라... 안되는것도없고 되는것도 없는나라|175.223.***.***
2013.06.11 01:14
입월탈조 [tua**(고정닉) : 갤로그로 이동합니다.]
나는 일본,중국애들이랑 제일 잘 맞더라.한국애들은 너무 불편하고
2013.06.11 01:15
일본애가 편하긴 한데. 머리가 나쁨|175.223.***.***
2013.06.11 01:16
2013-06-11 01:11:51
제 목 프랑스, 이탈리아, 스페인 이런 나라들이 살만한 나라다. 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그
적당히 인간미와 융통성 있고,가족간에 유대감도 있으면서 예술도 즐기고, 무엇보다 여유가 있지,,
라틴 유럽의 3국,,와인 한잔 들이키며 치즈 맛을 논하고, 로맨스가 살아 있는 나라들,,,
내가 만난 친구들 중에 프랑스 애들이 제일 편했다.
앵글로 색슨이나 독일 애들은 좀 차갑고,,,
일본은 좀 독특하게 폐쇄적이고 중국애들은 오바 쩔고,,
한국놈들은 옆에 오면 귀찮게 하고,,매너도 없고
남유럽이 최고다..
트위터 보내기페이스북 보내기미투데이 보내기C로그 보내기요즘 보내기스크랩하기
음란물 신고
전체댓글수3| 욕설이나 비방 댓글은 누군가에게 큰 상처로 남을 수 있습니다.
남유럽에서 살아봐라... 안되는것도없고 되는것도 없는나라|175.223.***.***
2013.06.11 01:14
입월탈조 [tua**(고정닉) : 갤로그로 이동합니다.]
나는 일본,중국애들이랑 제일 잘 맞더라.한국애들은 너무 불편하고
2013.06.11 01:15
일본애가 편하긴 한데. 머리가 나쁨|175.223.***.***
2013.06.11 01:16
Italians voted best looking but bald, old are OK too
Fri, Nov 28 23:02 PM EST
By Miral FahmySINGAPORE (Reuters Life!) - Italians are considered the most handsome men in the world while men who are balding and aging do not necessarily lose their looks, according to an international survey on what makes men attractive.
A "Male Beauty" survey of nearly 10,000 men and women in 12 countries conducted by market research firm Synovate found that good hygiene was actually the top requirement for men to being considered handsome.
The second main requirement to be considered good-looking was confidence, with nearly one fifth of all respondents saying a man must carry himself well, followed by having a "great smile."
Hair, or a lack of, seemed to have little impact with only one percent of respondents saying that a full head of hair was needed to be handsome.
Older men can also take heart as 60 percent of respondents said a man's appearance gets better with age, with Americans, Chinese, Greeks and Malaysians agreeing with that the most.
"Words like distinguished, refined and dignified are regularly used to describe older men," Bob Michaels, Synovate spokesman, said in a statement.
"Here, men are seen like a fine wine - they only get better. Which is good news for some of us."
But looks did also come down to geography.
The survey, conducted in October in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Greece, Malaysia, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Britain and the United States, found Italian men were considered to be the most handsome -- even though Italy was not one of the countries where people were polled.
They were followed by men from the United States, Russia and Brazil.
Being clean-shaven was also a preference agreed by the majority of men and women, although the numbers varied in markets such as Canada and the United States, where Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and George Clooney have made a little stubble sexy.
Highlighting the discrepancies between the sexes, slightly more women than men considered wearing aftershave or cologne to be sexy, although overall the number of people who agreed and disagreed with that statement was equal.
In Spain, more men than women consider having muscles and dressing well to be essential requirements, while the opposite was true for Greek women, who were more likely than their male counterparts to think a macho look was appealing.
Far more British, French and Australian women also seemed to value "a great smile" than men do.
Despite almost one in three women rating their partner's looks as being very important to them, over 70 percent of men said they maintained their appearance to satisfy themselves.
Deodorant was picked as the most used beauty aid by men, followed by whitening toothpaste and aftershave.
But despite their efforts, less than half of all male respondents thought they looked sexy.
Synovate used face-to-face and phone interviews to compile the survey. Respondents were aged between 15 and 64 years.
(Reporting by Miral Fahmy, editing by Belinda Goldsmith)
책사풍후는 1985년생이다.
이 름 ㅇㅇ조회수45124.53.***.***
2013-06-19 01:15:15
제 목 책사풍후가 코에이 입사하는방법 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그
니 지금이라도 정신차려서
미친듯이 공부해서
서울에있는 명문대학교 미술학과 무조건 가라.
코에이가 뭐가지고 니 평가할거같냐?
코에이가 조센징뽑을때 뭔기준으로 니 평가할거같냐?
조센징들 뽑아가는거니깐 조센징의 기준으로 니를 평가한다.
조센의 학벌주의는 매우 좆같지만
한탄만 하지말고
이것이 존재함을 인정하고 오히려 니 출세의 길로 역이용하는게 답이다.
아니면 지금이라도 EJU공부한뒤에 시험봐가지고 일본대학교가라.
조센 명문대 아니면 EJU 보던가...
둘중 하나다...
트위터 보내기페이스북 보내기미투데이 보내기C로그 보내기요즘 보내기스크랩하기
음란물 신고
전체댓글수2| 욕설이나 비방 댓글은 누군가에게 큰 상처로 남을 수 있습니다.
29에무슨 시발|211.186.***.***
2013.06.19 01:16
ㄴ 인생은 100살까진데 고작 10년늦었다고 나머지 70년을 포기하냐? 그건 아니다|124.53.***.***
2013.06.19 01:17
2013-06-19 01:15:15
제 목 책사풍후가 코에이 입사하는방법 다음 요즘 트위터 미투데이 페이스북 싸이월드 C로그
니 지금이라도 정신차려서
미친듯이 공부해서
서울에있는 명문대학교 미술학과 무조건 가라.
코에이가 뭐가지고 니 평가할거같냐?
코에이가 조센징뽑을때 뭔기준으로 니 평가할거같냐?
조센징들 뽑아가는거니깐 조센징의 기준으로 니를 평가한다.
조센의 학벌주의는 매우 좆같지만
한탄만 하지말고
이것이 존재함을 인정하고 오히려 니 출세의 길로 역이용하는게 답이다.
아니면 지금이라도 EJU공부한뒤에 시험봐가지고 일본대학교가라.
조센 명문대 아니면 EJU 보던가...
둘중 하나다...
트위터 보내기페이스북 보내기미투데이 보내기C로그 보내기요즘 보내기스크랩하기
음란물 신고
전체댓글수2| 욕설이나 비방 댓글은 누군가에게 큰 상처로 남을 수 있습니다.
29에무슨 시발|211.186.***.***
2013.06.19 01:16
ㄴ 인생은 100살까진데 고작 10년늦었다고 나머지 70년을 포기하냐? 그건 아니다|124.53.***.***
2013.06.19 01:17
An Interview with David Hufford, Ph.D.
“Your Worst Nightmare ~ Supernatural Assault”
Raw footage from the Soul Smack TV documentary
One in five will experience the terrifying phenomenon of sleep paralysis. Victims wake to find that they are paralyzed and unable to move or speak. Many experience frightening visions of demons, ghosts, dark shadows (shadowmen) or an old woman (a witch or old hag).
For others, there is simply the unmistakable presence of evil.
In extreme cases, these supernatural (spiritual) attacks can occur for decades. Overwhelmed, exhausted, and entirely alone, victims can lead shattered lives dominated by fear, and the fear of social stigma. Those who seek medical advice are often misdiagnosed and labeled psychotic or schizophrenic.
As with the “alien abduction” experience,
the experience of “sleep paralysis” can be abruptly stopped
by crying out the Name, Jesus!
The “Incubus” spirit is a demon that sexually attacks women during their sleep. (The “Succubus” spirit is a demon that sexually attacks men during their sleep.)
The woman experiences some kind of “paralysis” while she is in bed. This is accompanied by the feeling of a “presence” in the room -- a presence that covers her and presses down on her chest! It is a lustful presence that seduces… and stimulates. It is a lewd, insidious presence that sometimes attempts sexual penetration.
Evil spirits attack and exploit weakness and vulnerability. In the case of the Incubus, it could be sexual sin and perversion, abortion, sex magic… hexes, spells or curses of witchcraft… dabbling with a Ouija board or Tarot cards… But a door has been opened; consent has been given.
~ * * * ~
I know a woman who was once a victim of the sexually-stimulating attacks of an Incubus spirit. It began with a sexual relationship with a sorcerer, a practitioner of black magic. She told me he had performed “sex magic” on her. This was the “open door” -- her consent given.
Some time later, this woman (touched by evil) was working in the sex industry. She soon started her own “telephone sex” business with another man. Her perverted sexual sins provided another open door.
When the Incubus spirit entered her life, the woman welcomed the sexual pleasure it gave. She told me it would “lick” her while she was alone in bed -- but it did not end there!
When I met her, she was suicidal, hearing voices… and being sexually assaulted by a demon! (Incubus and Succubus spirits are very real.)
~ * * * ~
When a woman is in mortal sin -- not in a state of grace -- prayer will have little effect on the Incubus spirit. (So too, when a man is in mortal sin -- not in a state of grace -- prayer will have little effect on the Succubus spirit.)
Deliverance is possible through the Sacraments of the Catholic Church: Daily Mass (Eucharist) and Weekly Confession. The Incubus or Succubus spirit will return (Matthew 12:43-45 / Luke 11:24-26). And when it does return, it must find the person in a “state of grace” -- and “Sacramentally” fortified. Then, it will look for someone else to attack.
An Interview with David Hufford, Ph.D.
“Your Worst Nightmare ~ Supernatural Assault”
Raw footage from the Soul Smack TV documentary
One in five will experience the terrifying phenomenon of sleep paralysis. Victims wake to find that they are paralyzed and unable to move or speak. Many experience frightening visions of demons, ghosts, dark shadows (shadowmen) or an old woman (a witch or old hag).
For others, there is simply the unmistakable presence of evil.
In extreme cases, these supernatural (spiritual) attacks can occur for decades. Overwhelmed, exhausted, and entirely alone, victims can lead shattered lives dominated by fear, and the fear of social stigma. Those who seek medical advice are often misdiagnosed and labeled psychotic or schizophrenic.
As with the “alien abduction” experience,
the experience of “sleep paralysis” can be abruptly stopped
by crying out the Name, Jesus!
The “Incubus” spirit is a demon that sexually attacks women during their sleep. (The “Succubus” spirit is a demon that sexually attacks men during their sleep.)
The woman experiences some kind of “paralysis” while she is in bed. This is accompanied by the feeling of a “presence” in the room -- a presence that covers her and presses down on her chest! It is a lustful presence that seduces… and stimulates. It is a lewd, insidious presence that sometimes attempts sexual penetration.
Evil spirits attack and exploit weakness and vulnerability. In the case of the Incubus, it could be sexual sin and perversion, abortion, sex magic… hexes, spells or curses of witchcraft… dabbling with a Ouija board or Tarot cards… But a door has been opened; consent has been given.
~ * * * ~
I know a woman who was once a victim of the sexually-stimulating attacks of an Incubus spirit. It began with a sexual relationship with a sorcerer, a practitioner of black magic. She told me he had performed “sex magic” on her. This was the “open door” -- her consent given.
Some time later, this woman (touched by evil) was working in the sex industry. She soon started her own “telephone sex” business with another man. Her perverted sexual sins provided another open door.
When the Incubus spirit entered her life, the woman welcomed the sexual pleasure it gave. She told me it would “lick” her while she was alone in bed -- but it did not end there!
When I met her, she was suicidal, hearing voices… and being sexually assaulted by a demon! (Incubus and Succubus spirits are very real.)
~ * * * ~
When a woman is in mortal sin -- not in a state of grace -- prayer will have little effect on the Incubus spirit. (So too, when a man is in mortal sin -- not in a state of grace -- prayer will have little effect on the Succubus spirit.)
Deliverance is possible through the Sacraments of the Catholic Church: Daily Mass (Eucharist) and Weekly Confession. The Incubus or Succubus spirit will return (Matthew 12:43-45 / Luke 11:24-26). And when it does return, it must find the person in a “state of grace” -- and “Sacramentally” fortified. Then, it will look for someone else to attack.
멸치 육수는 일본의 영향이다.
<우리는 언제부터 멸치육수를 즐겨먹었나?>
“우리는 멸치도 일본어로 부릅니다.
일본어가 익숙할 수밖에 없는 이유가 처음에 일본 어민들한테 어업을 배워
지금까지 그대로 사용하고 있기 때문이죠”
- 전현복 / 거제도 새길수산 전무
1891년 어느 야심한 밤, 거제도 구조라에 일본 어민들이 들어왔다. 그들이 조선에 온 이유 다름 아닌 멸치어업. 한국 멸치의 2/3을 생산하는 구조라의 권현망 어업은 대규모 선박이 바다에서 멸치를 삶아오는 방식으로, 바로 이때 일본어민들에 의해 전래된 어업방식이다.
“멸치가 전국적으로 유통이 된 건 일본식 제조 방법이 도입된 후 부터입니다.
당시 한국인들은 멸치가 쉽게 썩어 식중독에 걸린다고 멸치를 멀리했습니다.”
- 김수희 / 영남대학교 독도연구소 한국어업사 연구교수
구조라에 일본어민들이 들어오기 전 조선인들은 멸치육수를 즐겨 먹지 않았다. 비린 멸치로 육수를 내 먹기 시작한 것은 일제 시대 어업정책의 영향이라는 주장. 멸치육수에 숨겨진 진실을 들어봤다.
<한국인은 왜 쇠고기 국물을 좋아할까? 쇠고기 육수의 비밀>
“충남 서산의 모 청년은 400석 전답을 설렁탕 먹느라 다 팔아먹었소
설렁탕에 함부로 반하지 마시오“
- 1929.9.27 「별건곤」
“쇠고기를 좋아하는 것은 세계적인 욕망이죠.
조선시대부터 가장 열망했는 음식이
바로 소고기로 만든 음식이었어요.
하지만 너무 귀해서 국으로 끓여 먹었죠”
- 강명관 / 부산대학교 한문학과 교수
1929년 한 잡지에 실린 이야기다. 서산의 한 청년이 설렁탕을 먹다 그 맛에 반해 전답을 다 팔아 먹었다는 웃지 못 할 사연. 우리 민족의 쇠고기국물 사랑은 1909년 일본인의 기록에도 전해진다. 그는 <조선만화>라는 책을 통해 소머리국밥의 우수성을 기록했다. 조선시대 박제가의 <북학의>를 보면 이미 당시부터 한국인은 소를 많이 먹었다고 한다. 한국인은 왜 쇠고기 국물에 열광할까? 100년 전 조선을 뒤흔들었던 아지노모토의 감칠맛에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있었다.
<광복은 왔지만 입맛은 해방되지 않았다. 감칠맛 전쟁, 미원 VS 미풍>
“(미원과 미풍은) 경쟁보다는 싸움이라는 표현이
더 맞는 거 같아요
이건 전쟁 그 자체가 아니었나”
- 류승희 / 前 제일제당 영업본부장
“결국 미원과 미풍의 대결이었습니다. 그 열기는 정말.
언론은 물론이고 국민들 모두가 관심이 많았죠”
- 권종수 / 前 대상 영업본부장
해방 후 아지노모토의 수입이 중단된 후에도 국내 조미료 생산은 계속된다. 이미 많은 사람들이 조미료맛에 길들여졌기 때문. 수많은 조미료 제품 중 판매량 1,2위를 차지하며 치열한 경쟁을 펼쳤던 대상 미원과 제일제당 미풍. 사은품경쟁부터 패싸움 소동까지 알려지지 않았던 그들만의 치열한 전쟁. 대상과 제일제당의 경쟁이 가장 치열했던 1960~70년대 당시의 직원들을 직접 만났다.
<당신의 혀를 겨냥한 세계의 전쟁, 국물 전쟁은 아직도 진행 중이다>
미국 샌디에고에 특별한 식품회사가 있다. 특정한 맛을 감지하는 혀의 수용체를 발견한 이 회사는 소량으로 맛을 극대화할 수 있는 맛 강화제를 발명했다. 세계식품회사에 독점적으로 맛 강화제 기술을 보급하고 있는 이 회사가 보유하고 있는 식품특허만도 200여개. 날로 발전하는 조미료 시장, 과연 우리는 미래에 어떤 조미료를 먹게 될까?
나는 아시아의 국이 미국의 스프보다 훨씬 자극적이라고 생각한다.
가장 중요한 것은 자극적인 음식으로부터 자신을 보호하는 것이다.
- 데이비드 케슬러 / 전 미국 식품의약국(FDA) 국장
그러나 일각에선 우려의 목소리가 높다. 전 미국 식품의약국(FDA) 국장을 지낸 데이비드 케슬러는 감칠맛에 중독되어가는 현대인의 입맛에 대해 우려를 표했다. 일본의 한 식당에선 자연재료 본연의 맛을 강조하며 손님이 직접 보는 앞에서 국물 육수를 우리고 있다. 한편에선 천연 재료로의 회귀가, 또 다른 한 편에선 인공조미료의 진화가 이뤄지고 있는 지금. 국물 한 대접 속에서 펼쳐지는 세계 전쟁은 아직도 진행 중이다.
“우리는 멸치도 일본어로 부릅니다.
일본어가 익숙할 수밖에 없는 이유가 처음에 일본 어민들한테 어업을 배워
지금까지 그대로 사용하고 있기 때문이죠”
- 전현복 / 거제도 새길수산 전무
1891년 어느 야심한 밤, 거제도 구조라에 일본 어민들이 들어왔다. 그들이 조선에 온 이유 다름 아닌 멸치어업. 한국 멸치의 2/3을 생산하는 구조라의 권현망 어업은 대규모 선박이 바다에서 멸치를 삶아오는 방식으로, 바로 이때 일본어민들에 의해 전래된 어업방식이다.
“멸치가 전국적으로 유통이 된 건 일본식 제조 방법이 도입된 후 부터입니다.
당시 한국인들은 멸치가 쉽게 썩어 식중독에 걸린다고 멸치를 멀리했습니다.”
- 김수희 / 영남대학교 독도연구소 한국어업사 연구교수
구조라에 일본어민들이 들어오기 전 조선인들은 멸치육수를 즐겨 먹지 않았다. 비린 멸치로 육수를 내 먹기 시작한 것은 일제 시대 어업정책의 영향이라는 주장. 멸치육수에 숨겨진 진실을 들어봤다.
<한국인은 왜 쇠고기 국물을 좋아할까? 쇠고기 육수의 비밀>
“충남 서산의 모 청년은 400석 전답을 설렁탕 먹느라 다 팔아먹었소
설렁탕에 함부로 반하지 마시오“
- 1929.9.27 「별건곤」
“쇠고기를 좋아하는 것은 세계적인 욕망이죠.
조선시대부터 가장 열망했는 음식이
바로 소고기로 만든 음식이었어요.
하지만 너무 귀해서 국으로 끓여 먹었죠”
- 강명관 / 부산대학교 한문학과 교수
1929년 한 잡지에 실린 이야기다. 서산의 한 청년이 설렁탕을 먹다 그 맛에 반해 전답을 다 팔아 먹었다는 웃지 못 할 사연. 우리 민족의 쇠고기국물 사랑은 1909년 일본인의 기록에도 전해진다. 그는 <조선만화>라는 책을 통해 소머리국밥의 우수성을 기록했다. 조선시대 박제가의 <북학의>를 보면 이미 당시부터 한국인은 소를 많이 먹었다고 한다. 한국인은 왜 쇠고기 국물에 열광할까? 100년 전 조선을 뒤흔들었던 아지노모토의 감칠맛에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있었다.
<광복은 왔지만 입맛은 해방되지 않았다. 감칠맛 전쟁, 미원 VS 미풍>
“(미원과 미풍은) 경쟁보다는 싸움이라는 표현이
더 맞는 거 같아요
이건 전쟁 그 자체가 아니었나”
- 류승희 / 前 제일제당 영업본부장
“결국 미원과 미풍의 대결이었습니다. 그 열기는 정말.
언론은 물론이고 국민들 모두가 관심이 많았죠”
- 권종수 / 前 대상 영업본부장
해방 후 아지노모토의 수입이 중단된 후에도 국내 조미료 생산은 계속된다. 이미 많은 사람들이 조미료맛에 길들여졌기 때문. 수많은 조미료 제품 중 판매량 1,2위를 차지하며 치열한 경쟁을 펼쳤던 대상 미원과 제일제당 미풍. 사은품경쟁부터 패싸움 소동까지 알려지지 않았던 그들만의 치열한 전쟁. 대상과 제일제당의 경쟁이 가장 치열했던 1960~70년대 당시의 직원들을 직접 만났다.
<당신의 혀를 겨냥한 세계의 전쟁, 국물 전쟁은 아직도 진행 중이다>
미국 샌디에고에 특별한 식품회사가 있다. 특정한 맛을 감지하는 혀의 수용체를 발견한 이 회사는 소량으로 맛을 극대화할 수 있는 맛 강화제를 발명했다. 세계식품회사에 독점적으로 맛 강화제 기술을 보급하고 있는 이 회사가 보유하고 있는 식품특허만도 200여개. 날로 발전하는 조미료 시장, 과연 우리는 미래에 어떤 조미료를 먹게 될까?
나는 아시아의 국이 미국의 스프보다 훨씬 자극적이라고 생각한다.
가장 중요한 것은 자극적인 음식으로부터 자신을 보호하는 것이다.
- 데이비드 케슬러 / 전 미국 식품의약국(FDA) 국장
그러나 일각에선 우려의 목소리가 높다. 전 미국 식품의약국(FDA) 국장을 지낸 데이비드 케슬러는 감칠맛에 중독되어가는 현대인의 입맛에 대해 우려를 표했다. 일본의 한 식당에선 자연재료 본연의 맛을 강조하며 손님이 직접 보는 앞에서 국물 육수를 우리고 있다. 한편에선 천연 재료로의 회귀가, 또 다른 한 편에선 인공조미료의 진화가 이뤄지고 있는 지금. 국물 한 대접 속에서 펼쳐지는 세계 전쟁은 아직도 진행 중이다.
강아지에 대해 몰랐던 사실 7가지.txt
주변에서 가장 흔히 볼 수 있는 친근한 동물이지만 잘 알려지지 않은 강아지에 대한 흥미로운 7가지 사실을 라이브 사이언스가 보도했다.
◆ 냄새로 사람의 병을 알아낸다
주인이 암이나 당뇨병·간질 등을 앓고 있다면 강아지가 이 사실을 제일 먼저 알게 된다. 많은 연구에서 강아지들에 훈련을 시킬 경우 폐암과 유방암·피부암·방광암·전립선암 등을 찾아낼 수 있다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 연구원들은 강아지의 이런 능력이 암세포에서 나오는 독특한 냄새를 찾아내는 뛰어난 후각 때문으로 보고 있다. 강아지들은 또 당뇨병을 앓고 있는 사람의 봉사 동물로 활용된다. 특별히 훈련 받은 강아지는 환자의 혈당 변화에 따른 냄새를 감지해 증상이 나타나기 전에 환자에게 알려준다. 강아지에 대해 여러 연구보고 가운데 가장 신기한 것은 간질 환자의 발작이 시작되기 45분 전에 이를 인지할 수 있는 능력이다. 강아지의 이런 능력이 어디서 나오는지는 정확히 규명되지 않았지만 어떤 냄새나 미묘한 행동변화를 인지하는 능력에서 기인할 것으로 추정되고 있다.
◆ 온순한 강아지가 더 장수한다
학술잡지인 <어메리칸 네츄럴리스트> 2010년 6월호에 실린 논문에 따르면 56가지 견종을 상대로 △성격 △성장속도 △에너지의 사용 △수명 등을 비교한 결과 순종하고, 복종하는 강아지가 오래 사는 반면 용감하고, 공격적인 견종은 일찍 죽는 것으로 나타났다. 성격이 사나운 개는 상대적으로 빨리 자라고, 보다 많은 에너지를 필요로 했다.
◆ 강아지도 질투를 한다
강아지들도 자신이 공정한 대우를 받지 못한다는 사실을 안다고 한다. 2008년의 미국의 국립과학아카데미 회보에 실인 논문에 따르면 똑 같은 행위를 했는데 어떤 강아지는 칭찬을 받은 반면 다른 강아지는 칭찬을 받지 못할 경우 칭찬을 받지 못한 강아지는 흥분하면서 자신의 몸을 긁어대거나, 칭찬을 받은 강아지의 시선을 피한다고 한다. 또한 이들 강아지는 혼자 있고 대가를 받지 않을 경우에 비해 그 행위를 훨씬 빨리 멈추어 버렸다.
◆ 포유류 가운데 가장 다양한 외모
기운이 없어 보이는 바셋 하운드로부터 윤기나고 날씬한 바이마라너에 이르기까지 강아지들은 매우 다양한 외관을 갖고 있다. 2010년 과학잡지 <어메리칸 네추럴리스트>에 실린 논문에 따르면 견종에 따른 두개골의 차이는 포유류의 완전히 다른 종만큼이나 차이가 크다. 예를 들어, 콜리와 페키니즈의 두개골 차이는 고양이와 바다코끼리의 차이만큼이나 크다. 이런 다양성으로 인해 강아지는 유전자의 역할을 연구하는 좋은 대상이 된다. 즉, 특정 유전자와 강아지의 특징 간의 관계를 분석함으로써 유전자의 기능을 파악할 수 있게 해준다.
◆ 표정만 불쌍해 보일 뿐이다
쓰레기통을 뒤지거나 정해진 장소에 변을 보지 않았다는 이유로 강아지에게 야단을 치면 눈치를 살피면서 불쌍한 표정을 짓는다. 그러나 이는 잘못을 인정해서 짓는 표정이 아니라 단순히 질책을 하는데 대한 반응일 뿐이다. 강아지들이 금지한 음식을 먹었다고 생각해 주인이 혼을 내면 강아지들은 실제로 그 음식을 먹었는지 여부와 관계없이 잘못했다는 듯 한 표정을 짓는다. 실제로, 간식을 훔쳐 먹었다고 오해를 받은 강아지가 야단을 맞을 경우 훔쳐 먹은 강아지 보다 오히려 더 죄를 지은 것 같은 표정을 짓는다고 한다. 결국, 강아지의 슬퍼 보이는 눈빛은 마음을 반영한 것이 아니라는 이야기다.
◆ 2살 아이 수준의 지능
2009년 미국 심리학회에서 보고된 연구에 따르면 강아지들은 2살 아기 수준의 지능을 갖고 있다. 보더 콜 리가 가장 지능이 높은데 200 단어를 이해하는 강아지들도 있다. 푸들과 독일 세퍼드, 골든 리트리버, 도버만 등이 가장 똑똑한 5대 견종에 속한다. 보다 오래된 견종인 사냥개와 불독 등은 상대적으로 지능이 떨어진다. 사람에 대한 친밀감이 높게 개량된, 최근의 견종에 비해 오래된 견종들은 냄새 맡기와 사냥을 잘 하도록 길들여져 왔기 때문에 두뇌보다는 근육이 더 잘 발달돼 있다.
◆ 병을 감염시킬 수 있다
강아지는 인체에 해로운 병균을 사람에게 옮길 수 있다. 대표적인 경우가 광견병이다. 치명적인 신경계 질병인 광견병은 예방주사로 막을 수 있다. 간혹 강아지의 사료가 살모넬라균의 오염에 의해 사람에게 식중독을 일으킬 수 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러니 강아지를 만진 후 음식을 먹을 때 손을 씻는 것이 좋다.
◆ 냄새로 사람의 병을 알아낸다
주인이 암이나 당뇨병·간질 등을 앓고 있다면 강아지가 이 사실을 제일 먼저 알게 된다. 많은 연구에서 강아지들에 훈련을 시킬 경우 폐암과 유방암·피부암·방광암·전립선암 등을 찾아낼 수 있다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 연구원들은 강아지의 이런 능력이 암세포에서 나오는 독특한 냄새를 찾아내는 뛰어난 후각 때문으로 보고 있다. 강아지들은 또 당뇨병을 앓고 있는 사람의 봉사 동물로 활용된다. 특별히 훈련 받은 강아지는 환자의 혈당 변화에 따른 냄새를 감지해 증상이 나타나기 전에 환자에게 알려준다. 강아지에 대해 여러 연구보고 가운데 가장 신기한 것은 간질 환자의 발작이 시작되기 45분 전에 이를 인지할 수 있는 능력이다. 강아지의 이런 능력이 어디서 나오는지는 정확히 규명되지 않았지만 어떤 냄새나 미묘한 행동변화를 인지하는 능력에서 기인할 것으로 추정되고 있다.
◆ 온순한 강아지가 더 장수한다
학술잡지인 <어메리칸 네츄럴리스트> 2010년 6월호에 실린 논문에 따르면 56가지 견종을 상대로 △성격 △성장속도 △에너지의 사용 △수명 등을 비교한 결과 순종하고, 복종하는 강아지가 오래 사는 반면 용감하고, 공격적인 견종은 일찍 죽는 것으로 나타났다. 성격이 사나운 개는 상대적으로 빨리 자라고, 보다 많은 에너지를 필요로 했다.
◆ 강아지도 질투를 한다
강아지들도 자신이 공정한 대우를 받지 못한다는 사실을 안다고 한다. 2008년의 미국의 국립과학아카데미 회보에 실인 논문에 따르면 똑 같은 행위를 했는데 어떤 강아지는 칭찬을 받은 반면 다른 강아지는 칭찬을 받지 못할 경우 칭찬을 받지 못한 강아지는 흥분하면서 자신의 몸을 긁어대거나, 칭찬을 받은 강아지의 시선을 피한다고 한다. 또한 이들 강아지는 혼자 있고 대가를 받지 않을 경우에 비해 그 행위를 훨씬 빨리 멈추어 버렸다.
◆ 포유류 가운데 가장 다양한 외모
기운이 없어 보이는 바셋 하운드로부터 윤기나고 날씬한 바이마라너에 이르기까지 강아지들은 매우 다양한 외관을 갖고 있다. 2010년 과학잡지 <어메리칸 네추럴리스트>에 실린 논문에 따르면 견종에 따른 두개골의 차이는 포유류의 완전히 다른 종만큼이나 차이가 크다. 예를 들어, 콜리와 페키니즈의 두개골 차이는 고양이와 바다코끼리의 차이만큼이나 크다. 이런 다양성으로 인해 강아지는 유전자의 역할을 연구하는 좋은 대상이 된다. 즉, 특정 유전자와 강아지의 특징 간의 관계를 분석함으로써 유전자의 기능을 파악할 수 있게 해준다.
◆ 표정만 불쌍해 보일 뿐이다
쓰레기통을 뒤지거나 정해진 장소에 변을 보지 않았다는 이유로 강아지에게 야단을 치면 눈치를 살피면서 불쌍한 표정을 짓는다. 그러나 이는 잘못을 인정해서 짓는 표정이 아니라 단순히 질책을 하는데 대한 반응일 뿐이다. 강아지들이 금지한 음식을 먹었다고 생각해 주인이 혼을 내면 강아지들은 실제로 그 음식을 먹었는지 여부와 관계없이 잘못했다는 듯 한 표정을 짓는다. 실제로, 간식을 훔쳐 먹었다고 오해를 받은 강아지가 야단을 맞을 경우 훔쳐 먹은 강아지 보다 오히려 더 죄를 지은 것 같은 표정을 짓는다고 한다. 결국, 강아지의 슬퍼 보이는 눈빛은 마음을 반영한 것이 아니라는 이야기다.
◆ 2살 아이 수준의 지능
2009년 미국 심리학회에서 보고된 연구에 따르면 강아지들은 2살 아기 수준의 지능을 갖고 있다. 보더 콜 리가 가장 지능이 높은데 200 단어를 이해하는 강아지들도 있다. 푸들과 독일 세퍼드, 골든 리트리버, 도버만 등이 가장 똑똑한 5대 견종에 속한다. 보다 오래된 견종인 사냥개와 불독 등은 상대적으로 지능이 떨어진다. 사람에 대한 친밀감이 높게 개량된, 최근의 견종에 비해 오래된 견종들은 냄새 맡기와 사냥을 잘 하도록 길들여져 왔기 때문에 두뇌보다는 근육이 더 잘 발달돼 있다.
◆ 병을 감염시킬 수 있다
강아지는 인체에 해로운 병균을 사람에게 옮길 수 있다. 대표적인 경우가 광견병이다. 치명적인 신경계 질병인 광견병은 예방주사로 막을 수 있다. 간혹 강아지의 사료가 살모넬라균의 오염에 의해 사람에게 식중독을 일으킬 수 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러니 강아지를 만진 후 음식을 먹을 때 손을 씻는 것이 좋다.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Anti Pope Francis 1 said It seems that my brother cardinals went almost to the end of the world to get him. But here we are.”
After the white-smoke “fumatta” signaled Argentina’s Archbishop of
Buenos Aires Jorge Bergoglio now heads the Catholic Church, the
attention turns to significant, if subtle, signs surrounding the naming
of the new Pope.
As soon as Msgr. Bergoglio was chosen, in the privacy of the Vatican Cardinal Giovanni Battista’s first question to him was, “What name would you like to be known by?” to which he replied “I shall be called Francis I”.
Moments later, when presented to the world from the Basilica overlooking St. Peter’s Square Pope Francis announced to the world, “You know that the duty of the conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother cardinals went almost to the end of the world to get him. But here we are.”
An interesting and significant phrase filled with foreboding in these troubling times, many perceive of apocalyptic worldwide turmoil. Particularly to those lending credence to the prophesies of Irish Saint Malachy, a 12th century Archbishop of Armagh who had a vision when visiting Rome of 112 future popes that the Church would supposedly have from his days onwards.
Malachy wrote down short emblematic and symbolic descriptions for each which have been fulfilled with uncanny precision to this very day.
According to that vision, the 111th pope was Benedict XVI, whom he described as “The Glory of the Olive” which makes him the next-to-last pope.
Malachy could have very well been way off the mark by whole centuries when you consider that some popes like Pius IX in the 19th century reigned for a full 34 years, whilst others like last century’s John Paul I only reigned for 33 short days. And yet, as we enter 2013 – just months after 2012 with its symbolic End-of-Time aura – we suddenly have a new (the last?) pope being chosen.
As soon as Msgr. Bergoglio was chosen, in the privacy of the Vatican Cardinal Giovanni Battista’s first question to him was, “What name would you like to be known by?” to which he replied “I shall be called Francis I”.
Moments later, when presented to the world from the Basilica overlooking St. Peter’s Square Pope Francis announced to the world, “You know that the duty of the conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother cardinals went almost to the end of the world to get him. But here we are.”
An interesting and significant phrase filled with foreboding in these troubling times, many perceive of apocalyptic worldwide turmoil. Particularly to those lending credence to the prophesies of Irish Saint Malachy, a 12th century Archbishop of Armagh who had a vision when visiting Rome of 112 future popes that the Church would supposedly have from his days onwards.
Malachy wrote down short emblematic and symbolic descriptions for each which have been fulfilled with uncanny precision to this very day.
According to that vision, the 111th pope was Benedict XVI, whom he described as “The Glory of the Olive” which makes him the next-to-last pope.
Malachy could have very well been way off the mark by whole centuries when you consider that some popes like Pius IX in the 19th century reigned for a full 34 years, whilst others like last century’s John Paul I only reigned for 33 short days. And yet, as we enter 2013 – just months after 2012 with its symbolic End-of-Time aura – we suddenly have a new (the last?) pope being chosen.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
In 2005 Fall, Federer suffered a serious injury
Since the 2005 World Tour Finals (Tennis
Masters Cup), Nadal's never-ending injury excuses have created
skepticim. In 2005 Fall, Federer suffered a serious injury: he tore
ligaments in his right ankle, was in a cast and crutches for weeks, and
was forced to skip Madrid indoor Masters, Basel and Paris Masters (it
was expected Roger would shut down for the season rather than risk
further injury playing the WTF) -- Roger missed a total of four Masters
events in 2005 due to injury (Rome, Canada were the other two events).
About one week after Federer announced his injury, Nadal won
the Madrid indoor Masters in a 4-hour, 5-set final against Ljubicic on
October 17 -- the Rafa immediately claimed he too hurt his left foot.
Nadal skipped the Paris Masters. Nadal then flew all the way
to Shanghai to compete in the World Tour Finals, expecting Federer would
not compete (and therefore his chances of winning the prestigious event
and big ranking points would be greater). But surprise: Federer did
unexpectedly show up in Shanghai, unsure whether or not he would
compete. By the eve of the tournament, it looked likely that Roger would
compete. On the first day of the tournament, Nadal pulled out of his
first round-robin match -- less than two hours before his match was due
to start (he pulled out while Agassi-Davydenko were playing their first
match of the day). Nadal had over three weeks between his Madrid final
on October 17 and first WTF match on November 14: surely he was fully
aware of the status of his 'injury' having had multiple scans and
treatments during that time? Nadal chose to take the next three months
until mid February, off claiming he was struggling with his left foot
injury. If it was such a serious injury, surely he would have known
before flying to Shanghai that he was unable to compete?
Two years later, in late November 2007, Nadal's coach Toni dramatically left the impression that Nadal's 2005 foot injury was potentially career-ending (his comments came days after Federer crushed Nadal in 59 minutes in the WTF semifinal) causing concern with Rafa's fans and probably sponsors. Rafa and his publicist Benito immediately rebutted Toni's claims, arguing the injury was never that serious.
Nadal skipped, for the third time, the 2012 World Tour Finals. Nadal claimed he was unable to play for seven months after 2012 Wimbledon. But it's more likely that he timed his absence to skip the entire hardcourt stretch. It was obvious from the Wimbledon/Olympic results that Federer, Murray and Djokovic were playing at a very high level, and that they would likely dominate the hardcourt season. Since Nadal was unlikely to challenge for No.1 ranking after losing to Rosol at wimbledon, it was logical to shut down for the season. Nadal obviously used the seven-month break to change his racquet to an improved model, develop new tactics and put in a lot of practise to improve his game.
- How could Nadal have been so injured that it required a seven-month recuperation period? There were no signs of hampered movement in Nadal's two 2012 Wimbledon matches. Even Steve Tignor (who is a fan of Nadal) noted that Nadal did not appear injured or hampred in movement during his loss to Rosol -- indeed, Tignor chose that match as Tennis Mag's best match of the year. Tignor noted: "My policy is, even if a player later says that he was injured, if I didn't notice that he was impaired on court, I’m not going to make it a significant part of my assessment of the match. Watching the tape of Rosol-Nadal then, and watching the clip above now, I can’t see any moment when Rafa was obviously hindered by his creaky knees. (I’ve always felt the same way about his loss to Robin Soderling at the French Open in 2009...)" Obviously there was never any serious injury with his knees in his last matches before he took a break. And the fact that Nadal felt fit enough to play doubles at both 2012 Indian Wells (won title) and Miami contradicts his claim that his injuries started before Indian Wells.
- During his seven month break, Nadal played several golf tournaments. Knee injuries are the second most common golf injury, so you'd think he would have done everything possible to heal himself (like Federer did before 2005 World Tour Finals, when he tore his ankle ligaments four weeks earlier). Nadal is a right-handed golfer, so he puts stress on his left knee (the supposedly injured knee) whenever he swings his golf club. For example, here's Nadal playing in the Baleares golf championship last September, during the 2012 US Open, putting stress on his knees.
Unlike Federer, Nadal tends to stay away from tennis tournaments whenever he is likely to lose -- thus denying Federer and other players the opportunities to beat Rafa and bring balance to their head to head records. For this reason alone, the H2H records with Nadal are misleading.
Two years later, in late November 2007, Nadal's coach Toni dramatically left the impression that Nadal's 2005 foot injury was potentially career-ending (his comments came days after Federer crushed Nadal in 59 minutes in the WTF semifinal) causing concern with Rafa's fans and probably sponsors. Rafa and his publicist Benito immediately rebutted Toni's claims, arguing the injury was never that serious.
Nadal skipped, for the third time, the 2012 World Tour Finals. Nadal claimed he was unable to play for seven months after 2012 Wimbledon. But it's more likely that he timed his absence to skip the entire hardcourt stretch. It was obvious from the Wimbledon/Olympic results that Federer, Murray and Djokovic were playing at a very high level, and that they would likely dominate the hardcourt season. Since Nadal was unlikely to challenge for No.1 ranking after losing to Rosol at wimbledon, it was logical to shut down for the season. Nadal obviously used the seven-month break to change his racquet to an improved model, develop new tactics and put in a lot of practise to improve his game.
- How could Nadal have been so injured that it required a seven-month recuperation period? There were no signs of hampered movement in Nadal's two 2012 Wimbledon matches. Even Steve Tignor (who is a fan of Nadal) noted that Nadal did not appear injured or hampred in movement during his loss to Rosol -- indeed, Tignor chose that match as Tennis Mag's best match of the year. Tignor noted: "My policy is, even if a player later says that he was injured, if I didn't notice that he was impaired on court, I’m not going to make it a significant part of my assessment of the match. Watching the tape of Rosol-Nadal then, and watching the clip above now, I can’t see any moment when Rafa was obviously hindered by his creaky knees. (I’ve always felt the same way about his loss to Robin Soderling at the French Open in 2009...)" Obviously there was never any serious injury with his knees in his last matches before he took a break. And the fact that Nadal felt fit enough to play doubles at both 2012 Indian Wells (won title) and Miami contradicts his claim that his injuries started before Indian Wells.
- During his seven month break, Nadal played several golf tournaments. Knee injuries are the second most common golf injury, so you'd think he would have done everything possible to heal himself (like Federer did before 2005 World Tour Finals, when he tore his ankle ligaments four weeks earlier). Nadal is a right-handed golfer, so he puts stress on his left knee (the supposedly injured knee) whenever he swings his golf club. For example, here's Nadal playing in the Baleares golf championship last September, during the 2012 US Open, putting stress on his knees.
Unlike Federer, Nadal tends to stay away from tennis tournaments whenever he is likely to lose -- thus denying Federer and other players the opportunities to beat Rafa and bring balance to their head to head records. For this reason alone, the H2H records with Nadal are misleading.
World Tour Final is the most important tournament after 4 majors
Wertheim: "how many times Nadal has won the year-end shebang? (Hint:
zero, because his body can't last the entire season, and durability is
part of "greatness.")"
One of the biggest myths about Nadal is that his body is not durable and cannot last the entire season... and therefore he cannot show up or win the World Tour Finals year-end championships. This indoor championship is not just historically the fifth most signficant title in tennis (only after the four majors), it is the ultimate gladiatorial battle between the world very best players. Winnig the year-end championship thus validates the champion's greatness and domination over the year's very best players.
This excuse for Nadal fails the smell test. The facts indicate that the more logical reason why Nadal hasn't won it is because he is relatively incompetent on indoor hardcourts and uses 'injury' excuses to avoid this major event and downplay his losses. The facts are:
(a) In truth, Nadal has been a highly durable player. Nadal has already played 750 matches, the sixth most career matches among all active players. The top five players on the list are all at least 31 years old: Nadal just needs 71 more matches to tie Tommy Haas for second place! Nadal is very durable when he chooses to be: his 'lack of durability' rarely appears during the clay season (except when he loses, and then he uses injury as the excuse).
(b) Yet, despite his continual whining about being injured, Nadal has never had surgery for any injury in his career (unlike many other more seriously-injured players), indicating that none of his injuries and injury breaks have been really that serious. It's more plausible to consider that, since 2005, the very smart Team Nadal has been making Nadal take preventative shut-downs during undesirable periods of the season (on surfaces he is likely to incur losses). If Nadal had showed up for more indoor events -- like Federer did for clay events -- Rafa might have lost more matches to Federer.
(c) Nadal's World Tour Finals win-loss record is an abysmal 9-10 (47%) -- and that's when he showed up most-prepared to compete. Nadal was absent in three different years -- had he showed up he probably would have had even more losses against the world's top 8 players who were mostly hardcourt specialists.
(d) Nadal's worst surface is indoor hardcourt: deducting Nadal's 9 indoor clay wins, his indoor hardcourt/carpet win-loss is ony 47-29 or 61.8% for around 60th place in the ATP era. The more versatile Federer's worst surface clay is still 77%, good for 11th in ATP era (Federer has reached 23 clay finals, winning 10 clay titles).
(e) How can Nadal qualify for greatness if he is relatively incompetent on indoor hardcourts? All the GOATs in tennis history were great indoor players, and tennis the game has its roots from the indoor game played centuries ago. Even clay king Bjorn Borg found a way to win 23 hardcourt/carpet titles, including three (3) year-end championships. Nadal's lack of success on indoor hardcourts is a red flag on his GOAT aspirations.
In 2008 Fall, Nadal skipped the World Tour Finals (Tennis Masters Cup) in Shanghai citing fatigue. One week later he skipped the Davis Cup Finals in Argentina claiming his knees were injured.
- Nadal cited fatigue as his reason for skipping the 2008 WTF. Yet in his previous two indoor tournaments in October (Paris Masters, Madrid Masters were his only events after the 2008 US Open) he played doubles with Juan Monaco and Carlos Moya each time -- so obviously he wasn't that tired, or he would not have played doubles both times. Perhaps the real reason he stayed away from was that -- after losing to Gilles Simon in Madrid and Davydenko in Paris -- then No. 1 Nadal realized he had lost form since the 2008 Olympics and was likely to fail at the World tour Finals. So he stayed away rather than risk 2 to 3 losses in the WTF round robin tarnishing his image of invulnerability. [Compare Nadal's attitude with Federer, who has played two away Davis Cup ties in Australia which is a much longer travel distance: days after losing a heart-breaking US Open semifinal to Djokovic in 2011, Federer traveled to Sydney to battle Hewitt and Tomic on Australian grass in the middle of the hardcourt season.]
- in his entire career, Nadal has never ever bothered to travel for an away Davis Cup tie outside Europe, not even for critical ties against USA or the DC Finals. After claiming to be fatigued one week before the WTF, Nadal later claimed his knees were injured so he couldn't fly to Argentina to play the Davis Cup Finals. Meanwhile, on the eve of the Davis Cup Finals, Davis was seen vigorously playing water sports (water skiiing, doughnut boat, etc.) in a luxury Mauritious resort (see link for photos). Obviously his 'injured knees' were not so injured that it immediately required intensive treatment and rehab.
One of the biggest myths about Nadal is that his body is not durable and cannot last the entire season... and therefore he cannot show up or win the World Tour Finals year-end championships. This indoor championship is not just historically the fifth most signficant title in tennis (only after the four majors), it is the ultimate gladiatorial battle between the world very best players. Winnig the year-end championship thus validates the champion's greatness and domination over the year's very best players.
This excuse for Nadal fails the smell test. The facts indicate that the more logical reason why Nadal hasn't won it is because he is relatively incompetent on indoor hardcourts and uses 'injury' excuses to avoid this major event and downplay his losses. The facts are:
(a) In truth, Nadal has been a highly durable player. Nadal has already played 750 matches, the sixth most career matches among all active players. The top five players on the list are all at least 31 years old: Nadal just needs 71 more matches to tie Tommy Haas for second place! Nadal is very durable when he chooses to be: his 'lack of durability' rarely appears during the clay season (except when he loses, and then he uses injury as the excuse).
(b) Yet, despite his continual whining about being injured, Nadal has never had surgery for any injury in his career (unlike many other more seriously-injured players), indicating that none of his injuries and injury breaks have been really that serious. It's more plausible to consider that, since 2005, the very smart Team Nadal has been making Nadal take preventative shut-downs during undesirable periods of the season (on surfaces he is likely to incur losses). If Nadal had showed up for more indoor events -- like Federer did for clay events -- Rafa might have lost more matches to Federer.
(c) Nadal's World Tour Finals win-loss record is an abysmal 9-10 (47%) -- and that's when he showed up most-prepared to compete. Nadal was absent in three different years -- had he showed up he probably would have had even more losses against the world's top 8 players who were mostly hardcourt specialists.
(d) Nadal's worst surface is indoor hardcourt: deducting Nadal's 9 indoor clay wins, his indoor hardcourt/carpet win-loss is ony 47-29 or 61.8% for around 60th place in the ATP era. The more versatile Federer's worst surface clay is still 77%, good for 11th in ATP era (Federer has reached 23 clay finals, winning 10 clay titles).
(e) How can Nadal qualify for greatness if he is relatively incompetent on indoor hardcourts? All the GOATs in tennis history were great indoor players, and tennis the game has its roots from the indoor game played centuries ago. Even clay king Bjorn Borg found a way to win 23 hardcourt/carpet titles, including three (3) year-end championships. Nadal's lack of success on indoor hardcourts is a red flag on his GOAT aspirations.
In 2008 Fall, Nadal skipped the World Tour Finals (Tennis Masters Cup) in Shanghai citing fatigue. One week later he skipped the Davis Cup Finals in Argentina claiming his knees were injured.
- Nadal cited fatigue as his reason for skipping the 2008 WTF. Yet in his previous two indoor tournaments in October (Paris Masters, Madrid Masters were his only events after the 2008 US Open) he played doubles with Juan Monaco and Carlos Moya each time -- so obviously he wasn't that tired, or he would not have played doubles both times. Perhaps the real reason he stayed away from was that -- after losing to Gilles Simon in Madrid and Davydenko in Paris -- then No. 1 Nadal realized he had lost form since the 2008 Olympics and was likely to fail at the World tour Finals. So he stayed away rather than risk 2 to 3 losses in the WTF round robin tarnishing his image of invulnerability. [Compare Nadal's attitude with Federer, who has played two away Davis Cup ties in Australia which is a much longer travel distance: days after losing a heart-breaking US Open semifinal to Djokovic in 2011, Federer traveled to Sydney to battle Hewitt and Tomic on Australian grass in the middle of the hardcourt season.]
- in his entire career, Nadal has never ever bothered to travel for an away Davis Cup tie outside Europe, not even for critical ties against USA or the DC Finals. After claiming to be fatigued one week before the WTF, Nadal later claimed his knees were injured so he couldn't fly to Argentina to play the Davis Cup Finals. Meanwhile, on the eve of the Davis Cup Finals, Davis was seen vigorously playing water sports (water skiiing, doughnut boat, etc.) in a luxury Mauritious resort (see link for photos). Obviously his 'injured knees' were not so injured that it immediately required intensive treatment and rehab.
Pirlo is the one of the best play maker in the football history
The almost-mythical midfielder will win his 100th
Italy cap in the Confederations Cup opener against Mexico and fans must
cherish the final days of the 34-year-old's career
COMMENTBy Carlo Garganese
Tennis icon Roger Federer salutes the Centre Court crowd as he finally ends his Grand Slam final hoodoo against Rafa Nadal to win the Wimbledon Championships for an eighth time.
Not only does the elegant and graceful Federer overcome the faster, stronger and graphite-armed Nadal – biceps and thighs the size of the Swiss' trophy cabinet - he does so with a wooden racquet he borrowed from 1970s Wimbledon legend Bjorn Borg. It is a miraculous achievement that completely defies all technological and physical progress made in sport over the last 30 years.
This fictional story is not too far-removed from what footballing legend Andrea Pirlo has been accomplishing in reality over the course of his incomparable football career. Given the tools and attributes at his disposal, and considering today's trans-human environment, the Juventus veteran – who is set to earn his 100th Italy cap on Sunday in the Confederations Cup opener against Mexico in Rio de Janeiro – should not be excelling in this era.
100 CLUB | Italy's centurions | |
Player | Caps |
Fabio Cannavaro (1997-2010) |
136 (2) |
Gianluigi Buffon (1997-present) | 128 (0) |
Paolo Maldini (1988-2002) | 126 (7) |
Dino Zoff (1968-1983) | 112 (0) |
Andrea Pirlo (2002-present) | 99 (12) |
Pirlo possesses none of these characteristics. He doesn't boast the gym-toned body and six-pack of a Cristiano Ronaldo, the bull-like brawn of a Didier Drogba, the searing speed of a peak Thierry Henry or the closing down of a Barcelona or Bayern Munich midfielder. He can't tackle or head the ball, is easily brushed aside in shoulder-to-shoulder situations, and exhibits a work-rate that often puts Dimitar Berbatov to shame.
Yet despite all this Pirlo will go down, together with Spain's Xavi, as the best midfielder of his generation. Arguably the greatest centrocampista Italy has ever produced, a legend of the game. That he has achieved such a status when the climate and conditions are so designed against him is truly remarkable.
Pirlo's laid-back style is a throwback to some of the elegant, rhythm-setters from the 1960s, 70s and 80s. The names of Giancarlo Antognoni, Gunter Netzer, Socrates and Glenn Hoddle spring to mind – not necessarily positionally but in how they represent a brand of technician who cannot exist in today's gladiatorial arena.
The Argentine artist Juan Roman Riquelme, who, as early as 2002, was labelled "too slow for the modern game" by Marcelo Bielsa when being dropped from his country's World Cup squad, is often described as the last classic playmaker – an athletically-limited foot-on-the-ball individual who demands an entire team be built around him.
Pirlo, a year younger than Riquelme, is surely the last of this dying breed. His ability to dictate and influence proceedings through his intelligence, vision, passing and through balls are traits that the robotic masses just can't interpret. The way he creates space, the drop of the shoulder, the feints before crossing that defenders know are coming but are powerless to prevent, the trademark free-kicks – we must cherish these moves as Pirlo approaches the home straight of his playing days.
The 34-year-old has already announced that he will retire from international football after next year's World Cup and, although 2012 was arguably the best individual year of his career, purists must start preparing themselves for life after Pirlo.
Life will never be the same. Although there will always be intelligent, deep-lying midfielders to carry on the creative baton – Marco Verratti and Thiago Alcantara just two examples from the current European Under-21 Championship in Israel who are destined for great things – there will never be another Pirlo.
Changes in the game – both artificial and evolutionary – and advances in training and medicine have pushed geniuses of Pirlo's ilk out of football. Somehow, miraculously, the ex-Milan hero overcame the new order. He took his proverbial wooden racquet and defeated the graphite-armed generation.
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