The Pelasgian Alphabet.
"It is said that to the Hellenes the first one who found the rhythms and song was Linos and when Kadmos brought from Phoenicia the so called letters, Linos was the one who transferred them to the Hellenic language, set up the name of each one and engraved their shape. All letters named generally as 'Phoenician', because they brought to the Hellenes by the Phoenicians, but specifically, because first from all the PELASGIANS USED THESE CHARACTERS, NAMED THEM AS PELASGIAN LETTERS."
(Diodoros the Sicilian. Book 3, 67.)
"To those who say that the Syrians are the inventors of the letters, that the Phoenicians learnt the letters from them, that they delivered them to the Hellenes and that the Phoenicians were those who sailed with Kadmos in Europe and for this the Hellenes call the letters as phoenician, they answer that the Phoenicians were not the first inventors of the letters and that the only thing they did was to change the format of the letters and, as the majority of men used this kind of letters, for this gave to them the above name"
(Diodoros the Sicilian. Book 5, 74.)
Diodoros the Sicilian says that those who found the letters are the Pelasgians(=the ancestors of the Hellenes, according to Herodotos and Thoukidides) and therefore due to a cataclysm(of Deucalion, as the Egyptians said to the Athenian legislator Solon, when he had visited them, also see Timeos of Platon) the Hellenic writing monuments lost and the so the Phoenicians found the opportunity and appropriated their invention. The only thing, he says, that the Phoenicians did was some conversions to the original Pelasgic letters and 'cause many people used afterwards this writing of the Phoenicians, had as a result many to name the letters as Phoenician.
(Diodoros the Sicilian. Book 5, 56-74)
Diodoros the Sicilian, answering to anyone who have the point of view that the Phoenicians invented the letters, says that the Phoenicians were not the inventors of the letters and of numbers, but the Pelasgians(=the ancestors of the Hellenes, according to Thoukidides and Herodotos) and that the only thing they did was to change the format of the letters and, as the majority of men used this kind of letters, for this reason was gave to them the name phoenician.
"Linos, then, they say composed with Pelasgic letters a narration with the acts of the first Dionysos and the rest myths and he left them to his memoirs. With the same way Orpheas and Pronapides(who was the teacher of Homeros and an inspired songwriter) used the Pelasgic letters. The same thing was happened with Themites..."
(Diodoros the Sicilian, book 3, 67)
"...To the Muses, gave from their father, the discovery of letters and the composition of the epics, the so called poetry."
(Diodoros the Sicilian, book 5, 74)
Alongside, Diodoros the Sicilian states that according to all these that the epigrammatist(composer of letters) Dosiades told him, that the letters are an invention of the Cretans. "Δοσιάδης δε εν Κρήτη φησίν ευρεθήναι αυτά (τα γράμματα)..."=Dosiades found the letters in Crete.
(Diodoros the Sicilian, E. Beker, "Hell. Unpublished" II 783,14)
"From him(Dosiades), later, the Egyptians learnt the theorems of Astronomy. When, now, the cataclysm happened to Greece, from the rainfall most of people lost. Along with these the writing monuments destroyed and for this reason, the Egyptians, found the opportunity and appropriated everything concerning Astronomy and since, because of their ignorance, the Greeks could not rely anymore the writing testimonies the point of view that the Egyptians were the first who discovered the stars reinforced. With the same way, while the Athenians had found a town in Egypt, named Sains, the event forgotten due to the cataclysm. So for those reasons, many generations later, Kadmos of Agenoras, was considered as the first one who brought the letters from Phoenicia to Greece and from the time of Kadmos and onwards many people believed for the Greeks that they always did additional discoveries at the science of the letters, as a kind of catholic ignorance possessed the Greeks..."
(Diodoros the Sicilian, book 5, 57)
The Phoenician writing and the Phoenician lie(in Greek):
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