- The original Greeks were blonde and blue eyed as too the Egyptians. Corpses of ancient Eryptians have red hair. The original Greeks were called the Hellanics and they are a far cry from the hairy backed Greek morons who can't even run thier own economy and need to be saved by the Nordic Germans. Infact Spain, Italy and all the southern European countries are backwards compared to the Nordic North, funny that hey.· 재생목록 B&H
You're a liar and loser. They did not have red hair naturally. If anything, it's died using HENNA. Plenty of ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ART depicts BLACK hair, brown eyed peoples. Again, you STUPID, DESPERATE idiot, you HATE how "darker peoples" made original ADVANCED civilization, while your primitive Germanic tribal ancestors lived in tents up in northern Europe some 2000+ years ago. LOL!
What's the matter, truth hurt? Or'd you not even know the history of your primitive ancestors? LOL!
Oh so dye lasts thosuands of years does it, as when they unearted those corpses they had red hair, I had no idea tents were about a thousand years ago, if they were my ancestors were much more advanced than the Egyptians ever were. Why do so many dark poeple wish to live in the white man's civilisation then these days, kinda pathetic really. Oh by the way the computer your using was invented by whites and the language your write with known as English is Germanic you dumb cunt..
Actually, yes, dye does last for thousands of years when preserved in mummification. Scientists can test and see this, and they admit it's true.
English is a mix of Germanic and Latin, actually, you redneck. lol! Didn't know that? Damn it, boy, STUDY UP! That computer would have never been made without all the information stolen from other peoples in history, whether the Romans, Moors, Greeks, etc. If anything, computers are multi-cultural inventions as a whole. Moron.
Todays Nordicist Nazis hate learning REAL history of their Germanic barbarian tribal ancestors, because it destroys their pride! The pride which is based on falsehood lies and propaganda made up by silly, insecure Nordicists over the last 300 years. lol! Poor things cannot stand that Germanic tribes up north did not have such a glorious history as did the dark Mediterranean Romans and Greeks in the south made such advancements all on their own!
Persians were advanced, so were Egyptians!
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What is your problem with Greeks dude, THEY ARE WHITE EUROPEANS CHRISTIANS! I dare you to try telling a Greek he aint white, you'll have a soar jaw for a while I'm sure. I live in an area with a high Greek population and yes some of them are obviously mixed but most of them are as white and any other European. I see their light hair and blue eyes on a daily basis. There is even a family on the next street who are all redheads, they look more Irish than anything else and their all born in Greece!
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best white power band ever
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Christ died for our sins. We will die for our tribe.
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White people are even cursed in the Bible. There called Lepers, see Genisis; 9:18 9-20-27 10-6 25-21 24:1-3. See Cannan, Hittie, Tusau, Miriam.
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Stop living in denial, simply because it hurts your pride. lol! :-)
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Pale skin and light hair were described as signs of BARBARISM by Polemon of Laodicea (a GREEK man, around 200 B.C.) in his book Physiognomica. Pseudo-Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their MEDIUM SKIN TONE, as opposed to pale northerners and dark southerners -> black Africans. He claimed that blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature, and that they indicated poor eyesight.
Nordicists, eat your hearts out!
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GOOGLE IMAGE search: "Ancient Greek frescos"
GOOGLE IMAGE search: "Minoan people"
My point easily proven.
You're welcome! :-D
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People, I am not responding to this nitwit in denial anymore. He's proven to be a waste of time, so all I will do is this: VERY SIMPLE -> go to Google Image search, then type in either "Ancient Greek frescos" or "Minoan people"
Minoans are the same as Greeks. In fact, it's said that Minoans/Greeks made the first advanced civilization in Europe! They were all dark haired and able to easily tan in the strong Mediterranean sun. Only liars like Nordicist Nazis openly deny this for their agenda.
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People, type this in Google Image search:
"Ancient Greek frescos"
"Ancient Greek Paintings"
"Minoan people" (they're Greeks)
You will see dark and swarthy people, not light people. Light complexion is here now only because of the Germanic invasions of southern Europe in 300 A.D. and onward, mainly. Though some migrated south in ancient times and were naturalized by the dark Mediterranean people, but the most that invaded later were the enemies and stole everything from Romans/Greeks.
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There was no major influx of Germanic speaking Nordics into the middle east. The British empire and other colonial empires were too big to have contributed the mixture present in Arabs and the enclave of mixed gooks with lighter eyes. The original Indo-Europeans were Nordic, Archaeology and Linguistics proves this. The Nordic race is older then indo-european tongues, so your argument is just stupid.
The original indo-Europeans were Nordic. I am not saying that Germanic peoples didn't take shit from melting pots. What i am saying, is that the muds inherited their technology from the people who introduced the language, whom were 95% Nordic. The busts of roman emperors are predominantly Nordic. Alexander the great looked Nordic. And, according to roman descriptions, jesus was not jewish, but purely Nordic. Google first consulate publius lentrelus letter to Caesar Tiberius.
An ancient Roman fresco of Alexander the Great shows a man with BROWN hair, BROWN eyes and tan skin.
Red hair and other light Nordic features are FOREIGN to the Mediterranean SUNNY lands where these people will BURN! They are FOREIGNERS!
So even if light featured people (tiny minority) were in the Med. area in ancient times, it doesn't mean they're indigenous.
This is like someone finding a picture of Obama some 3000 years from now and saying America was BLACK? LOL
You're a liar and and clueless, believing all the made-up NORDICIST lies and propaganda. They've twisted so much BS over the years, and your insecurity has made you believe it. Jesus was Middle Eastern and they are dark in complexion. Persians were Middle Eastern and dark in complexion. Same with Sumerians. Greeks were/are Mediterranean and dark in complexion, same with Romans. NO empire in Nordic Europe prior to the thieves invading in 300+ A.D. - FACT! WHY? Thought so!
I am not saying they are not. You are mentally challenged, you can't seem to fathom what i am saying. Now, i am aware that today they are dark, ok? happy? The Indo-European language is no more then 7000 years old. So, one race had to have founded Indo-European. Nordic remains were found in China, in the area believed to be inhabited by Tocharians. The first skull found near the Caucasus, you can see a picture if you google blumenbachs georgian skull, was nordic and few thousand yrs old.
So who are the Indo-Europeans? The Archaeological evidence overwhelmingly says Nordic, but you say otherwise. Can you tell me your reasoning for this? What you're saying about Germanics being less technologically advanced proves squat, it's obviously not likely that after breaking up the Indo-Europeans would stop wandering and develop technology at the same pace.
You believe so much BS and obvious propaganda. lol! You're just a waste to debate with, because you're just so ignorant. Keep reading those lies if you want, because it makes your ego boost up, since deep down, you have an inferiority complex in light of TRUE history: all ancient civilizations came from DARKER peoples - Rome, Greece, Persia, Egypt, Inca, Maya, Aztec, Chinese, etc. While "Germannia" lived primitively, according to the ancient Romans!
How about you go live in northern Europe, and tell them to give all the technology they stole back to the darker Mediterranean peoples of the south. Then you can live again, just like your ancestors with "no baths, illiterate, uncivilized" etc. JUST LIKE THE ROMANS said the Germanic people up north were! LOL! Aww, is this history hard to swallow? Does it absolutely SMASH your silly Nazi beliefs of "Nordic superiority"? I'm so sorry! LOL! ;-)
Don't go in the sun, your "inferior" skin might burn red to a crisp. Here's a funny thing: If Germanic "white" people were the only people to have tanned skin in the world, and everyone else had pale white skin that burned in the sun, right now Germanic white people would praise their "tan" skin and put everyone else down as pathetic genetic mutants that are not meant for the natural sunlight. But note how today they call darker peoples "muds"? LOL! See how pathetic they are?
PALE SKIN and LIGHT HAIR were described as signs of BARBARISM by Polemon of Laodicea (a GREEK man, around 200 B.C.) in his book Physiognomica.
Pseudo-Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their MEDIUM SKIN TONE, as opposed to pale northerners (Nordics) and dark southerners (black Africans). He claimed that blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature, and that they indicated poor eyesight.
Silly Nordicist in denial. History proves you WRONG!
Well, the mummies discovered were Nordic, so no, Archaeology proves YOU wrong. The book made by polemon of laodicea proves nothing. The fact is the georgian skeletal remains, which are dated in the time frame of the proto-indo-europeans, were Nordic. In the northern areas of greece, today, there are people who are predominantly nordic in phenotype, obviously mixed a little tho. Interesting quotes, but they really don't prove anything.
More lies from you.
You live in denial, clearly. Ancient Greek frescoes show them as dark haired, dark eyed and ability to tan. MEDIUM! Just like the quotes I put up the other day.
Your denial is just an embarrassment to you. You're clinging on for dear life to a silly lie, but it just makes you look weak, because the truth hurts your "pride" so much, you live in denial of it.
Accepting truth with integrity takes REAL strength.
See ya!
@Northax, actually the people painted in most of those frescoes were painted with blond hair, blue or green eyes and pearl white skin. The reason for the darkening of the eyes, hair and skin is due to a few thousand years of oxidation. The location of a frescoe also can affect colour change, exposed to sunlight for even as little as a few decades can turn a light skinned, blond, blue eyed frescoe to someone as dark as a negroid.
PALE SKIN and LIGHT HAIR were described as signs of BARBARISM by Polemon of Laodicea in his book Physiognomica. Pseudo-Aristotle noted differences between Greeks and the people of the north, believing that Greek superiority was visible in their MEDIUM SKIN TONE, as opposed to pale northerners (Nordics) and dark southerners (black Africans). He claimed that blue eyes were a sign of a cowardly nature, and that they indicated poor eyesight.
What a coincidence, how Greeks point out how NORTHERNERS have light hair, blue eyes and pale white skin - wait, what's that? SO DID THE Romans say the Germanic tribes of the NORTH had light hair and light eyes, etc.
Wait, the Romans called the Germanic tribes of the north BARBARIANS (uncivilized, illiterate, at that!), just like the Greeks called them barbaric!
Coincidence? I think not!
Sorry Nazis, but history speaks the truth: you're not as SUPERIOR as you once thought. lol
The people in southern europe are mixed race, today in northern greece many of the mongrels show a nordic predominance, many have light hair and eyes and skin. The languages spoken there are from the Nordic invaders. The Indo-European language is 4000-6000 years old, so several races can not descend from the indo-europeans you stupid moron. We have empirical archaeological, demographic and linguistic evidence, which obviously takes precedence over what an ancient figure wrote tard.
No, DNA proves southern Europeans are not mixed much more than northern Europeans, so stop your dumb lies, you redneck idiot. lol! The ancient Romans, Greeks and others in the south were dark haired, dark eyed and olive skin toned, just like they spoke of themselves. The Romans AND Greeks of ancient said the Germanic tribes of the north were blond/red haired, blue eyed and pale white skin toned.
Sorry your simpleton little brain cannot handle the truth. lol!
Maybe your dumb racist redneck lying "historians" are claiming that ancient Romans and Greeks are Nordic, but we know not to take their word for it. ANCIENT ART SHOWS ANCIENT GREEKS WITH BLACK CURLY HAIR, BROWN EYES, etc. STOP your dumb lies, you simpleton. lol!
Go type in "Ancient Greek frescoes" and see for yourself, you moron. Those frescoes are made way before any foreign invasions - 550 to 1500 B.C. and older. No excuses now, simpleton, redneck trailertrash. ;-)
Simpleton redneck, only reason why there is any decent number of blonds or redheads in Greece today is because of the invasions of Germanic tribes around 300-500 A.D. They invaded Rome and Greece.
Go Google it yourself, you moron. Look up the Germanic Vandals, Goths, Anglos, Saxons, Visigoths, etc. etc. They invaded south and mixed especially over the last 1500+ years.
Go read history, or are you TOO SCARED of the truth? YEP!
Your people would be living primitively right now if you did not steal Roman/Greek technology over the last 1500 years. lol! That hurts your simpleton redneck pee-brain, huh? Sure it does. ;-)
You are such a fool. All you have is some quote from Polemon of Laodicea, which proves nothing. How does his opinion on the Nordic race give any information on what the Dorian invaders were? Northerners could have very well meant the Dorians, rather then Germanic peoples. The majority of the rulers were Nordic, their busts look Nordic, roman records show they had light hair and eyes, the only swarthy ruler was Cato the Younger, the bust is Mediterranean.
You clueless, in-denial redneck. LOOK AT ANCIENT GREEK FRESCO ART and see for yourself. Are you even SMART enough to go to Google Image search and type in "Ancient Greek frescoes"???
All you look like is someone DESPERATE to claim someone elses history because you're jealous of it. The Germanic tribes of the north, you STUPID dimwit, in NORTHERN EUROPE! Idiot! The Romans said the same thing: Germanic tribes in "Germannia" (northern Europe) were light haired and light eyed. LOL
You're so clueless and desperate. Stop living in denial, since the truth hurts your silly little pride (built upon falsehood).
Germanic losers for over 300 years in Europe and American have constantly and consistently tried to lie and twist history to try and make everyone believe Nordics ruled Rome or Greece in ancient times. Why? BECAUSE, the REAL Nordics (Germanic tribes) of the NORTH lived PRIMITIVELY! They're INSECURE about that true history! LOL! Awww! Too bad! :-)
Maybe if you KNEW actual TRUE history, your stupid pride wouldn't be so puffed up for nothing. History would humble you and then show you to respect DARKER peoples for the advanced technology you use today, which is truly built upon darker peoples advancements in math, science and culture as a whole from ancient times.
You don't even know about the Germanic invasions of Rome some 1700+ years ago? What history books do you read? Some redneck KKK books built on insecurities?
댓글이 삭제되었습니다.
@StartTheRaceWar, I have not checked where your from but I'll bet your an American, fuck some of you guys are dumb. Oh, by the way, did ya know 30% of white Americans have Black blood? I'll bet your one of them HA HA HA!!!
...and very little race mixing went on in Australia so that's not a good analogy.
Greeks are Aryan, not because science says so, because Hitler himself said so!
Also the nazi movement is far larger in Greece than it is in your jew and nigger infested United States of shit!
Lol. No, Hitler said the ANCIENT Dorian invaders were Aryan, modern greeks are mixed race. The original Indo-Europeans were Nordic. Less then 1% of White Americans are mixed with black blood, LOL.
You're a dimwitted moron with few braincells left. Stop doing that meth, hillbilly. lol!
Europeans aren't even Aryan, you ignoramus. Hitler stole that label "Aryan" from ancient Iranic people who lived in present day Iran. Hitler also stole the symbol of swastika from ancient peoples who had NOTHING to do with Germanic barbarians of the north. lol! Germanic history before invading Rome was PRIMITIVE tribal peoples, even the ROMANS said this, you idiot. LOL! Clueless redneck.
a good example of this is Alexander the great who was Blond and blue eyed and yet his frecoes show him with dark hair, dark skin and eyes. Again, the frescoes originaly painted him being light skinned, blond and blue eyed but due to thousands of years of exposure and oxidation the frescoes turned dark.
Frescoes that remained in dark and dry places and suffered little or no exposure to the elements did not oxidise as much and survive to this day showing blond, blue eyes and light skin.
LOL! You come up with some amazing, yet clueless, excuses! I'm astounded at your silly desperation! Haha! No, they didn't turn darker because of oxidation! If that were so, ALL the colors in the painting would be very dark, yet you can see clear LIGHT colors in other parts of the paintings, GENIUS! Stop making dumb excuses try twist history around. Even Greeks in text talk about Greeks having MEDIUM skin tone, dark hair and brown eyes, and blue eyes as cowardly, etc.
Exactly what modern technology did we steal? You can't answer my question, how is it possible for the racial physique of the original members of any indo-european branch to be different from others if it's only 6000 years old, older then the Nordic race itself which is 11 000. How is it that much too many people in the middle east and southwestern china are mixed with the Nordic race to have been interbred from the large colonial empires? Not to mention Tarim Basin mummies.
Bye now, insecure kid. Sorry that history just smashes your little complex of superiority (born out of a deep inferiority complex). Boo hoo. :-(
You Nazis should just give credit where credit is due, admit you were NOTHING before invading Rome, Greece, and taking their technology. Then we can move on and let everyone have their history as it was. You are NO different from those dumb Afrocentric morons saying that original Greeks/Romans/etc. were black! LOL!