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Friday, April 16, 2010

How do I disable the Welcome Screen in Windows Vista?

How do I disable the Welcome Screen in Windows Vista?
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Right now when I turn on this user's laptop it boots up into Vista and displays a Welcome / logon screen. Here my choices are Administrator and User. Both are admin account types.

Two part question:

1) You can not delete the administrator account because the system uses it. Am I able to hide it from this welcome screen?

2) Would there be a way to disable this welcome / log on screen all together? In other words, set it up so that on boot, it just boots directly into User's Desktop?

windows-vista login user-accounts

asked Sep 30 '09 at 17:58

79% accept rate

1 Answer
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1) You can not delete the administrator account because the system uses it. Am I able to hide it from this welcome screen?

Hide Administrator from Welcome Screen in Vista

2) Would there be a way to disable this welcome / log on screen all together? In other words, set it up so that on boot, it just boots directly into User's Desktop?

click Start and type netplwiz in the Search field and then press Enter. Click Continue when the User Account Control window appears.

in the GUI window that comes up, uncheck the “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer” box

click ‘Apply’

in the new dialog box that opens type the name of the account you want to auto-logon by default (if the account is not normally passworded then it blank)

click OK and exit

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