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Thursday, January 28, 2010

UFO 출현?…아르헨서 미확인 비행물체 촬영

아르헨티나 지방에서 연이어 UFO(미 확인 비행물체)가 목격됐다는 보도가 나와 관심을 끌고 있다. 한 주민은 정체를 알 수 없는 비행물체를 휴대폰 동영상으로 촬영, 유투브에 올렸다.

UFO를 봤다는 주민이 여럿 나온 곳은 아르헨티나의 지방 산티아고 델 에스테로 주(州)의 로레토라는 곳이다. 27일(현지시간)디아리오 리베랄 등 현지 지방 신문에 따르면 로레토에선 지난 24일 낮 다수의 주민이 하늘에 떠 있는 이상한 물체를 목격했다.

일부 주민은 재빨리 휴대폰이나 디 지털카메라로 정체를 알 수 없는 비행물체를 렌즈에 담았다.

동영상을 찍어 지방 언론사에 전한 현지 남자주민 다빗 소리아는 "오전 11시20분 쯤 태양을 중심에 이상한 검은 물체가 이상한 빛을 번쩍이면서 떠 있는 모습을 우연히 목격했다."면서 "평생 보지 못한 현상으로 아직도 이해가 되지 않는다."고 말했다.

비슷한 시간에 산티아고 델 에스테로 주의 또 다른 도시 플로리다에서도 UFO를 목격했다는 증언이 나왔다.

우연히 남편과 함께 비행물체를 목격했다는 한 여자주민은 "정체를 알 수 없는 물체가 빠른 속도로 이동하다가 멈추는 동작을 여러 번 한 후 최소한 3개 물체로 쪼개지더라." 면서 "물체는 빛을 내면서 빠른 속도로 사라졌다."고 밝혔다.

또 다른 주민은 "약 3~4분 동안 빛을 내는 물체가 하늘에서 이동하는 걸 목격했다."고 증언했다.

아르헨티나 산티아고 델 에스테로에선 UFO가 자주 목격되고 있다. 아르헨티나의 UFO연구재단 관계자는 "동영상을 촬영해 재단에 신고한 것만 세어보아도 지난해만 최소한 10회 이상 산티아고 델 에스테로에서 UFO로 추정되는 물체가 목격됐다."고 말했다.

사진=유투브 캡쳐

서울신문 나우뉴스 남미통신원 임석훈

재미있는 '물 건너 온 뉴스' 나우뉴스( )
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

부산도 다문화 도시 입니다.

-my bamboo forest

부산도 다문화 도시 입니다.

며칠전에 촛불 원정때문에 설에 갔다 오긴 했지만
서울에 가서 이번에도 체험한 것.

서울 사람 왈,
"부산인데 사투리 별로 안쓰시네요?"

ㄱ-.. 이런 말은 꼭 서울 가지 않아도
타지에서 서울 사람을 만나도 꼭 듣는다.

서울 출생인 사람은
(뭐 서울에 몇 대에 걸친 순수 토박이 별로 없으니까)

부산-경상권 외 기타 지방 사람을 만나면
마치 티비 오락 프로나 영화에서 서울 출생 배우들이
연기하는 과장된 사투리, 말하는 방식을 가지고
있다고 생각하는 듯..

아주 정확한 예는 아니지만
미국 거주하는 아랍계-미국인들이
911사태 이후에 완전 테러범 취급 당해서
생활에 지장이 많다는 기사가 공감이 간다 -_-

내가 하고 싶은 말은
제목 그대로 부산은 다문화 도시.
multicultural city -_-

서울 인구중 몇 대에 걸쳐서 서울 출생인
서울 토박이 비율이 40% 될까 말까라지..?

뭐 부산도 마찬가지인 듯..
40%까지는 아니어도 뭐 한 60%쯤...??

일단 부산엔 전라도 사람들 많이 산다.
말투야 경상도 사투리나 전라도와 경상도 중간쯤 말투라도
원래 전라도 출생인데 뭐 직장이나 일 때문에
옮겨 사는 사람도 있고, 기타 다른 지역 사람들도
많이 산다. 물론 부산에는 비부산 출생 경남북 지역
사람들이 제일 많이 섞여 살고 있긴 하다.
뭐 결혼해서 살게 되는 사람도 많고..

촛불 원정 가서 또 맨위에 언급된 저 말을 듣고
내가 문득 깨달은 점은, 서울에서 만난
서울 거주자들 사이에선 말투의 차이가 별로 없다.
억양이나 어조 강세 뭐 이런거...

근데 부산에선 사람들 말하는게 다 하나하나 다르다.
뭐 중고교생들 같이 붙어 다니는 청소년 또래 집단일 경우
비슷할 수도 있겠지만 (특히 남학생들 -_- 욕 난무;;)
뭐 성인들은 말투가 다 다름.

일단 우리 부모님부터가 부산 출신이 아니라서
말투가 미묘하다.. 우리집은 엄마가 부산 사투리 구사를
못하심.. 거주한지 30년쯤 됬는데 올해로..
본토와 부산 사투리의 중간쯤 구사...
그래서 나 어릴땐 서울말에 가깝게 구사했었는데 -_-
지금은 뭐 어중간한 부산 사투리...
흥분하면 거친 사투리 울컥 -_-..

하여튼 주변 사람들 생각해 보니
엄마 친구 중에 대대로 부산에 자리잡고 산
토박이 아줌마 있는데.. 그 아줌마 분명 부산 사투리
쓰는데 뭔가 어색... 다른 주변 사람들도
말투가 좀 이상하다고 생각한다. 뭔가 억양이 좀..
미묘하게 어색한 부산 사투리 구사..

친구 어머니나, 또 다른 분들 일부는 전라도 출신.
전라도 사투리 씀; 근데 본적을 말 안해서 몰랐는데
나중에 전라도 친구랑 이야기 해보고 그게
전라도 사투린지 알았음.. 난 또 뭐 경북 사투린가 했는데

또 경남쪽 영향을 강하게 받은 사람들은
좀 카랑카랑하다 말이.. 신봉선 말투에서 좀다
카랑해진다고 생각하면 될 듯..

경북은 좀 부드럽다.. 경상도라도..
바다에 가까울 수록 사람들이 거칠어진다던데
산골짜기라 그 동네는.. 말투도 부드러운 편;

대구 사람도 많이 있는데 뭐라고 해야하지..
말이 좀 빠르다고 해야하나...
하여튼 약간 알아 듣기 힘들었다. 대구 친구
처음 알게 됬을 때.. 사투리긴 한데 뭔가 난청현상이..

기타 하여튼 부모님이 여러 다른 지역에서 와서
부산에 이주 후 자식을 낳아 키우면
나처럼 된다 ㅡㅡ;; 이도 저도 아닌 말투..
그런데 부모님 둘 다 부산 사람은 아니라 좀 뭔가;;
아빠는 부산은 아니고 남해안 쪽인데
말투가 참 시골스러우심... 엄마도 바닷가 쪽이긴 한데
남해는 아니고.. 뭐 하튼..

빠르기, 어조, 억양, 강세..
부산 사람들은 말투가 다 달라..
하다 못해 내가 가르치는 애들 셋과
그 엄마 둘도 다섯명이 말투가 다 달라 ㄱ-
부산에 산지는 이 분들도 한 삼십년 됬는데
본적은 어딘지 모르겠고 누가 오리지널 부산 사투리
쓰는지도 모르겠다 ㅡㅡ;;

참.. 진짜 부산 사람을 많이 볼 수 있는 곳은
내 개인적인 생각인데 사직 구장 -_-
진짜 야구 열성적이고 광팬인 사람들..
특히 남자들.. 이 사람들이 오리지널 부산 사나이에
가깝고 토박이일 확률이 높다. 우리나라 사실 순수는
아니지만 단일 인종이고 나의 뿌리에 대해 깊이
생각은 안해봤는데 정말 야구에 광팬인 친구랑
이야기하면서.. 얘는 부모님도 토박이고 얘 자체의
성향도 그렇고 정말 오리지널 부산인이야..
이런 생각을 했음.

좀 두서없이 이야기가 흘렀는데
처음 문장에서 하고 싶었던 말은
서울 사람들이 부산사람인 나한테 하는 말,
"어, 사투리 안쓰시네요?" 이딴 말 짜증나 -_-

그 뉘앙스가 마치 티비에서 쇼프로 보고 웃기는
그 말투가 아니잖아요? 개그맨처럼 말 좀 해봐요?
이런 느낌. 물론 티비에서처럼 말하는 사람도 있는데
아주 할머니나 극소수 사람들.. 그런 말투인 젊은
부산 사람들 많지 않다.. 하다 못해 40대 정도만 되도
그런 말투의 아줌마 아저씨 그리 많지 않다..

그리고 예전에 개콘에서
전라도와 경상도 사투리 쓰는 콤비.
"내 아를 낳도!" <-난 처음에 이거 보고
웃는건 둘째치고 무지 기분 나빴음.
나중에 계속 보다가 그냥 그러려니 했지만..
(뭐 꼭 그거 때문은 아니지만 개콘이 갈수록
재미가 없어지고 웃찾사화 되서 걍 안봄)

그리고 마지막으로 기분 나쁜 짤방.
머니투데이에 실려있던 기산데
바퀴벌레 농심라면 해명 기사인 듯..
한마디로 신고자가 짰다 뭐 그런거..
(근데 난 불신)

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Gravatar행복한 고민일지도....
전 사람들을 만나면 나오는 얘기
'고향이 어디세요?'
'부산에서 오셨나요?'

가끔 캠퍼스에서 사람들과 의사소통이 되지 않아 서로 난감했던 일이 많습니다.OTL....ㅜㅜ

GravatarNoSyu/서울애들은 사투리를 전혀 못알아듣긴 하더군요. 예를들어 나와 충청도나 강원도 친구 사이에선 의사소통에 문제가 없는데 서울-충 or 강 이렇게 이야기 할 땐 서울애들이 자꾸 질문을 하는..

언어 센스가 그리 없나 싶기도 하고-_-
(눈치로 알아 들으란 말야~)

Gravatar부산 사세요?! 훗.. 부산은 원주민비율이 이미 10프로가 안됩니다 인구가 줄고 있는건 아세요?! 외지인중 전라도가 가장 많고.. 그리고 유일하게 유입이 늘어나고 있는 종족이라 할수 있죠

Gravatarshim/10% 안될 정도 일까요...??
전 그래도 한 50% 생각했는데..
경남/북도 크게는 경상권이지만 부산은 아니니 감안해서 50%인데...

부산의 억양과 대구의 억양 차이

딱딱한 얘기

불펜의 hobchins 님이 쓰신 글이다. 아마 경상도 사람만이 구별할 수 있는

차이일 거다. 타지방에서는 거기서 거기일테니까. ㅎ...


예를 들어보면...(1이 낮은 음입니다.)

고속도로(부산은 1332, 대구는 3321)

대구은행(부산은 4321, 대구는 1243)

일본(부산은 22, 대구는 12)

서울대학교(부산은 13332, 대구는 12321)

니 와 그라노?(부산은 21331, 대구는 23321)

Monday, January 25, 2010

TV 시청습관이 수명 줄인다

하루 1시간 더 보면 질환 사망위험성 11% 증가

매일 TV 앞에 앉아 있는 습관이 수명을 줄인다는 연구결과가 미국 심장협회지에 발표됐다.

호주의 `베이커 IDI 심장ㆍ당뇨협회'가 성인 8800명의 생활 습관을 추적한 결과, TV를 하루 평균 1시간 더 시청하면 각종 질환으로 사망할 위험성이 11% 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 심장관련 질환으로 사망할 위험성은 18% 증가했으며, 암으로 사망할 가능성은 9% 높아졌다.

연구진은 "매일 4시간 이상 TV를 시청하는 사람들은 2시간 미만 시청하는 사람들에 비해 각종 질환으로 사망할 위험성이 46% 높았고, 심장관련 질환으로 사망할 가능성은 80%나 높았다"고 밝혔다.

이 같은 결과는 영향은 흡연, 혈압, 콜레스테롤 수치, 잘못된 식습관, 비만, 운동 등 심장 질환을 일으킬 수 있는 다른 독립적 요인들과 무관하게 나타났다고 연구진은 덧붙였다.

협회의 데이비드 던스턴 씨는 이번 연구는 TV 시청에 초점을 맞춘 것이지만,책상이나 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아있는 것처럼 오래 앉아있는 어떤 습관도 건강에 위협이 된 다는 것을 보여준다고 경고했다.

또 이번 연구 결과는 비만이거나 과체중인 사람 뿐 아니라 정상 체중인 사람에게도 적용된다며 "건강한 사람이라도 오랫동안 앉아 있는 생활을 하면 혈중 당 수치와 지방 수치에 악영향을 끼칠 수 있다"고 덧붙였다.

[저작권자 ⓒ연합뉴스 무단 전재-재배포 금지]

전자파 차단 식물? ‘글쎄’라는데…

전자파 차단 식물? ‘글쎄’라는데…
‘산소 증가·전자파 차단’ 검증 안된 풍문
실내 면적 7~8% 채워야 공기정화 효과
화장실 관음죽, 공부방 로즈메리 ‘제격’
한겨레 김미영 기자
» 공기정화 식물의 효율적인 배치법 (※클릭하시면 더 크게 보실 수 있습니다.)
공기정화 식물 진실 혹은 거짓

산세비에리아는 공기 정화 효과가 뛰어날까? 식물만으로 공기 중 산소 함유량을 높일 수 있을까? 전자파 차단에 식물이 효과가 있을까?

정답은 모두 “아니다”이다. 다육식물인 산세비에리아는 증산작용이 활발하지 않아 음이온 배출량이 절대적으로 적다. 식물의 전자파 차단 효과도 과학적으로 검증되지 않았다. 공기 중 산소량 역시 화분 1~2개로 20%에 달하는 산소의 양을 증가시킨다는 건 현실적으로 불가능하다는 것이 전문가들의 공통된 견해다.

‘저 푸른 초원 위에, 그림 같은 집을 짓고….’ 인간은 본능적으로 자연을 그리워한다. 집과 사무실에 작은 정원을 꾸미거나 녹색 식물을 키우며 위안을 삼고 싶어 한다. 실제로 녹색 식물은 심신을 안정시키고 공기를 정화해주는 효과가 있다. 산세비에리아의 인기가 식을 줄 모르는 것이나, 원예치료가 각광받는 것은 이와 무관하지 않다. 보통 겨울철엔 여름철에 비해 최고 25배까지 실내 공기가 오염되는데, 이럴 때일수록 녹색 식물의 존재 가치가 커질 수밖에 없다. 농촌진흥청 화훼과 김광진 박사는 “환기 횟수가 줄고 난방으로 실내가 건조해지는 겨울철에는 24시간 내내 공기를 정화하고 습도를 조절하는 식물들의 역할이 더욱 중요하다”며 “식물을 놓으면 습도를 최대 10% 더 끌어올릴 수 있다”고 말했다.

산소 배출보단 유해물질 제거

많은 사람들이 일상의 90% 이상을 실내에서 보낸다. 따라서 실내 공기가 오염된 공간에 노출되면 아토피성 피부염, 비염·천식 등 호흡기 질환에 걸리기 쉽다. 김 박사는 “식물들은 광합성 과정에서 인체에 유해한 포름알데히드, 톨루엔, 자일렌 등 휘발성 유기화합물을 흡수해 공기를 정화시킨다”며 “반면 산소 배출이나 전자파 차단 효과는 현재까지 과학적으로 증명된 데이터가 없다”고 말했다.

발암물질로 알려진 포름알데히드는 실내 곳곳에 널리 분포돼 있는 대표적인 독소다. 쓰레기봉투, 종이 타월, 미용 티슈, 직물, 주름 영구처리 의류, 카펫 뒷면, 바닥마감재, 가구, 전자제품, 접착제 등 많은 소비재에 포함돼 있다. 또 가스레인지를 사용하거나, 담배를 피워도 포름알데히드가 배출된다. <실내식물이 사람을 살린다>를 쓴 손기철 건국대 생명환경과학대학 교수는 “인도고무나무, 헤데라, 벤저민 고무나무 등은 실내 먼지를 없애는 데 효과적”이라며 “실내 면적의 2~3%만 식물을 두어도 실내 먼지가 20%가량 감소한다”고 말했다.

식물은 잎 뒷면에 있는 기공을 통해 증산작용을 해서 물을 배출한다. 결과적으로 습도도 높이고, 인체에 유용한 음이온도 배출하는 것. 음이온은 자율신경 진정, 불면증 감소, 신진대사 촉진, 혈액 정화, 세포기능 활성화, 혈색 회복 등을 돕는 것으로 알려져 있다. 김 박사는 “잎이 크거나, 증산작용이 활발한 허브식물이나 이끼류가 음이온 배출량이 많다”고 말했다.

3.3㎡(1평)당 식물 1개 적당

식물마다 흡수하는 유해물질의 종류와 양이 다르다. 다양한 종류의 식물을 함께 기르는 것이 권장된다. 식물 가운데서는 잎이 크고, 잔뿌리가 많은 것이 좋다. 잔뿌리 주변에 있는 미생물의 유해물질 제거 효과가 뛰어나기 때문이다. 김 박사는 “낮에는 잎과 뿌리의 유해물질 제거 비율이 52%와 48%로 비슷하지만, 밤에는 뿌리 주변에 있는 미생물이 유해물질의 대부분을 제거한다”고 설명했다.

화분 표면에 모래보다는 자갈, 자갈 대신 이끼를 깔면 공기정화 효과를 더 높일 수 있다. 자갈은 굵고 큰 것이 좋고, 이끼는 죽은 것보다 살아 있는 것이 더 좋다. 일례로, 화분에 부처손(셀라지넬라)을 깔면 40%까지 효과를 끌어올릴 수 있다. 김 박사는 “화분의 흙이 굳어져 가라앉았거나 식물의 크기에 비해 화분이 작으면 공기정화 능력이 떨어진다”며 적절한 분갈이를 강조했다.

공기 정화를 위해 실내에서 식물은 얼마나 필요할까? 전문가들은 3.3m²(1평)당 식물 1개 정도면 공기 정화 효과가 충분하다고 본다. 김 박사는 “100m²(30평대) 아파트 거실 크기인 20m²(6~7평)를 감안하면, 1m가 넘는 식물 3.6개가 적당하다”고 조언했다. 손 교수는 “실내 구조에 따라 차이가 있겠지만, 방 면적의 7~8%로 식물을 배치할 것”을 권했다.

공기정화식물은 식물의 특성과 장소의 목적과 용도에 따라 배치를 다르게 하면 더 효과적이다. 거실에는 유해물질 제거 효과가 뛰어난 아레카야자, 인도고무나무, 산호수, 보스턴고사리 등을 두면 좋다. 침실엔 선인장, 호접란 등 밤에 광합성을 하는 식물이 적당하고, 공부방에는 음이온 방출 효과와 기억력 향상에 도움을 주는 팔손이나무, 필로덴드론, 로즈메리 등이 제격이다. 일산화탄소가 많이 배출되는 주방엔 스킨답서스가, 화장실 냄새 제거엔 관음죽이 적당하다. 김 박사는 “사무실 책상 위에 조그마한 화분을 놓는 것만으로도 건강을 챙길 수 있다”고 말했다.

김미영 기자

Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 Top-Paying Companies

10 Top-Paying Companies

by Milton Moskowitz
Friday, January 22, 2010
provided by

Senior account execs at take home an average $249,607 total compensation annually. See which other Best Companies to Work For offer big paychecks.

1. Baker Donelson


Courtesy of Baker Donelson

Average total pay: $319,779
For: Shareholder*
Best companies rank: 77

This Memphis-based law firm is making quite a debut this year as a Best Company to Work For: It's already leaped to the top of our highest-paid list.

The firm's 279 "shareholder" attorneys -- equivalent to partners elsewhere -- earn salaries averaging more than $300,000 a year, and that's before a nearly 20 grand bonus.

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But it's not just the legal eagles who are well-compensated. Legal secretaries average a little under $50,000 a year, $1,400 higher than local market average, according to Baker Donelson; paralegals earn $2,600 more than the average of $56,760. And all staffers on board at least a year are eligible for a bonus of 2% of salary.

The firm also likes to bring staff together. Day begins with The Daily Docket, a 10- to 15-minute huddle of lawyers and staff in 10-person teams to update everyone on what's going on. There are three ground rules: 1) Start on time. 2) Finish on time. 3) Don't try to solve problems.



Courtesy of

Average total pay: $249,607
For: Senior Account Executive*
Best companies rank: 43's focus on cloud computing -- its software helps companies manage sales and customer relationships online -- has helped it keep revenue growth sky-high. Sales, which have been increasing about 20% a year, topped $1 billion last year.

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That leads to lofty pay for employees as well. The San Francisco-based company sets pay levels above market, and every employee is bonus-eligible under a "mahalo plan" (mahalo is Hawaiian for thank you). The more you make, the higher the bonus target: For senior managers, it's 15% of pay, for directors it's 20%.

"We have to save the customer from Microsoft, Oracle and SAP," rails CEO Marc Benioff in his 2009 book, "Behind the Cloud." To keep employees motivated for the crusade, the Salesforce gives stock options and restricted stock awards to a wide range of staff, and regularly enhances perks. One recent addition: $5,000 for adoption aid.

3. Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe


Courtesy of Orrick

Average total pay: $245,206
For: Associate*
Best companies rank: 95

The recession hit this corporate law firm hard: For the first time in its 147-year history, Orrick had to resort to layoffs last year. The firm ended up cutting 130 attorneys and 235 staffers (though all got severance and outplacement help). And Orrick's overall Best Companies rank slipped to 95, down from 87 last year.

But its status among the top-paying Best Companies stayed firmly at third place again this year. And no wonder: Non-partner lawyers average a hefty $201,000 annually, plus a $44,000 bonus.

The firm even rewards attorneys who don't want to pursue the traditional partner track. This year they are installing a new three-track model that includes long-term opportunities for lawyers who don't want to become partners at all. For some, flexibility is the best compensation of all.

4. Bingham McCutchen


Courtesy of Bingham McCutchen

Average total pay: $233,800
For: Associate*
Best companies rank: 12

Despite the recession, this merger-happy corporate law firm brought Washington, D.C.-based McKee Nelson into its fold last summer, adding 120 lawyers to its U.S. roster.

They join a team of associates that enjoys some of the highest paychecks for law firms on this list. They earn, on average, a base salary of $211,900 plus bonus of $21,900. The perks aren't bad, either: Employees at its Boston, New York and Washington, D.C., offices can lunch at subsidized cafes. Associates can take 14 weeks off at full pay for maternity or paternity leave, and get emergency backup care for their kids or elderly parents.

Like many law firms, Bingham was hit hard by the recession as client work started to dry up. But bankruptcy work increased, so the firm transferred some lawyers to those projects. It wasn't enough: In early 2009, Bingham froze salaries and laid off 16 attorneys and 23 staffers. In an e-mail to employees, the firm's chairman said he "deeply regretted that anyone within our tightly knit community had to lose a job."

5. Devon Energy


Courtesy of Devon Engery Corp.

Average total pay: $187,819
For: Engineer*
Best companies rank: 20

More than 50,000 people apply for jobs at this Oklahama City-based oil and gas producer every year, attracted by a rich package of pay and benefits that includes one of the strongest retirement plans in American business: Devon funds 401(k) plans with anywhere from 8% to 22% of pay, depending on employee match and how long they've worked there. Performance bonuses average more than 15% of pay.

Another attraction: the company's unrelenting emphasis on doing the right thing, expressed in a mission statement called "The Devon Way." The company promises employees: "We will not have hidden agendas and we will not manipulate people." Says one employee: "I feel it is an honor to work for a company with such a high standard of ethics and values."

6. Alston & Bird


Courtesy of Alston + Bird

Average total pay: $185,938
For: Associate*
Best companies rank: 30

2009 wasn't Alston & Bird's best year: The Atlanta law firm laid off 14 attorneys and 38 staffers. Associates saw their average annual pay drop by about $17,000.

Still, merit bonuses have increased the past two years: Hourly workers can receive up to 9% of pay, supervisors up to 20%, and senior managers a whopping 35% of pay.

Plus, the 117-year-old firm maintained a family-friendly benefit package that includes 90 days of paid leave for new mothers and adoptive parents, 15 days' paid paternity leave, $7,000 adoption aid and on-site child care.

7. Perkins Coie


Courtesy of Perkins Coie

Average total pay: $183,376
For: Associate*
Best companies rank: 75

Lawyers at this Seattle-based firm work with big-name clients like Boeing, Microsoft, and Starbucks.

But as corporate work started to dry up with the worsening recession, the firm made cutbacks to try to avoid layoffs. It froze associate and staffer pay and trimmed partner salaries 10%. In the end, though, it cut 12 attorneys and 26 staff members.

Still, the firm's policy is to pay at market levels in all locations. Full-time employees get 100% coverage for medical and dental insurance premiums. Everyone gets an end-of-year bonus: 5% of pay. Employees who bike to work get a new benefit: $20 a month reimbursement. And animal lovers can get discounted pet insurance.

8. EOG Resources


Courtesy of EOG Resources

Average total pay: $170,175
For: Software Engineer*
Best companies rank: 61

Civic-minded employees can pay it forward at this Silicon Valley high-tech outfit: They can take up to five paid days off a year to work at a nonprofit (until last year, the maximum was one day off a year). Those who prefer to donate money can get their charitable contributions matched dollar for dollar up to $20,000.

The company -- it makes devices that connect servers with storage centers --- sets base pay at or above the industry median, and then piles on generous bonuses linked to performance. When they're hired, employees receive restricted stock units. Then they're awarded more units each year -- the better Brocade's doing, the more it gives out. Employees can also buy Brocade stock at a 15% discount.

9. Arnold & Porter


Courtesy of Arnold & Porter

Average total pay: $171,074
For: Associate*
Best companies rank: 65

Employees looking to escape the typical law-firm pressure cooker might find Arnold & Porter's generous leave policies appealing: Staffers can take up to 18 weeks' paid maternity or adoption leave, and new dads or anyone who needs to take care of a seriously ill family member can take six weeks off with full pay.

Meanwhile, attorneys who just want to take a break for any reason can take an unpaid three-year leave of absence as long as they're in good standing; the Washington, D.C.-based firm will even pay their bar dues while they're away.

Arnold & Porter keeps an eye on industry surveys to make sure attorney salaries compare favorably to rival local firms. After two years on board, employees can enroll in a 401(k) plan; the firm contributes 7.5% of pay. Seniority is rewarded with every five-year anniversary: Employees are recognized at an awards ceremony and get bonuses ranging from $300 to $3,000.

10. Brocade Communications Systems


Courtesy of Brocade Communications

Average total pay: $187,819
For: Engineer*
Best companies rank: 20

More than 50,000 people apply for jobs at this Oklahama City-based oil and gas producer every year, attracted by a rich package of pay and benefits that includes one of the strongest retirement plans in American business: Devon funds 401(k) plans with anywhere from 8% to 22% of pay, depending on employee match and how long they've worked there. Performance bonuses average more than 15% of pay.

Another attraction: the company's unrelenting emphasis on doing the right thing, expressed in a mission statement called "The Devon Way." The company promises employees: "We will not have hidden agendas and we will not manipulate people." Says one employee: "I feel it is an honor to work for a company with such a high standard of ethics and values."

*Most common salaried job

Friday, January 22, 2010

European Athletes.

Truth is that Europeans dominate most likely every international sport that there is and we Americans hate it but it's the truth!
If you check the medal table of the Olympics, you will notice Europe win in every Olympic games as a whole (continent) over 70% of medals in both summer and winter olympics!
They dominate almost every major international sport as soccer , cycling, Rugby , cricket ,hockey , tennis , auto and motor sports , boxing and real wrestling not the fake one!

Why do you think in America we have created our national sports as American football,baseball,WWE (fake wrestling) NASCAR that none plays internationally but only us the Americans,did you ever wonder?
Answer is simple,cause we suck in international competition and the biggest evidence?
In basketball our national sport which made us proud in international level,we kept losing to Euros every big international competition from 1998 until 2006,we won again in 2008 after a dramatic final against Spain!Plus NBA is 20% European players now and is expected to reach 40% European/international players by 2021!

Euros are great in sports and we are afraid to admit it here!


If Euros get interested in NFL and MLB and start to play these 2 sports as well , see what happens in the next 10 years!They will dominate these 2 as well!

USA is dominating the sporting world?Ewwwwwwwwww,my man do you focus in our sports only don't you?Cause i see all you talk is baseball and American (even the world says it that we only play it) football!
Like i said let Euros starting play these 2 sports as well and see what happens in less than 10 years!
Have you notice what have happened to boxing the last 15 years that Euros became professionals for first time?
They have dominate boxing completely my friend!
If Euros get interested in NFL and MLB and start to play these 2 sports as well , see what happens in the next 10 years!They will dominate these 2 as well!;_ylt=AkQHgi_IHWtRld0gq1lyrynsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100121191134AAqYER7&show=7#profile-info-peCO7RjWaa

Thursday, January 21, 2010

꾸준히 운동해도 오래 앉아있으면 ‘꽝’

문화닷컴 홈 > 국제 > 국제일반 뒤로가기
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스크랩 돌려보기 프린트

랭키닷컴1위 유전자검사업체, 법원촉탁유전자검사연구소, ...
꾸준히 운동해도 오래 앉아있으면 ‘꽝’
비만·당뇨·심장질환 등 위험

정기적으로 운동을 해도 오랫동안 앉아있을 경우 건강에 치명적일 수 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

20일 스웨덴 캐롤린스카연구소 연구팀과 스포츠건강과학학교는 ‘영국 스포츠의학’ 저널을 통해 장시간 앉아있는 것과 비만, 당뇨병, 심장질환 등의 질병간에 밀접한 관련이 있으며 사망 위험 또한 높아지는 것으로 나타났다고 밝혔다. 이 같은 현상은 정기적으로 운동하는 사람이라도 장시간 앉아있을 경우 비슷하게 나타났다.

이번에 나온 예비 보고서와 관련, 스웨덴 스포츠건강과학학교의 엘린 에크브롬 바크 교수는 “앉아있는 시간이 4시간을 넘어가면 몸이 해로운 신호를 보내기 시작한다”며 “몸에서 포도당과 지방의 양을 조절하는 유전자가 작동을 멈추기 때문으로 보인다”고 설명했다.

연구팀은 추가 연구를 통해 장시간 앉아있는 것이 건강에 어떻게 해가 되는지를 보다 면밀하게 규명할 계획이라고 AP통신은 전했다.

연구진은 전신 근육을 사용하지 않는 시간을 줄이기 위해 연속적으로 앉아있는 업무를 해야 할 경우 5분이라도 틈을 내 사무실 주위를 걷고, 승강기나 에스컬레이터를 타는 대신 계단을 오를 것을 조언했다. 가까운 상점 등에는 차를 타는 대신 걸어서 가라고 충고했다.

앞서 빅토리아대 심장 및 당뇨병 연구소 등 호주 연구팀이 발표한 연구 결과에 따르면 TV 앞에 1시간 더 앉아 있는 여성들은 자신의 운동량과 상관없이 당뇨병과 대사증후군 발병 위험이 26% 가량 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 하루에 4시간 이상 TV시청을 하면 2시간 미만 시청하는 사람보다 심혈관 질환으로 사망할 확률이 80% 높았다.


기사 게재 일자 2010-01-21

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

11 Minutes of Action


Football fans everywhere are preparing to settle in for the NFL's biggest and most electric weekend of the season—a four-game playoff marathon that will swallow up at least 12 hours of broadcast time over two days.

But here's something even dedicated students of the game may not fully appreciate: There's very little actual football in a football game.

Photo illustration: Jeff Mangiat, photos, Getty Images (2), Associated Press (cheerleader), NFL (replay)
According to a Wall Street Journal study of four recent broadcasts, and similar estimates by researchers, the average amount of time the ball is in play on the field during an NFL game is about 11 minutes.

In other words, if you tally up everything that happens between the time the ball is snapped and the play is whistled dead by the officials, there's barely enough time to prepare a hard-boiled egg. In fact, the average telecast devotes 56% more time to showing replays.

So what do the networks do with the other 174 minutes in a typical broadcast? Not surprisingly, commercials take up about an hour. As many as 75 minutes, or about 60% of the total air time, excluding commercials, is spent on shots of players huddling, standing at the line of scrimmage or just generally milling about between snaps. In the four broadcasts The Journal studied, injured players got six more seconds of camera time than celebrating players. While the network announcers showed up on screen for just 30 seconds, shots of the head coaches and referees took up about 7% of the average show.

If you think the networks are a little too fond of cheerleaders, you may be mistaken: In these broadcasts, only two networks showed cheerleaders at all. And when they did, they were only on camera for an average of three seconds. "We make it a point to get Dallas cheerleaders on, but otherwise, it's not really important," says Fred Gaudelli, NBC's Sunday Night Football producer. "If we're doing the Jets, I couldn't care less."

Football—at least the American version—is the rare sport where it's common for the clock to run for long periods of time while nothing is happening. After a routine play is whistled dead, the clock will continue to run, even as the players are peeling themselves off the turf and limping back to their huddles. The team on offense has a maximum of 40 seconds after one play ends to snap the ball again. A regulation NFL game consists of four quarters of 15 minutes each, but because the typical play only lasts about four seconds, the ratio of inaction to action is approximately 10 to 1. (At the end of a game, if one team has a lead and wants to prevent the other team from scoring again, standing around and letting the clock run down becomes a bona fide strategy).

For broadcasters, filling these idle moments is always a unique challenge. Ken Crippen, the executive director of the Professional Football Researchers Association, who has a collection of broadcasts that date back to the 1930s, says most early telecasts showed a constant feed of the field with a few shots of the scoreboard for variety. "It was basically just constant, live action," he says.

Things began to change in the mid-1960s, when instant replay became commonplace. By the 1970s, broadcast crews had expanded to an average of eight cameras and three production trucks, a number that has only continued to grow. Mr. Gaudelli says that by the 1990s, some football broadcasts showed about 100 replays per game.

In the past decade, regular-season football telecasts have evolved into major productions that can cost between $150,000 and $250,000. Networks say they have anywhere from 80 to 200 people on hand per game with dozens of cameras. (NBC says its broadcasts require seven production trucks.) Producers say all this technology has made it easier to show shots of wacky fans, demonstrative coaches on the sidelines and video segments prepared before the game.

The result is that broadcasters have so many options that they have to spend a lot more time planning what to show—and what not to. Lance Barrow, CBS's lead football-game producer, says his crew meets for several hours with players and coaches from the home and road teams in the two days before kickoff just to prepare material to present during dead time. In August, Bill Brown, a senior football producer for Fox, says he met with about 100 colleagues at a conference center in New York to prepare the network's game plan for the season.

News Hub: NFL Games Lack Real Action
How much football is actually shown (and played) during the average football telecast? The answer, based on a frame-by-frame analysis of four games is an average of 10 minutes and 43 seconds. WSJ's David Biderman reports.
According to Mr. Brown, there are often so many graphics and fillers at his crew's disposal that they've had to take pains to make sure they don't commit what he describes as the "mortal sin" of football broadcasting: missing a snap. "That's absolutely a jarring thought," Mr. Brown says.

For this study, The Journal broke down every frame of the broadcasts for four games on four networks on one weekend in late December. These included games between the Buffalo Bills and Atlanta Falcons on CBS, the Green Bay Packers and Seattle Seahawks on Fox, the Dallas Cowboys and Washington Redskins on NBC and the Chicago Bears and Minnesota Vikings on ESPN. Each shot in every broadcast was timed and logged in one of 22 categories.

In this sample of games, the networks showed some significant differences. ESPN showed 24 minutes worth of replays in its game, which was 41% more than the average of the other three networks. Jay Rothman, ESPN's senior coordinating producer for Monday Night Football, attributes this to the presence of Minnesota's star quarterback, Brett Favre. Mr. Favre, he says, is a "move-the-meter guy," who warrants a lot of extra attention.

In its game, NBC devoted more than twice as much time to nongame video packages as its competitors (decades-old pictures of John Madden with his wife, anyone?). CBS devoted 40 seconds to showing Atlanta's kicker, Matt Bryant, warming up to make a kick, which was more time than the other three networks devoted to kickers combined. (The kick was blocked).

In its game, Fox showed about 37% fewer replays than the other networks. Fox also showed about 16% more shots than the other networks of players on the sidelines.

When it comes to showing the cheerleaders, CBS won the day with about seven seconds. NBC had just over four seconds, and Fox and ESPN had no cheerleaders whatsoever. "Cheerleaders are bigger in college," says Mr. Brown of Fox, who notes that NFL cheerleaders from the visiting teams don't travel to road games and aren't as ingrained in the game as they are in college. "It's not that we don't like them," adds ESPN's Mr. Rothman. "They're just not our motivation."

What's in a Game?

Click here for sortable charts to see how every minute is accounted for in a sampling of four recent NFL games on different networks.

The real test for any football-broadcast crew is what they do in a blowout. In cases like these, producers say they have no choice but to stray from on-field action. In the second quarter of the CBS game, for instance, the Bills and Falcons only managed to score three points. In that time, there were 88 shots of off-field elements, including 31 shots (186 seconds) where the cameras were trained on the two teams' coaches. That was 54% more than the average amount in any other quarter in that game.

When the Cowboys-Redskins game flagged in the second half, NBC turned to the activities of Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and Redskins owner Daniel Snyder—both of whom were sitting in their luxury boxes. Together, they got about eight seconds of air time in the first and second quarters when the game was close and more than 55 seconds in the third and fourth when the Cowboys had things firmly in hand.

The most surprising finding of The Journal's study—that the average game has just 10 minutes and 43 seconds of actual playing time—has been corroborated by other researchers. In November 1912, Indiana University's C.P. Hutchins, the school's director of physical training, observed a game, stopwatch in hand, between two independent teams. He counted 13 minutes, 16 seconds of play. During last week's Wild Card games, Mr. Crippen, the football researcher, dissected the broadcasts and found about 13 minutes, 30 seconds of action.

But while the game itself hasn't changed much, there's no question the broadcasts have evolved quickly.

Mr. Gaudelli of NBC, who has broadcast football games since 1990, says the good old days weren't always so good. "I tell our production assistants who are in their 20s that they should have to learn how to edit like we did when men were men," he says.

Write to David Biderman at

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pele or Michael Jordan: Who Had The Greatest Impact?

Featured Columnist
Michael Jordan Or Pele: Who Had The Greatest Impact?
by Dan Wade

In an article I published earlier, I took a beating for insinuating that Pele had a greater impact on world sports than Michael Jordan.

Jordan has a lot going for him, most of which doesn't need to be rehashed. He has the most recognizable silhouette in the world, rewrote the NBA record book and brought basketball to the world stage. He may be the most dominant athlete of all time, though Tiger Woods may steal that title from him when all is said and done.

Even in the face of Jordan's incredible accomplishments, I'm standing by Pele; there are two major reasons why.

First, Pele had a more difficult job than Jordan did in establishing himself as the world's premier player.

While Jordan became the face of basketball worldwide, for all intents and purposes he was bringing a new and different sport. At the very least, he was bringing to the fore what most of the world was ignoring.

Pele broke onto the world stage at just 17. He came from humble roots playing Joga Bonito and stole the spotlight. Even though everyone who saw him play already had preconceived notions on how football should be played. He overcame these stodgy fans and turned heads.

Pele was the consensus best player in the world even as he was reinventing the world's game; His name is synonymous with style and grace. He even was voted the Athlete of the Century by the IOC.

But Pele didn't simply fade into oblivion when he left the game he loved.

The second reason Pele's impact on world sports is greater than Michael Jordan's is what Pele did after he could no longer make opposing defenders look like they were wearing lead boots.

Since his football career ended, a career which included nearly saving the NASL, Pele has won lifetime achievement awards, been knighted, and been appointed to an ambassadorship by the UN.

Sir Edison Arantes do Nascimento KBE has also been appointed to a post in the Brazilian government and has actually cracked down on corruption in the domestic leagues.

Its no knock on Jordan that he hasn't done much since retiring besides kill the Wizards and Bobcats, and I mean that. Athletes spend so much of their life in the public eye, if they want to step out of it when they retire, more power to them.

Pele's decision to use his fame for causes to which he is committed is just another piece of his legend.

And even get me started on their movie careers. Victory or Space Jam? No question.

I've got nothing against Jordan, I grew up watching him and being amazed at everything he did. The man is one of the most mentally tough people to ever play any sport, he had a competitive fire like no one else, to say nothing of his unparalleled talent.

However, Pele matched him in skill level, completely redefined his game, and stayed active in the world long after he quit football.

I'm willing to hear why Jordan is the best player in sports ever, but it'll take some serious skill to pull me off Pele's side.

Just a note: don't bring up the 1992 Dream Team. Yes, Jordan featured heavily on that squad, but the gold was in the bag long before he signed up. Its like being the point guard on the Harlem Globetrotters: its important, but the team is going to win regardless.


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jb posted over 1 year ago
Well done sir!

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Michael Griffin posted over 1 year ago
Good article, but I do think that these two are perhaps the most important sports men ever, in terms of breaking racial grounds.

two world class athletes like jordan and pele proved that it really doesn't matter what colour you are, you can stil be the best. and the fans were the ones to accept it.

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gem asdani posted over 1 year ago
I say that the two living legends should have their impact compared EXCLUSIVELY on Movies:

Jordan: Space Jam starring Danny Devito and Wayne Knight

Aliens called Nerdlucks arrive on Earth to capture the Looney Tunes characters and take them back to Moron Mountain, an outer space theme park belonging to their boss, Mr. Swackhammer, voiced by Danny DeVito as the theme park is in need of a new attraction. Bugs Bunny convinces the aliens that the Looney Tunes must be allowed to defend themselves. Since the aliens are very short the Looney Tunes challenge them to a basketball game.

Pele: Escape to Victory starring Sylvester Stallone and Michael Caine

The film was inspired by the true story of Dynamo Kyiv's players, who defeated German soldiers while Ukraine was occupied by German troops in World War II. According to myth, as a result of their victory, the Ukrainians were all shot. The true story is considerably more complex, as the team played a series of matches against German teams, emerging victorious in all of them, before finally being sent to prison camps by the Gestapo. Most of the team were killed there, but a few survived.

I've seen them and obviously Victory is better. Space Jam has bugs bunny in it so its more for kids, while Victory has nazis getting their asses handed to them by Pele with Rambo in goal.

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gem asdani posted over 1 year ago
ON a serious note, in terms of overall impact on developing their sports, its hard to say. Jordan really made basketball popular around the world with his skillful play, but football was already the world's dominant sport before Pele. What Pele did was show the world how the game should be played, like the London times said after his third World Cup "How do you spell Pelé?' G-O-D". Since then kids everywhere have dreamed about becoming him and standing in front of a billion viewers to become the next god of football. What Jordan did was show the game of basketball to the world and all its glory, he literally transformed the NBA single-handedly into a globally recognized brand. His individual achievements in the game will be unmatched for a long time. Hard to say whose had the bigger impact.

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j. good posted over 1 year ago
I would simply put it like this; Though each from different sides of the spectrum. Who is the most recognizable- if you were to put both of them in a room that could be seen by everyone in the WORLD, who do you think more people would recognize? I believe most everyone wouldn't hesitate to say-MJ is that you? There are probably far more people that wouldn't even know who the "other" guy was. Just sayin'...facts are facts.

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Sol Cameron posted about 1 year ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! LMFAO!!! Oh man your commet had me rolling!!!! No offence but that statement just highlights well known American (I'm makin an educated guess and presume ur American or at least have spent most of ur life in america) self-indulgance and naivete of other world cultures. You presume because MJ was such a marketing phenomenon who's endorsement of various products made him known the world over that he must be more famous than pele. What u obviously don't understand is what a phenomenon that the sport of football is (exemplified by the sort of pedestals it's idols a placed on eg. in argentina there's a church in honor of football legend maradona!). Basketball may get there but it's still a long way off. To explain wud require me to go into too much detail so ill say this. as a little boy growing up in an unassuming Carribean island u asked me who was MJ and i cud tell u he was a famous american. ask me who was pele and i cud tell u hes the greatest football player who ever lived; n mj was in his prime when i was a young kid while pele had been retired some 20 yrs earlier!

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Hong Jae posted just now
Michael Jordan is not as popular in the world.

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Spenser T. Harrison posted over 1 year ago
Muhammed Ali & Jackie Robinson

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S B posted over 1 year ago
Ali and who?

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